Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Color Purple (1985)

I haven't seen this movie in forever. It's a movie that leaves a lasting impression, but it's never been one of my favorites. A little too long, a little too...depressing. Also I feel somewhat disconnected from the material. Though I am a black woman, and The Color Purple is very about black women, there's something kind of cheesy about the whole thing. Kind of cloying, and lowkey inauthentic. It's almost pandering. Maybe the book is different. I only SparksNotesed it when we read it in school, so I have no idea, but the movie rings false sometimes, or, like, don't hit the spots in what I feel is the right way. 

That being said, it's a pretty #iconic film. In that way Forrest Gump is iconic. Like Forrest Gump is highkey silly and saccharine, but it's still, like, really ultimate, and The Color Purple is the same. The performances from some are really good. Pretty much the main women: Young and Older Celie, Young Nettie, Shug Avery, Sofia. All this shit is iconic. Who's my fave? In the beginning prob Sofia. She's like a breath of fresh air after Celie has been dealing with all that bs. She's all tough and shit and you get a feeling that she can be a positive example for Celie and also help her. KILLS ME when Celie tells Harpo to beat Sofia, but that's like, so typical of people who have been beaten down. I really hate it tho lol like what if this was a comic book instead and Sofia and Celie joined forces to kick every disrespectful nigga's ass? Maybe that's why I lowkey dislike this shit? I just hate seeing all this beating upon black women? It's mad exhausting lol I'm like please can we start karate choppin' these fools??? 

If...someone did a karate remix of The Color Purple..........I would cry and die. PLEASE SOMEONE DO THIS OMG PLEEEEEZ JADEN SMITH PLEASE!! 

My other fave performance is obvi Shug. Fucking Margaret Avery is what? That Bitch. Simply iconic. Like could you kill me any further with this fucking perfomance? Nope! Didn't she play this onstage or is that something I just wish existed? Honestly I wanna see this shit on stage now. But my ass aint got no coint to go see this shit. I would die though because this seems like it'd be hella lit as a musical. Like if I can't get a karate remix, a fucking The Sound of Music redub of this mess is the next best thing. OMG I'M JUST IMAGINING THAT GOSPEL SHIT AT THE END!! Fuck if that slays my soul in the movie, IMAGINE THAT SHIT LIVE - PLEASE!! Life is so hard sigh. 

Older Celie's performance for the majority of the movie is pretty silent, though she gives life with looks, HOWEVER, BITCH, THAT SHIT AT THE END? REBUKING MISTER AND SHIT? BITCH, BYE!! Til you do right by me everything you even think about gonna fail??!?! BIIIITCH!! I C O N I C. 

But nah, you know who completely slayed my seoul out of everyone? Rae Dawn Chong. loljk RDC has never slayed a soul in her life. Except maybe C. Thomas Howell's during their brief marriage. But no lemme stop lol she's in my favorite movie of all time, Soul Man, so I don't wanna drag tragic mulatto bae too hard. Anyway, someone please save a life and do that karate remix of this shit please. I'm not asking, I'm demanding, thanks! Thanks in a sarcastic way, bitch, hurry up! 

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