I knew mostly nothing about Kathleen Hanna before I watched this. I've never listened to Bikini Kill, and I had no idea she was in Le Tigre, which I have heard some songs from. I did know Kathleen was some huge ~feminist icon~ just from reading ~feminsity~ blogs and the like, and people referencing her. But I've never felt compelled to do any research on her. I'm black, so the white feminist thing is sort of boring to me. There are exceptions. I...don't even actually think white feminism is boring to me, because there are a lot of classic white female authors, etc who I see as feminist that really interest me. I think this specific...idk, sect of feminists though, sort of bores me. The ~2nd wave~ hos and "different" ~~3rd wave~*~ bitches. Blugh. And, you know, these people from Portland and Washington sans D.C. - uggggggggggggggggggggggggh. But, whatever, I like docs, and this shit was recommended to me on Netflix (fuck you Netflix you cutn u don't f*ckng nough me), so I watched it, because I don't have a mind of my own and can't make my own fucking decisions. Netflix is decidedly anti-feminist, in that way, yeah? And possibly they were trolling me?? Cool! Fucking dicks. Are you gonna text me back orrrrrrr??
So Kathleen is into spoken word shit, but some bitch tells her no one cares about spoken word so she should start a band. Is that how things worked back then? Well, probably in Washington. Or maybe that's how all bands are formed?? Like one lame-ass person really into theatrically shouting their poetry and then someone with some common damn sense reminds them no one gives a shit about def jams, so My Chemical Romance????
There are all these talking head interviews from people throughout the movie talking heading about how like cool and rebellious or whatever Kathleen was and what a force she is and how she held fashion shows in the library at college?? Idk basically she's a white, vagina-having Kanye West? I sort of wish documentaries weren't alwaysalways one-sided. The director or whoever has an agenda/mission and they edit their film to fit whatever narrative they're aiming for. I had an issue with the talking heads here because they were all friends/admirers of Kathleen, but I'm like: Ehm...can I get a Courtney Love interview??? Why did she punch her? Oh, it was random? Yeah, we'll see lol. But idk, I guess I'm weird for wanting ~varying voices~ in the film. Like the closest they get is that Beastie Boy Kathleen marries lol. I was seriously like what? But it's not like he's Eminem. Ugh, I wish. How amazingly horrible would that mess be??? Wow, please happen. Plz divorce ur hot beastie boy husband, Kathleen, and get with crazy eyes Eminem and plz have discussions about his lyrics and him fantasizing about punching iggy australia or lana or both?? Probably both!!
Hmm. I also maybe had an issue with Kathleen? She seemed maybe false? Like maybe she was lying about stuff? I don't know, the thing that really piqued my suspicions was when she told that story about her mom letting her fall and then her mom told her "never trust anyone - not even your mother" - that is verbatim a scene from Wetlands, which came from a book by Charlotte Roche??? So who stole from whom? Maybe no one stole, maybe this is a thing all crazy white mothers are out here "teaching" their daughters, but my eyes are hella squinted.
Do you think Kathleen was lying about having lyme disease? Because, seriously - who has Lyme disease? Late stage Lyme disease. CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN I GUESSED SHE HAD THE BIG L??? Like, I actually cheered. Because I'm a horrible fucking monster, that's why! Ugh, can I have my doctor degree now? I successfully diagnosed this. No, it's not lupus. No, it's not MS, even though maybe I would have pontificated on the possibilities of MS, though my ultimate conclusion would have been, and always will be, LYME DISEASE. No, she's...I hope she gets better????
Here are some pics of that man? or woman? who kept saying excitable things about Kathleen. They were amusing. Star of the film??
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