Disclaimer: I am terrible with these fucking names. This is me being racist again. But, like, the names are confusing...and hard to remember? Well, for now, anyway. It's easier for me to create nicknames. Or, use the show's imdb page for reference. I'll try to summarize to the best of my stupid ability.
OKAY. Arguably, the star of this show is Oh Soo. I will not even attempt to state who the actors are who play the characters because I will fuck it up. Let me just try super hard to not fuck up the characters' names please.
Oh Soo, to the best of my knowledge, is a professional piece of shit. He appears to be fairly...rich, maybe? He lives in a super swag penthouse and only wears designer clothes. Like, it's fucking insane. I nicknamed him GQ, because seriously he looks like he is modeling half the time. I kept asking out loud (to myself, alone in the dark)..."Is he wearing Comme des Garçons???" (The only reason I know anything about Comme des Garçons is because John Waters talks extensively about the brand in his book Role Models. He describes the clothes as being purposely unfinished, or like, weirdly tailored...and a lot of Oh Soo's coats sort of looked like that. But also like they cost five gamillion won or twelve gamillion in US coins).
(I couldn't find great examples of his outfits/coats, but look at this GQ fucking idiot. I think this photo might be from a magazine, but this is definitely a scene from the show. Also, spoiler alert?)
Oh Soo is an asshole. That is all he is. Deeply unlikeable and rude. I was confused why he had friends. Possibly, it's because he's super hot. My own personal requirement for friends is that they be super hot. (I have none.) Aside from Jin-sung, Oh Soo has another annoying (did I mention Jin-sung is fucking ANNOYING AS SHIT?! AND LOUD AS FUCK! At least, in the first few episodes. It's like, turn the cap locks off, bro. More on this later.) friend who goes by the name...Oh Soo. Oh Soo has a friend with the exact same name as him. Oh Soo 2 is set up as a funny guy...I guess. The actor who plays him is atrocious. He makes a lot of terrible faces. I really wanted him to die. Jesus clearly loves me, because by the end of the episode Oh Soo 2 is punted off to hell.
OK, but before we get into that, I need to talk about the other star of the show: Oh Young, whom we'll just call Young. Now, when I say "other star" I mean...second billed. There is only one star of That Winter, The Wind Blows and it's Oh Soo. It's his world...these other peasants just occupy breath space. Young does take up a lot of screen time, though, so I don't want to throw shade at her. She is, technically, the other star. This is a romantic drama. Can't have one without the other, though I suspect this entire show would be no different if it was just Oh Soo acting out Young's part with himself in a mirror.
(here is a better example of one of his designer coats. I know nothing about fashion but you should see this thing. It has to be designer. I was wondering if maybe he was getting some of these clothes from THE BUSINESS' men's fashion line, but even before he fell into semi good graces with Young (spoiler alertspoileralert) he was rocking super swag attire. Like, after he got out of jail. I had assumed all his shit was taken when he was locked up. Definitely getting ahead of myself here, but what - did he have all these clothes on racks in a storage room somewhere? I mean, come on. And the little beauty there is Young, btw. I'm sure you figured that out, but some people are idiots. Also, seriously, these photos I added are super-spoilery. Maybe? But...that's like...the whole point of recaps. UGH)
OKAY. Arguably, the star of this show is Oh Soo. I will not even attempt to state who the actors are who play the characters because I will fuck it up. Let me just try super hard to not fuck up the characters' names please.
Oh Soo, to the best of my knowledge, is a professional piece of shit. He appears to be fairly...rich, maybe? He lives in a super swag penthouse and only wears designer clothes. Like, it's fucking insane. I nicknamed him GQ, because seriously he looks like he is modeling half the time. I kept asking out loud (to myself, alone in the dark)..."Is he wearing Comme des Garçons???" (The only reason I know anything about Comme des Garçons is because John Waters talks extensively about the brand in his book Role Models. He describes the clothes as being purposely unfinished, or like, weirdly tailored...and a lot of Oh Soo's coats sort of looked like that. But also like they cost five gamillion won or twelve gamillion in US coins).

So ANYWAY, I nicknamed him GQ. Other characters refer to Oh Soo as "con man". I wasn't very clear about...what or who exactly he was conning. Also, there are a few card games scenes I think. I don't know anything about card games so I had no clue what was going on, or the subtext. Like, in the first episode Oh Soo and his...partner in...crime (Park Jin-sung) win at a card game. They appear to be playing with some gangster/businessmen types. When they win, the gangster businessmen appear...upset. But I couldn't tell if they were upset because they lost or because Oh Soo and Jin-sung maybe cheated in some way?? Whatever, it's made clear that these two (especially Oh Soo) are fucking degenerates.
Oh Soo is an asshole. That is all he is. Deeply unlikeable and rude. I was confused why he had friends. Possibly, it's because he's super hot. My own personal requirement for friends is that they be super hot. (I have none.) Aside from Jin-sung, Oh Soo has another annoying (did I mention Jin-sung is fucking ANNOYING AS SHIT?! AND LOUD AS FUCK! At least, in the first few episodes. It's like, turn the cap locks off, bro. More on this later.) friend who goes by the name...Oh Soo. Oh Soo has a friend with the exact same name as him. Oh Soo 2 is set up as a funny guy...I guess. The actor who plays him is atrocious. He makes a lot of terrible faces. I really wanted him to die. Jesus clearly loves me, because by the end of the episode Oh Soo 2 is punted off to hell.
OK, but before we get into that, I need to talk about the other star of the show: Oh Young, whom we'll just call Young. Now, when I say "other star" I mean...second billed. There is only one star of That Winter, The Wind Blows and it's Oh Soo. It's his world...these other peasants just occupy breath space. Young does take up a lot of screen time, though, so I don't want to throw shade at her. She is, technically, the other star. This is a romantic drama. Can't have one without the other, though I suspect this entire show would be no different if it was just Oh Soo acting out Young's part with himself in a mirror.
BUT I DIGRESS! (also that's a window sigh)
Young is gorgeous. Also, BLIND. When she was about six, her parents divorced. Her brother went to live with their mom, and Young stayed to live with her dad. Shortly after this, Young developed a brain tumor. There's a lot of going back and forth about what caused her blindness. I was initially under the assumption that it was due to the shock of her mother and brother leaving and that once her heart was healed, her sight would return. Pretty immediately, though, it's made clear that Young had an actual disease that caused her blindness. She also had a fucking brain tumor. You're made to think it was caused by the brain tumor, but it...wasn't. I forget the name for the illness that took her sight...we'll call it RM. SO! To recap: Young is blind; her parents divorced (mom is dead); she had a brain tumor and also this other thing called RM.
Young's dad is the CEO of some company (I forget the name, I'll just refer to it as THE BUSINESS) and he is rich. Also, he is dying. The person who looks after Young is a magnificent cotton-tailed monster bunny named Secretary Wang. Immediately, you're like: this bitch is the devil. But she's also very cute and sort of fragile-like, so it's disconcerting and hard to believe she's this monster-woman that she's being set up to be (definitely more on this later). Young's dad dying prompts Young to seek out the brother she hasn't seen/spoken to in twenty-some years.
Guess who her fucking brother is?
Did you guess Oh Soo? Because that's what I guessed. But, no, it's Oh Soo 2. It's actually explicitly set-up that Oh Soo 2 is Young's brother, but I thought it was some mix-up and it would turn out that Oh Soo was her real brother. I NEED TO MENTION RIGHT NOW THAT THE SHOW STARTS OFF WITH OH SOO BEING ABANDONED AS A BABY BY HIS MOM OUTSIDE IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING WINTER. Like, this bitch reallllllly did not want this kid. But, anyway, Oh Soo 2 is Young's bro. She goes to find him.
In his letters to Young, Oh Soo 2 used Oh Soo's address to make his sister think he lived in a nice place or some shit...so, naturally, when Young goes to find him, she's instead "greeted" by Oh Soo. And by "greeted", I mean...Oh Soo tells Young that Oh Soo 2 isn't fucking there. He'll be home later. Go the fuck away and stop ringing my doorbell. (Note: no one curses on this show. Maybe...a bitch or asshole is thrown around? BUT DEFINITELY NO FUCKS. Though, you just know Oh Soo is a fuck-sayer.)
Sort of deflated by Oh Soo's rude treatment of her, Young leaves from Oh Soo's front door (he never opens up his apartment to her, he just shouts at her from his video intercom) and goes to stand aimlessly on the stairs of the hotel place that Oh Soo lives in. Eventually, he comes downstairs and sees her and realizes she's blind, but...still acts sort of callous. TO SPEED THIS UP, Young asks Oh Soo to read the letter Oh Soo 2 sent her. (Secretary Wang has been hiding them from her for years and this is the first one she's gained access to). The letter is sweet and there are also a couple of lines devoted to slinging shit Oh Soo's way. Oh Soo declines to read those lines to Young to protect his privacy. He actually says that to her. Young thinks it's cute and laughs instead of snatching the letter from his hands for taking advantage of her blindness.
During this "cute" letter-reading scene, the cops arrive at the hotel-place and Oh Soo is instantly nervous. WHY? I HAVE ZERO IDEAS. I want to think my confusion about Oh Soo's criminal stuff is just a lost in translation thing. Like, maybe the subtitles were translated weirdly or...I don't understand Korean laws?? But I truly have no idea why the cops...OH! I am totally forgetting that he was framed for stealing money from a gangster. Okay, so that's probably why they were there. Or, maybe framed for stealing money from a casino? Because...why would a gangster call the cops? SO ANYWAY HE RUNS TO HIDE. He pulls Young's confused, blind ass with him to hide behind a wall. Before he flees the scene he tells her that Oh Soo 2 says in the letter that he loves her very much which is real sweet of him and then like two seconds later he inadvertently causes Oh Soo 2's death and you're like...finally, Oh Soo does something good.
I forget why Oh Soo 2 starts chasing after Oh Soo, but he gets hit by a car. Dumbass Oh Soo stops to stare at Oh Soo 2's newly crumpled body and the cops catch up with him. Meanwhile, Young's blind ass is standing over this cute scene in the street, cry-screaming for a taxi. She has no idea what's just happened. But she's afraid and scared. Prob due to being blind and hearing a bunch of crashing sounds and sirens and shit.
Now that I've written all of this, I realize I can still sort of liveblog the show. Well, not really liveblog. But definitely recap as much as I remember. This show deserves nothing but the best. I am, however, currently watching a new k-drama (The Master's Sun) that I'd also like to liveblog. So maybe I'll do both. YAY NO ONE CARES!! (Oh, also I have to not-live blog the k-drama I watched after TWTWB: I Miss You. Which...just needs to be recapped. If for Harry alone. So...all these things!)
Okay so, That Winter, The Wind Blows recap to be continued...
And then...other recaps. Yay?
oh, p.s.
Young is gorgeous. Also, BLIND. When she was about six, her parents divorced. Her brother went to live with their mom, and Young stayed to live with her dad. Shortly after this, Young developed a brain tumor. There's a lot of going back and forth about what caused her blindness. I was initially under the assumption that it was due to the shock of her mother and brother leaving and that once her heart was healed, her sight would return. Pretty immediately, though, it's made clear that Young had an actual disease that caused her blindness. She also had a fucking brain tumor. You're made to think it was caused by the brain tumor, but it...wasn't. I forget the name for the illness that took her sight...we'll call it RM. SO! To recap: Young is blind; her parents divorced (mom is dead); she had a brain tumor and also this other thing called RM.
Young's dad is the CEO of some company (I forget the name, I'll just refer to it as THE BUSINESS) and he is rich. Also, he is dying. The person who looks after Young is a magnificent cotton-tailed monster bunny named Secretary Wang. Immediately, you're like: this bitch is the devil. But she's also very cute and sort of fragile-like, so it's disconcerting and hard to believe she's this monster-woman that she's being set up to be (definitely more on this later). Young's dad dying prompts Young to seek out the brother she hasn't seen/spoken to in twenty-some years.
Guess who her fucking brother is?
Did you guess Oh Soo? Because that's what I guessed. But, no, it's Oh Soo 2. It's actually explicitly set-up that Oh Soo 2 is Young's brother, but I thought it was some mix-up and it would turn out that Oh Soo was her real brother. I NEED TO MENTION RIGHT NOW THAT THE SHOW STARTS OFF WITH OH SOO BEING ABANDONED AS A BABY BY HIS MOM OUTSIDE IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING WINTER. Like, this bitch reallllllly did not want this kid. But, anyway, Oh Soo 2 is Young's bro. She goes to find him.
In his letters to Young, Oh Soo 2 used Oh Soo's address to make his sister think he lived in a nice place or some shit...so, naturally, when Young goes to find him, she's instead "greeted" by Oh Soo. And by "greeted", I mean...Oh Soo tells Young that Oh Soo 2 isn't fucking there. He'll be home later. Go the fuck away and stop ringing my doorbell. (Note: no one curses on this show. Maybe...a bitch or asshole is thrown around? BUT DEFINITELY NO FUCKS. Though, you just know Oh Soo is a fuck-sayer.)
Sort of deflated by Oh Soo's rude treatment of her, Young leaves from Oh Soo's front door (he never opens up his apartment to her, he just shouts at her from his video intercom) and goes to stand aimlessly on the stairs of the hotel place that Oh Soo lives in. Eventually, he comes downstairs and sees her and realizes she's blind, but...still acts sort of callous. TO SPEED THIS UP, Young asks Oh Soo to read the letter Oh Soo 2 sent her. (Secretary Wang has been hiding them from her for years and this is the first one she's gained access to). The letter is sweet and there are also a couple of lines devoted to slinging shit Oh Soo's way. Oh Soo declines to read those lines to Young to protect his privacy. He actually says that to her. Young thinks it's cute and laughs instead of snatching the letter from his hands for taking advantage of her blindness.
During this "cute" letter-reading scene, the cops arrive at the hotel-place and Oh Soo is instantly nervous. WHY? I HAVE ZERO IDEAS. I want to think my confusion about Oh Soo's criminal stuff is just a lost in translation thing. Like, maybe the subtitles were translated weirdly or...I don't understand Korean laws?? But I truly have no idea why the cops...OH! I am totally forgetting that he was framed for stealing money from a gangster. Okay, so that's probably why they were there. Or, maybe framed for stealing money from a casino? Because...why would a gangster call the cops? SO ANYWAY HE RUNS TO HIDE. He pulls Young's confused, blind ass with him to hide behind a wall. Before he flees the scene he tells her that Oh Soo 2 says in the letter that he loves her very much which is real sweet of him and then like two seconds later he inadvertently causes Oh Soo 2's death and you're like...finally, Oh Soo does something good.
I forget why Oh Soo 2 starts chasing after Oh Soo, but he gets hit by a car. Dumbass Oh Soo stops to stare at Oh Soo 2's newly crumpled body and the cops catch up with him. Meanwhile, Young's blind ass is standing over this cute scene in the street, cry-screaming for a taxi. She has no idea what's just happened. But she's afraid and scared. Prob due to being blind and hearing a bunch of crashing sounds and sirens and shit.
Now that I've written all of this, I realize I can still sort of liveblog the show. Well, not really liveblog. But definitely recap as much as I remember. This show deserves nothing but the best. I am, however, currently watching a new k-drama (The Master's Sun) that I'd also like to liveblog. So maybe I'll do both. YAY NO ONE CARES!! (Oh, also I have to not-live blog the k-drama I watched after TWTWB: I Miss You. Which...just needs to be recapped. If for Harry alone. So...all these things!)
Okay so, That Winter, The Wind Blows recap to be continued...
And then...other recaps. Yay?
oh, p.s.

R.I.P Oh Soo 2
OKAY ONE MORE THING AND THEN THIS POST IS OVER ugggh (can you tell I just figured out how to add pics?)
This is the letter reading scene. You can tell just by looking at GQ that he is a dick. Look at him. Confession: I was obsessed with him the whole time. It was a very deep love/hate thing. My favorite kind of thing. Another note about this pic: Young looked really meek and unremarkable in the first episode. Gorgeous, but weirdly made up in a plain way. Then episode two kicks off a year later (which I'll get to in the next recap) and she's hot as shit with bangs and her lips and stuff. I don't really know what they were trying to do here. They WERE trying to do something, it's just my dumbassness that I can't tell. I want to say hot-Young was her coming out of her shell post-daddy death, but...she also became colder and more closed off. So...how could that be? No idea. Maybe I'll figure it out as I'm recapping. Just like I figured out why the cops were after Oh Soo! LIFE IS GREAT! loljk
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