Mark actually looks like a proper person with facial hair. Well...a wife beater, actually. But wife beaters are regularly accepted as okay in society, so, the statement remains! (kill me). Also can we talk about Mark and Sophie getting married and how fucking depressing it is when they're shopping for sugar bowls to put on their registry? Remember back in the good ole days when Mark was stalking Sophie and hacking into her e-mails and just luxuriating in all this beautiful puppy love wonderment? No, looking back, that mess totally foretold how they'd end up. Like what sort of start is that to a romantic relationship? It was just a mess from day one. Watching Mark and Sophie, though, makes me wonder if this is how a lot of marriages come to be? Just like some horrible "dating" period where two people do questionably awful things to each other and then at some point, like Sophie indicates she's doing, decide to settle because they either don't want to die alone and/or want to have kids?
My thing is: 1. Why would you want to have kids with someone you barely/vaguely like? Seems it'd make parenthood kind of non-fun? To co-parent with someone you have nothing in common with and don't even really like lol? Also 2. What is this obsession with dying alone? Wouldn't dying with someone you lowkey despise by your side be the same thing? I'd think dying alone would be preferable. No face of a person you hold much resentment and contempt for looking down upon your death bed with marked anticipation and merriment. Anyway, I keep making SO MANY MISTAKES. WHY DID I WRITE LIKE AN ENTIRE FOUR PAGE FUCKING ESSAY ABOUT MARK'S FACIAL HAIR AND REGISTRY SHOPPING? But anyway, also, what are registries? Don't getting married people feel weird asking people for stuff? No? I would literally only want to get married for gifts, but that's like a good-on-paper idea, only. Irl, I would feel mad awkward "registering" for shit and then being @ people like, "get this". Mad awkward, but okay. Please help please stop the words
lol the character of Sophie's brother completely destroys me. It's so funny when the dad says he's not allowed to have a gun. Mark's inner monologue is me. Also me is the one not allowed to have a gun let's keep it real.
Mark pulling that bird's head off is so him. I hate when it happens, though. Like his face is so...I can't deal with it lol. And then the blood is spurting out. Iconic moment entirely, but I hate it every time it happens. Anyway, save me.
Jeremy slaying with the commentary this ep!! #icon #noteas4thebeastmaster #hefeastsonthebloodofhisprey
This isn't Tennessee, Mark is honestly i c o n i c.
Lol idk them fake snoring when Sophie's mum walks is funny sigh. Could they have at least pretended to be asleep? Like with their eyes and body? So lazy, so iconic.
SCREAMING @ when Sophie's bro asked how Jez liked his CD and Jez cringingly replied he liked the lyrics and that weirdo said there weren't any lyrics. But why have I been on both sides of this equation pleez end my life is anyone listening?! Nah I'm just kidding I don't want to die. What if Peep Show does a surprise Series 10? Like one of those horrible Christmas specials? Jesus no. But yes.
OH GOD I-FUCKING-CONIC!!! This fucking shit with Sophie dancing down the steps to that "Happy Birthday" song they played in like every shitty eighties teen romcom DRAGS MY SOUL TO HELL AND BACK. It also slays me how Mark and Jez exchange these looks with each other (soulies) and also it slays me how this little dancey thing explains literally everything about Sophie as a person. It's actually nice, Sophie having some of her background filled in. Instead of us just seeing her in the office acting as a more normal foil to Mark. But it's like lol no when you meet her parents and get an idea of how she grew up. Iconic characterization.
Iconic. Also, me. A lot of times I have this conversation with myself. Am I...a demon? I don't have red horns...I'm not P. Diddy...,etc.
Mark and Jez peeling off with Sophie's freak brother hanging on the side of the car door is my life encapsulated.
Gerrard! My baebyyyy! lol. Iconic tube up his nose. Monitoring stomach acid levels wanker icon.
lol Jeff rolling his eyes at Mark being the leader of their little committee.
Johnson's ICONIC pep-talk to Mark and his work group is so funny. Like what are you talking about. I love how Mark loves it for the same reason I do. Soulies bae. Why do I keep forgetting it's NOT OKAY to identify with Mark? Sigh, at least I'm not P. Diddy.
Johnson offering Jez a drink in 1. his own room and 2. with a drink that was already in Jeremy's room, is completely 1. so Johnson and 2. something only an ICON would do.
Mark letting his true Hitler out as not even a boss, but the one in charge of simply a group project, is so completely him. I love when Mark goes off. It's like hella scary and mad disturbing but David Mitchell yelling and getting angry is so fucking funny. Irl I would think I was about to get lynched, but him doing it safely in the confines of a TV screen makes it just funny. Mostly. Except when Mark spazzes on Jez in the xmas ep. No, that's still funny. But also disturbing. But mostly funny lol.
I'M SO ANNOYED WE DIDN'T GET TO SEE MARK SAY THIS. It's still #iconic, nevertheless.
Close-up of Gerrard's tube.
Mark fake-hugging Tube Up His Nose and the awkwardness is low-level icon status *says status in British accent so it's stay-tus turn up*
CLEAR YOUR TUBES!!!!! *screams til throat collapses* *needs tubes now to eat*
Lol Mark talking about how thin one of the strippers was is truly iconic and sooo fucking me. Is she...okay?
!!!!!!!!!!! cneudnurgvutngt,go,k dhehxyebdybejx ekmcod,
Mark trying to figure out how his face should be while getting a lap dance is truly me. Thank god I'm a woman and no one is likely to try to drag me to a strip club ever. Also thank god I have such a terrible personality and no one likes me or wants to be my friend so would never invite me anywhere anyway :') So nice not having these kinds of problems :'))
Ew omg please!!
*Jez voice* Have they cancelled History books?
#Iconic, and #me.
Apparently Ejspeaks just uploaded a video on the BET Awards. Gotta watch that lol. I really didn't like Bilal's performance but every1 was geeked over it. Anyway! omg. Johnson's face as Mark climbs through the window is what? Not iconic. Lol no just kidding, IT COMPLETELY IS. Anyway, deleet me.
lol but wasn't Mark the one who said every window is an open door or something? Why is he correcting himself to say that not all windows are climb through-able? Idk. But something about this s/c screams #ME
lol Johnson's face
Lol the murmuring when Mark says blending marketing and sales or whatever can't be done. #iconic
I like that little noise Johnson makes right before threatening Mark's life. He goes like mmmright. Idk, Johnson is iconic bae. I wish someone would bow and arrow me. Seems like a cool way to die lol!!!! :')
Jesus what's that man doing and Hey I know that weird run followed by Jeremy's weird run are back-to-back icon status
Jeremy being mad racist/classist about those health club workers is honestly iconic. Especially considering his bum ass only gets a job to stalk his ex-gf/wife. I love how he thinks packed lunches is super third world. But gritty life on the never-never is just ultra icon status. I mean, I could stop saying shit is iconic, or you could NOT READ MY BLOG, HOW ABOUT THAT? Lol sike u prob already r doing that :')xoxo, gossip girl
Lol me. But dead @ Mark telling Jeremy to clean up some shit. This is so Mark. Jez is so his peasant smh
ugh I hate the face/voice/demeanor of Mark's trainer, so obnoxi. He reminds of douchebro dudes I've known named fucking Valter and Brenton or some shit lol. Like niggas who do rowing or some shit. I still feel bad when Mark and Jezzo get him fired, though. He was massaging Mark pretty thoroughly, though, so the molestation accusation wasn't COMPLETELY off-base let's just be real!!
Please. Also dead @ 1. Jez having suggested killing the trainer dude earlier in the episode and then here Mark being like it would've been easier to kill him and thinking how he should know how to do it by now, considering all the TV he watches. All of this is 100% me. I wonder if this blog will ever be used in court as evidence against me. Sigh, I hope so.
Ugh I didn't get Sophie's face, but her saying the above words is one of the worst things I have ever seen committed to screen. And I've seen The Wiz.
Use your woman as a human shield icon status
[I didn't screenshot anything for the episode Mark goes to his school reunion because I was tired™ and all like I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!! But I regret not screencapping when Mark was talking about how he was not on the registered sex offenders list, yet.]
LOVE! the conversation between Mark and Jez when Jez asks to drink Mark's piss. Jez is so in love and in so much pain I can't deal. I love how Mark won't let him, but Jez said he'd let Mark drink his piss and Mark just says thanks and I just want Mark for one moment to acknowledge his love for Jerry. Imma call Jeremy Jerry sometimes now. Like, wasn't Seinfeld's full name Jerome? I feel like Jerry could work for Jeremy as well. Jeremy is like the worst name (besides Jerome). It's too close to Germ. Germ would actually be a cute name, though. Life is weird.
omg I hate this bitch. So obnoxious and horrible, though, actually, kind of a match for Mark. She'd completely decimate him sex-wise and all else wise, so maybe not. Though, I feel Mark wouldn't balk at being dominated. Tbh he should be lucky any woman looks his way, but that's neither here nor there!! (????)
Omg everything with Mummy, and Jez killing it, hiding it in his pack, fucking calling "Mummy" like he aint have that shit in his bag, him doing up Lost and Found posters for a dog he killed, him hiding the "beast" in the trash can in their boat and Mark's extra-ass, yet appropriate reaction; Jez dropping the plastic bag not subtle-y at all, him bringing that bag into Mark's interview, him eating the "drumstick", the dad being like "Is that alright?", Mummy's owner pointing out the hairs on the drumstick, the dad being like "Hairs?", Jeremy chewing on that mess, offering it to Mark and Mark sternly refusing, them figuring out it's Mummy and that chick being like "They ate Mummy!" and then Mark and Jez speedily exiting the boat - this was the moment I realized I was watching something really, truly, honestly, iconically wretched.
gpoyyy. Also gpoy @ Mark thinking people would probably think he was a wife beater. Prob, bro. You just have that vibe.
Lol yessss. Completely!
*screaming through my vagina cuz kegels* ICONIC.
Stick it on the bill icon
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