I am in...so much pain.
Under no circumstances does any show, let alone Degrassi, need a forty-five fucking episode season. This is madness. I do not need fleshed out storylines for the likes of Mo, or KC and Jenna's abandoned white trash baby. The only possible explanation here is that Degrassi is pure trolling. I'm convinced. I know it to be true. I don't want to admit it, due to my trauma-based PTSD that I got from lending my eyes and ears to what is clearly a goof-inspired medium for energy harvesting, but it's honestly master class levels of trolling. But what if Degrassi is NOT trolling? And they, with this shit, are being entirely serious? Is it horrifying, or just Canadian? I think the worst thing is my refusal to walk away. Degrassi has done so many terrible things and yet here I remain. I mean, in this season alone they introduce Tristan and Zig. Yet I continue to not run away screaming. Why is that? I think it's mental illness.

The season begins, not joking, with Sav getting himself into an entanglement with Keke Palmer. The famous person. Not Keke playing a character. But actual Keke Palmer the celebrity and meme.
Sav has no idea who Keke Palmer is, so we can infer that he has never seen True Jackson VP, nor Madea's Family Reunion.
I guess it checks out.
How truly ghetto and white trash tragic can KC and Jenna be? At a Keke Palmer concert instead of at home taking care of their kid Doug or whatever his name is. Please go home and take care of your fucking baby you albino swine.
Honestly Bianca and Drew are super cute but Degrassi won't let them be gr8
Remember when......Bianca murdered a guy????????
Me on like ep 3 of this season already completely fucking breaking down
Owen's eyebrows
God is Good sometimes. She truly delivers on time, some of the time.
Degrassi tried to do something w/ this trans bathroom rights storyline but honestly I could not stop laughing. Why are they both watching the other take a piss? This show does not have, nor has it ever had, the range.
When Dave protested trans' rights by dressing up as Madea
When they had Anya up in the club doing coke. Does Degrassi thinx it's Skins? Nice try.
When Connor got suspended for stealing panties and the show banished him for like the entire rest of the season. I will kill all of you.
Me abandoning my white trash baby. I just remembered they named it Ty.
WHO was asking for a Meredith (what is her name? Katie!) and Drew pairing? Literally no one. They have no chemistry and it honestly pains me to watch them interact in their scenes. In what planet would some tight ass like Katie be interested in a dumb jock like Drew? It makes zero sense. And this show had the audacity to have Katie (rightfully) drag Clare for being a drama queen but then also write for Katie to actively seek out her own dramatic storylines make it make sense no don't because you can't.
When Eli set fire to the stage. Or. I don't remember what he did tbh. I started watching this season in like July? And only just finished and it's November. I have no idea what happened in the earlier episodes and I am thankful for the swiss cheese disaster that is my rapidly deteriorating brain for saving me from the memory :)
When Dave's dad was like "So this is your gf?" with disgust and confusion. Oh, also, apparently Ali had some random poker or gambling addiction. Why is this one of the several plotlines they keep recycling? Degrassi writers these are fifteen year old kids ur writing about not your lesbian grandmother with a record.
This is worse than Jimmy and Blue's art combined
Anya randomly joining the Army. There is no way she would ever be accepted into anyone's Army. Not even the Canadian army, where I assume all the recruits just sit around all day hugging and knitting sweaters.
Chantay finally graduating hahlayloo!
Oh I 4got Holly had like a whole kidney thing? And a Surprise! ur adopted! storyline. This season was literally twenty million episodes. I'm going thru it.
Why is Dave's fitted so big..
I know Vince is the scary boogie man. And also like a rapist???? But he is so swaggy and I love his gangster character eventho the actor looks like one of those kids who'd wear black nail polish and be down at the skate park with a flat ironed mullet lol.
I ship it
Vince doing the most. He really pulled up to a hiskool dance and got his ass beat by a dude who'd been doing karate for like a handful of weeks lmao Degrassi shoulda never been made
Chile, Ms. O (not Degrassi just blatantly recycling this character as a woman this time like at least try to change the name smh) and Sav having a romance. First of all: gross.
That's it.
This school is fucking get-toe. Okay!
Clare and Jake make me sick. It's not even that they're step siblings. Wait, maybe it's that. Idk, they're just...too white lmao. At least Eli has black hair to make it not so sickening when he be kissing on Clare lmao save me plz I'm begging you
Now why did Degrassi not just make Angie a character? Who is this Tory broad? For no reason. They could've even made her be Manny's sister? Idk, I don't understand. But I think Tory is gone next season and praise the Lord.
Why can't Degrassi not be a piece of shit? A couple like Marisol and Eyebrows could actually be cute and make sense? But no they put my girl w/ Mo's ugly ass and Owen with that crackhead Anya.
Degrassi is a h8r, period.
Classic trash Steele Sisters crying scenes lol
Me literally dying. When will this nightmare end.
So Tristan is Owen's brother. Not Terry's which would make way more sense. I will kill Degrassi.
Me throwing a used tissue into Tristan's face
U guise remember when KB and Grenna had that baby lol
Not Katie stealing her MS-suffering mom's crucial medication just so she can make some basic Canadian soccer team. Not that.
Please stop. I'm BEGGING you.
I cannot believe Jenna threw away her baby just so she could have more time to continue to make that trash ass music. I honestly cannot breathe this is so fucking funny to me.
Girl, me
Me about to beat these kids' asses wit a hoe
If it's one thing Jenna's gon' do, she gon' steal your man.
Me calling Mo fat.
Is it just me or is Eli so much cuter and fresher away from Clare? This isn't even a good pic lol but I just noticed he looks so fresh and not as try hardy emo when he's with Fifi and Imogen. I know partly that's because of his new diet and exercise regimen but also he is in such a better place and Fiona and Imogen are nowhere near as energy draining as Clare, and those girls are both a mess, so that just tells you how trash Clare is. #dragClareblog
Me laughing @ Degrassi's audacity to give Mo lines
I honestly thought this weird bitch Clare met off the street was gonna turn out to be like a human trafficker or some shit. Degrassi goes full Canadian and reveals to me why this lady and her halfway house full of abandoned, wayward teens were creeping me all the way out: Marijuana!!
Why did Clare throw her phone into that fish tank? That can't be good for them? She is so #toxic I swear
Connor sitting in the chair like that has me
Eli + Imogen are seriously so cute 2gether. Degrassi allowed them to date for ONE DAY. Pitiful. Now Eli tryna get back up under Clare like y'all really want me 2 cum over there and burn all this shit to the ground.
KC and Konrad are so tall and big now u guys remember when they were little niner babies omg :'(
Me looking @ pics of Fiona <3
Lmao when KC + Jenna had their white trash fight in the middle of class about how they abandoned their baby ngjnvoimfkm wtf is Jenna wearing I'm
When Eli's crazy ass broke into casa del coyne and fiona and imogen were armed with a fucking umbrella and lamp <33
How does Dave get girls?
I'm Dave's crooked hairline (the Canadian Special?)
Y'all can't convince me Mo's big butt is not racist. First he calls my bby Connor "blind side", then he puts gum in Marisol's hair mhhmm okay
truly me
Me, american
Me continuously checking the time bar every episode and seeing I have more than one second left to go before the endless, horrific nightmare is over
Me when Dave's side piece got ran over by that car lmao
I'm Mariela
What do Dave be wearing. I'm praying season 12 is Dave-free. Maybe I should pray for death instead. Seems like a waste of energy to pray for anything but.
Bianca and Drew are a Degrassi couple that actually makes sense. I cannot believe this show tried to make me care about him and Katie, like I'm genuinely flabbergasted.
When Jake and Mo's lanyards got tangled
Maya's so cute in her hat. 2 bad I don't care about her at all but Degrassi will insist on making her the new Emma/Clare. I'm hurtin'; it's real bad.
When that terrible comedian roasted Dave and Dave got mad and tried to get buck but that unpaid, non-security guard audience member swooped in to protect the comedian and hold Dave back lmao a true embarrassment plz deleet him and finally deliver my iconic lightskin Dallas or I swear 2 god I will SCREAM
*throws up*
girl, same
Me as a Principal not giving a shit and just eating a sandwich
This season summed up as a whole
Fi and Imogen are actually really cute 2gether. I can't wait to see how Degrassi fucks this one up :')
random quotes out of context (4 more pain):
-“just make sure u stock up on condom’s jake this one’s fertile!” (clare)
-”kc um r u sure u’ll have time i mean ur always visiting that baby of urs” (connor!!!)
-"she could be pregnant bro" (drew lachey being his messy self)
-ms o is only 23??? Also is ghetto!!
-eli: i’m not crazy, i’m bipolar! (um)
-”where do i unleash this romance?” (sav) (gross)
-owen: i dont help cokeheads (same)
-”who stole kc from under his babymamas nose? Not me. Ur a shameless homewrecker.” (katie to marisol!!)
-”mo, do u need a lozenge?” (ms o)
-”he’s weird. He wears eyeliner and writes plays” (jake) drag himm
-”since gangmembers went grandtheft auto on ur butt!” (atom)
-i will never understand the power clare edwards has over men (fiona) (mee!)
-”next tyme i c u: pay back” (y doesn’t the gangster just kill them right there and then???)
-mammaries r just another body part (konnor)