Friday, August 16, 2024

What is this gay shit?: Edge of the City (1957)

Why is this movie the most adorable gay romcom for the first hour and then out of nowhere HATE CRIME ENDS IN TRAGEDY?? What is the meaning of this? Whoever's responsible needs to be exploded. They're probably dead already because this movie came out a thousand years ago, so wherever they are I hope it is dark and hot and hellish cuz there's no reason for this at all.

This is sick (complimentary) but the movie itself is sick in a derogatory sense <3

Seeing my favorite goblin Cassavetes in an old timey black and white picture is so bizarre I associate him exclusively with the 70s grime era like it's so uncanny seeing him here why does he look so Abercrombie and clean?

So Cassavetes plays an Army deserter named Axel Nordmann nee Axel North (he also went by Frank at one point during his visits to the bath houses probably). I feel like "Army deserter" probably hit way harder back in the 50s with audiences than it obviously would now. I don't even know if Army desertion is still a thing but I think even if it is ppl would be like um, who cares? I'm pretty sure Axel wasn't even conscripted he voluntarily signed up? I feel like if you voluntarily sign up for the military you should be able to leave whenever you like? But anyway Axel's whole thing is that I guess he's a bad guy because he deserted and because he sortakinda caused an accident that killed his brother? This is like...not a bad guy at all. His worst crime is being a trembling, pathetic bottom but that's not like, illegal or even morally questionable, it's just humiliating. But Axel's dad at one point is telling his wife how they did nothing wrong and are not at fault for how Axel turned out lol and it's like um y'all are literally the only one's responsible? Like, if no1 else is, y'all are. Please keep in mind tho that Axel is like hardly a villain or even a bad boy lol like the worst thing we see him doing is calling his mother with his hand over the speaker also his boyfriend gets murdered and Axel doesn't snitch on his murderer straight away and those things aren't GREAT, but like stop acting like he is Hitler it's getting a little ridickulous

We're first introduced to Tommy Tyler via his off-screen voice calling for Axel to wake up (he fell asleep in the dirt becuz he's a homeless bum??). It's so insanely gentle and romantic I don't even know what to say, it genuinely renders me speechless. And this is how Axel meets the love of his life, like he is so lucky and no offense he didn't deserve Tommy but at the same time he did? Hard 2 explain like Tommy was such a gift to Axel who'd been bullied for being a short king quivering bottom his entire life and here comes this tall, handsome, kindly black gentleman like a dark angel to lift him from his low station and put the spirit back into his bones and Axel is so weak and pathetic you feel like Tommy's essence is such a waste on him but then you're like no this is beautiful but also there's uncomfortable racial implications where Tommy is almost painted as a magical negro~ who has to swoop in and save this weak-by-the-knee, gaping by the butthole, vulnerable little white boy - it's both lushly romantic and deeply sickening

Shipping them straight away which is insane like this is giving meetcute, which I rarely like, and then I also don't love height difference couples typically especially the ones where it's like the big bad mommy protecting her smol widdle son but it's so necessary here. I hate that I love Tommy's protective energy over the useless midget one, cuz again I don't usually fuck with that dynamic and, again, there's weird racial implications present where I feel like I should be protesting or feeling uncomfortable more than shipping like I'm watching some idiotic CW show where everyone is white and has beach waves - like this movie is extremely serious but please how can you look at them and not lose your mind over how perfect they are together (literally any1 sane has no issue doing this??)

Why are Axel and Charlie Malick eyefucking each other at first sight? Axel literally uses his sensual bottom powers to mind control Charlie into giving him a job? (No application, no resume, no prior working history, no drug test, just leather jacket and scared twink vibes). But he never gives up the buss to Charlie and Charlie makes that everyone's problem going forward. Particularly, he makes it Tommy's problem. Please understand this movie handles incredibly sensitive subject matter and is not a joke at all but all I can do is point at the voluptuous racist bully and laugh that he was rejected by the cute new quivering bottom in town like highkey I should be pelted with bricks???

Jack Warden plays like the manager or something of the dock warehouse the main characters are working at. His character Charlie Malick is just straight up racist, which you'd think goes without saying considering the time and where they are working. If a character from this time working down at the docks wasn't racist, that would be the story lol. But Charlie clearly wants to be vocal about it. I think Tommy is also another manager or something at the docks and Charlie says something to him like I remember a time when guys like u (blackies) weren't allowed to work here, or something along those lines and Tommy just smiles and is like "wut kind of guy am i exactly?". Loved this interaction and Tommy's response, which, in retrospect, is kinda making me want to tear my scalp off :)

Charlie responds: "A wise guy" LMAO, he wants to say a slur SO BAD! Him dancing around wanting to shout slurs at Tommy the whole movie is unintentionally funny. I honestly feel like irl Charlie's character would just straight up be saying the n-word every second? Idk lol but obvi as the movie-enjoyer I'm glad they didn't have him doing that because aside from the hate crimeing and murder stuff this is such a cute little movie lmao so it would kind of spoil the good vibes up until you're no longer allowed to be delusional :)

Charlie bullying Axel because he chose the tall dark and handsome black man over a fat gross bullying schlub who possesses the constitution and pallor of an undercooked potato. Be serious, Big Malick.

Tommy already concerned for his man, meanwhile they just met. I'm not joking, they literally just met like two seconds ago and he is already so protective over his little princess. I can't believe their dynamic exists. It's such a shocking romance like not even just for its time, literally if they made this movie today I think the love they have between one another would stun audiences - it is so unique and rare like I really don't even know what to say

This screencap doesn't really capture it but I thought it was really funny how Axel does not seem cut out for this job at all. He's like four feet tall trying to lug these massive barrels around that weigh twice his size it's so cute but he should genuinely be fired lol :')

Tommy sizing up the new twink on the scene *violently shakes my head in distress*

He's literally checking in with him? They don't even know each other?? And honestly if I was Tommy I would just assume every white boy there was racist but he doesn't care he needs to know if his mans is okay like I'm honestly going to kill myself cuz no1's ever gonna love me like this :(

Are you kidding me??? Are y'all seeing this??? (who is y'all no1 is reading this and thank god 4 that smh)

This is their first day of meeting, btw. Tommy offering soup to his new boo cuz he clocks him as a frail sickly little nothing that needs to get his strength up or else he will turn to dust when they get to hunching :')

Tommy insisting he buy Axel a piece of pie really has devastated me. You could tell Axel was uncomfortable and said he could buy his own but Tommy kept insisting it's so lustful and romantic please I would never buy pie for sum1 I literally met less than five seconds ago Tommy is unhinged but it's sooo cute and romantic and making me sick to my stomach :')

It's so insane how they're looking at each other - y'all JUST MET and ARE COMPLETE STRANGERS AND BARELY COWORKERS???

Look how small he is lmao he should not be working there

I ship Tommy and Lil' Axel wholeheartedly and without reservation. That being said, the entire movie I am cringing and just wishing Tommy would mind his business and stop trying to defend and protect and save his little white boy. But like, that's the foundation of their romance: Tommy is Axel's protector. I can't ship them and at the same time wish for Tommy to just ignore his little bean being bullied and pushed around. It's frustrating, is all.

Tommy jokes that Charlie has a black heart and Charlie is so racist and triggered his response is literally I'M the one with the black heart?? lmao like he is literally shaking the entire movie because he can't just shout that Tommy is an n-word with the hardest of Rs lmao

Please I hated this just end me NOW!!!

Tommy makes me feel so sick and small. Obsessed with him stalking down Axel no matter what. Just prior to this scene the bully Charlie basically threatens Axel, tells him not to kick it with Tommy, and Axel's little miniature butt is shaking and scared and you think that he will kowtow to Charlie's demands and so when Tommy rolls up in his car Axel is kind of standoffish and I'm pretty sure he calls Tommy queer and a freak for his constant pursuit of him lmao. I just love that Tommy doesn't play at all. He saw Axel and it was ON SIGHT from day one. That was his man from then on, PERIOD. I can't take this.

*laughing* He's literally shaking like why is this gorgeous black man SO OBSESSED with me :')

So Axel protested for all of one second before changing his mind and quickly giving in totally and entirely to Tommy's love. He just falls right into his eternal embrace. I cannot believe any of this is happening.

Why did for one second I thought the white lady was Tommy's baby mama and was like OH, he has a type lmao

It's just so unbelievable how happy he is to see his man. Mind you, they met YESTERDAY!

Tommy being fake-worried his man wasn't going to show up to work because his back got blown out the day prior due to him being literally three feet tall and twelve pounds expected to push huge crates around that are like ten times his height and size :')

Tommy literally gives Axel a gift his second day of knowing him? He hasn't even tasted the bussy yet. Shit, they haven't even held hands! I'm not joking, this ACTUALLY happens in the movie? And Axel is so...god, he can barely believe it. I feel sick..

I honestly want to cry. Axel is so happy about this secondhand ass gift. God I just want to be DEAD I can't take this

Tommy just straight up proposing to Axel. Known each other for two days, btw. And look at that slob Charlie in the back jealous as ALL HELL!

Staring longingly into each others' eyes. Y'all are AT WORK and have known each other for less time than it takes me to digest a bean burger??

Axel standing up for himself for the first time in his life and it's to assert he's TEAM SWIRL and everything else might be a joke but he is NOT playing about THAT! #perrrrrrrriod!!

This is something that actually happens in the movie: Tommy rolls up in his car to pick Big Ax up 4 work (???) and he like calls up to him at his window and Axel like pokes his little head out and asks if Tommy will get his lunch 4 him? Why is it giving Romeo and Juliet tho??? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPE:NNJNING??!

This is crazy. A grown man teasing his boyfriend by stealing his lunchpail and keeping it away from him and then he started like tossing it around to his other coworkers and they also joined in the game of keep-away and it was like the gayest thing I have ever seen I still can't believe my eyes I can't believe this movie is happening

??? Literally what r u saying to him?

Tommy asking his sweetheart what she does with herself at night. Is this really occurring? I just imagine him at night in bed lying next to HIS PHYSICAL WIFE, wide awake staring up at the ceiling wondering if Axel is in his bed lying next to no1 becuz no1 loves him, wondering the same. This is just so insane + it's not becuz I'm just totally making all of this up!!

Charlie sees Tommy + Axel giggling with each other and immediately begins to shake and tremble with barely contained fury. He DESPISES their love. He is so jealous it'd be funny if he wasn't finna murder over it smh. He sees them happy and immediately launches into throwing out thinly veiled slurs their way lol

LMAO!!! These are the little nicknames Charlie has conjured up for the two wise buddies. His head is about to pop he really can't stand to see them loved up, he doesn't even want them looking at each other but it's super funny how intense and racist and weird he is but it doesn't stop anything and Tommy and Axel carry on about their romance without skipping a beat. This would be so cute if Charlie didn't end up feeling he had to take things to the most extreme level to finally be heard. Anyway jealousy is a disease. Like you can find love too just change everything about yourself inside and out :)

Charlie starts calling Axel "peculiar" as a way to say a slur without saying a slur lol. I think it's supposed to be about Axel being a race-mixer lol but you can also see it as him calling Axel a homo. It really could go either way and honestly I read it as Charlie leveling both accusations his way. I really wish Charlie would just do his job and mind his business - you are not cute enough to hang with the pretty girls, stop embarrassing yourself, accept this, and MOVE.

This makes me feel sick... Axel spilling his tea so Tommy wouldn't think he was being dishonest with him. This is so dangerous but it doesn't even occur to him that Tommy would do something evil with this information. And he just HAS to make sure things stay straight with his man. I just want to be dead :(

Tommy's expression after Axel was honest with him about his real name *holds my breath until my head turns purple and explodes*

This is so crazy... They're literally just on a date?.. This is ACTUALLY HAPPENING I'M NOT SOME DEMENTED WHACKJOB THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS MOVIE ARE!!!

Axel tells Tommy on their date that the only person he's ever romantically loved was his own brother. Ok. Axel asks Tommy if he's ever experienced the love he talks about and Tommy is like yep with my wife :) None of this is real

Tommy smiling ear to ear while his man goes on and on about some whole other dude he used to be and probably still is in love with. But Tommy aint worried about a thang becuz he knows what'shisface is six feet under and can't do shit about Tommy snatching his man. Tommy's can't believe this is my life smile is honestly so haunting and chilling when all the facts are laid out before us.

Me making things weird on the first link up

He is so TUNED IN to Axel on this date. So fascinated. Nothing else exists in the world but Axel at this moment. It's just so insane for any of this to be happening. My fave bits in the movie are when Poitier and Cassavetes are just sat talking and it's like no1 else in the world exists but their two characters. What I don't *love* is that pretty much all of these scenes feel super shortened. Every scene with just the 2 of them talking I feel should be extended at least 5 or 10 minutes. There's straight up one scene where Axel takes Tommy to the park (gay) to talk and it's literally like one second? If this was a 70s grime era movie it'd be like three and a half hours long and most of it would just be weirdly long scenes with Axel and Tommy talking super gay and way too close in some gross bar. NEED THAT CUT!

It's so crazy how Tommy is a married man with a child taking this weird white boy out on all-day excursions and late night intense ass dates at the bar. This is actually happening in the movie I'm not making any of it up


The pan-out to reveal Tommy's wife was in the room was INSANE

Tommy repeatedly kept calling his wife ugly? Like I guess kind of as a joke/term of endearment but hmmm. There's no way weird stuff like this isn't intentional. It's giving DL DEMON idk

I thought this was funny the way Cassavetes said it. But it's just so crazy how Tommy's big tall ass is standing up in the middle of the room dancing (i know their neighbors HATE their asses) while the bottom sits looking up at him and watching. Aint no fucking way this not on purpose!

Tommy calling Axel his best friend? This is so crazy y'all just met yesterday? but honestly me lmao

Tommy's wife telling Axel she's glad he came to dinner at their house. Girl he is FUCKING YOUR MAN!! WAKE UP!!!

Not Tommy's wife spilling Tommy's tea that he never has any friends lmao. But I wonder why tho? Is it becuz Tommy is mentally unsane? Literally why did he just immediately suture himself to this random weird white boy he'd known for all of zero seconds? Sumn not right with him. He's a WEIRDO

Axel rubbing it in Tommy's wife's face that he has her man out at all hours of the night? Boy I would WHOOP his little ass!! smh

...? Tommy and his wife invite the white teacher over and Tommy is trying to push her and Axel together. He's intently watching Axel as him and the teacher introduce themselves to one another. Why is he leering like that? Tommy is so...


I think Tommy's wife doesn't care her man is getting dicked down by a white midget because she has a little lesbian thing going with this plain jane teacher. Aint no way that teacher is checking for dick. This movie's forced hetero scenes giving me the hives

He's literally just leering at his boyfriend while his wife is in the next room washing dishes??? Starting to think Tommy is lowkey evil lmao

This boring ASS date!!! Lmao there is NO CHANCE all the gay shit isn't intentional (literally wut are u talking about please PASS AWAY!)

Wut was up with this dude furiously chasing Axel around the club? It's supposed to be a scene showing us that Axel has used other names before (this dude calls him Mac and Frank), but it was real weird like after the first time Axel acted like he aint know you why did you keep harassing him lmao like get a clue. And then of course here come his protector and bodyguard Tommy swooping in to save his man *heavy negro sigh*

The teacher asks Axel if she'll see him again, obvi tryna see if there'll be a second date and he's just like yeah sure I'll see u around. Mind u he wasn't even going to go up and see her to the door, Tommy literally had to force him to do it? I feel like we're supposed to view it as Axel being kind of scared and shy but he just seems gay to me. Like, he's just gay that's all lol

Oh my god *homophobic gasping sounds*

Tommy getting that DO NOT PLAY WITH MY MAN look in his eyes when Charlie starts up bullying him again. Idk how Tommy expects to live the rest of his days out with this abused and turned out twink but he don't care he love him that's his man *quickly makes myself a cyanide omelette*

When will it be my turn? :/ Listen to me I sound like that ugly jealous hater, Charlie. Please I don't want to relate to him *Viola Davis crying with snot gif*

Tommy standing by and watching to make sure things go right as he forces Axel to call the teacher up and ask her about a second date. It's so crazy how Axel is just passed around from bully to bully :')

Me when someone wants to yap b4 serious

Hmm idk maybe becuz u were literally shouting about it the other day when u panicked over the thought that Tommy would even for one second think u were lying to him??

Y'all are at work right now..

I genuinely feel like crying. This is so romantic and sweet?? I feel sick..

me for writing this blog..

Why is this scene here where Axel's little butt walks into the street and almost gets hit by a car lmao? Maybe it's to show he's so smol and weak and vulnerable without his strong black man by his side to protect him at all times? There's no way that isn't what the movie is trying to communicate literally why else is it even in here??

Them saying "hi" to each other really feels like it should be banned. It feels like the censors missed this one BIG TIME. It's just so crazy to me that it was even allowed.

This actually happens: Axel strolls up to Tommy's house and asks him out for a walk. Sorry, he's a homo, and Tommy is a homo for immediately getting his coat and leaving to be with him. I don't think he even tells his wife and kid where he is going. I honestly can't believe it's happening. This movie is a miracle, but in like the way demon possession is miraculous, you know?

Axel stays trauma dumping on Tommy lmao like white boy look who you talking to, like b 4 real for a second. It's cute tho that Tommy never is like oh brother here we go again. Like he just loves his little man and wants to know all his problems so he can immediately jump up and solve them :')

Axel lowkey is an incel and insists that a man is only worth loving if he has something to contribute, and Tommy romantically responds: bro what? I loved u straight away when I thot u were a homeless bum?? This ACTUALLY HAPPENS (sorta lol)


Me when Axel keeps whining about being bullied for being a gorgeous, pillowy-lipped bottom

It's so insane how every other scene Tommy is confessing his deep and undying love for Axel. What's even more incredible is that Axel refuses to get it. This man LOVES your useless butt. Yes, you, the you that you hate and think isn't good enough, you are more than enough for him. He just straight up can't accept it which is really tearing me up real bad

This forced hetero shit making my ass itch. Literally no1 in this movie is straight so what's going on

It's not funny but it's funny how when Charlie actually goes there and calls Tommy a slur the best he can do is call him a black ape. He also murders him tho so I guess he just likes to get edgy on the physical side. Not much bark but I guess he has a mean bite. Hmm a hate crime occurred here and sum1 lost their life maybe stop being flippant 4 once smh??

Seconds before disaster, but god Tommy and Axel are such a beautiful couple please let me enjoy this for one second before it is all ripped away from me :(

Charlie's not even calling Tommy a black ape anymore he's just calling him black like that's not even an insult lmaooo

He's literally just saying "ur black" lmaoo like is Tommy supposed to start crying like he literally is black lmaoo but let me stop laughing because he's about to commit a murder like Charlie's not great with the insults but he's got hands and at the end of the day that's what counts unfortunately. Tho let's keep it a buck if Tommy was really a nasty man he could've killed Charlie easily, Charlie only "won" because Tommy tried to keep it cute, lord knows why

This is devastating. Axel finally finds sum1 to love after his brother's death and he's literally murdered right in front of his face. What the fuck? Assassinate everyone responsible for the story going down like this and I'm not joking not at all

I wish Tommy would've just murdered this man right here and ended this shit once and for all but then I wonder what would become of Tommy if he had killed Charlie. Like why do I feel like the dock workers would've snitched on him where with Charlie they aint say shit? So idk what the best course of action would've been here but if it's a life or death situation choose life every time idk.

Of course it doesn't make sense. He's a subhuman mongrel. Y'all not the same. See now I feel bad wishing Tommy would've just killed Charlie cuz that's not even who he is. I can't believe all this went down because of that new twink coming to town. All this over a scared and trembling bottom. I guess it was all worth it.

All I can do is stare in silence with a deep, black hate in my heart

Jesus. But this scene is doing it for me in regards to confirming my delusions this is a romance film, period. Literally this scene is straight out of Romeo and Juliet??? Sorry but WHAT THE FUCK!

This genuinely made me feel sick. GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!

Wait the way this scene is lit is crazy. But I can't believe this weak little bitch is finna run away without snitching on the creature that killed his soulmate. Come on now, loser, do something beneficial for once in your miserable, weak ass pathetic little life. Lmao let me stop being mean before Tommy sends an angel to come down and murder me 4 talking shid about his man smh

Wait why did I ship them for two seconds *gets absorbed by a nephilim*

This scene was great but really hard to watch. Ruby Dee gave an amazing performance but I just wish none of this shit ever happened :)

The fact of the matter is: your man got into a tussle at work with another man over the twink standing before you in your living room trying to hand you some crumpled up musty dollars as an "apology" for your cheating mans being murdered. Now, we could all pretend this is not what the situation is, but why lie? Anyway, beat his ass Tommy's wife, it's what he deserves <3

Sure was! Again, she really killed this performance. It's crazy how Axel is a complete and total loser throughout this entire movie all the way to the very end, and even when he gets a "victory" over Charlie it's kind of whompwhomp because he looks really stupid doing it and he still lost his boyfriend at the end of the day but ok clap clap I guess

I failed to capture the true beauty of the moment but while fighting Axel, Charlie literally jumps up onto a crate and does a karate kick off of it into Axel's head I'm pretty sure pleeeeeeassse you have to watch it you MUST see it for yourself!

Axel getting his ass whooped during the final tussle. Raise your hand if you're surprised. *audience sitting completely still noises*

Sir, please get up! I know that gay demon Tommy looking up from Hell tsktsking his man getting pummelled as he seeks vengeance for his murder smh


Why is this giving postcoital?..

LMAO! literally me at the end of the movie? Anyway, down with racism!! And, idk, maybe gays should be banned!