Saturday, July 4, 2020

Degrassi: Next Gen, s10

Season 10...broke me. I begged for this. Prayed to all Canadian dybbuks to finally, please, deliver me to the "boiling point" era of Degrassi. 

Be careful what u wish 4 n all that.

50 million fucking episodes. Non-stop, back-to-back two-parters. More than enough room for the likes of Chantay and Wesley to get storylines. Literally what the fuck. Who all asked for all this shit??? I almost died. This was like two terrible seasons human-centipeded into one. But Eli, tho. Ultimately, it was all worth it. No I'm just kidding I literally have no idea how I'm gonna finish the remaining seasons and we haven't even gotten to Tristan yet jesus christ on a triscuit.

I don't wanna see this bitch!!! I was so mad when they showed me Peter in like episode one but I don't think he ever shows up again after that and praise Canadian God, because seeing him literally triggers my ptsd I cannot believe Peter was a character and Degrassi subjected me to him for a gazillion seasons. That is literally assault, and yes I am suing!

Me as a Principal.

Does Savtaj thinx he's Obama?? #hmm

I love how Dave's name is bolded and capitalized in the number one spot on the list of Degrassi Losers. Like, literally me.

Me texting Degrassi like one episode in to season 10

Degrassi did the most with this Great Value Gossip Girl Vanderbilt storyline and characters. Literally I can tell everyone is Canadian, please stop.

When Wesley asked if Clare's breasts were "tender"!!!

*throws up*
Eli Goldsworthy is heeeeeerrrrreee!!!! And he's coming to kill you hoes!!!!

When Zane flexed on homophobic Owen!!!


When Bianca did those terrible moves in her "audition" for the fake ass Double D Dance Crew!!!

Me texting Eli in the beginning episodes like literally where is my boi!

Me keying Armstrong's car. You been teaching high school gym a lil too long for me. 

When Eli poured that water! (also: me stanning literally everything he does smh)

Me in general

Me saying hi to Jenna

When Sav's dad got all this for $90 out the bargain bin at Men's Warehouse 

Me @ every character

I'm Jenna's widow's peak

Me fattening Jenna up #feederlife

Degrassi's basehead writers: I know, Fiona brings a fucking pig to skool!!!

When Sav told Bianca to shut her drunk ass up for 1 second

I'm Dave's dad shining a "torch" into Sav's eyes and asking him what exactly the fuck he thinks he's doing

When Connor went to fist bump Wesley but Wesley had his hand open for a hi-five!!!!!!


 Also, I love how Connor gets the coveted Degrassi role of "Tambourine Girl". Who else has had this role, huh? Previous Degrassi hotties Manny and Mia. Hot Konnor is COMING! 

I'm so glad my baby Eli is here to be a crazy ass bitch. *cries* *hates all the other characters in comparison*

Me using a Zeno on my zit which is definitely not product placement

Me when Riley has scenes. And Wes. And Anya. And Chantay. And Dave andjnvrkrmno

Me waiting for my bby Connor @ the bar lol

Leia still exists?

Bruh. Owen and them shoulda been fucking expelled. They literally threw Adam into a fucking door. Degrassi exists in the hood there is no other explanation for all the bullshit that continues to go down at this school on a more than regular basis smh

Sometimes Dave is amusing. He gives me like...Will Smith vibes. But like...Canadian Will Smith. thank u lol

U guise. Jenna's music is literally so mediocre. Pleaz. I mean, she did get voted off Next Teen Star fairly quickly but jesus how did she get a ticket to go in the first place

Another pregnant fifteen year old! Degrassi is so goddamn ratchet I swear

Owen has great eyebrows but he is a freakin' douche and literally threw Adum into a door um..

I'm Eli's effortful swoopbang

Me filming Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes' sex tape

Riley wearing that shirt his mom correctly said was zesty!!!

Me bullying Riley

Lol Misses Torres' face when Fiona was giving the Vehgas Night presentation

Big Me

Bianca waiting by the Boiler Room to succ Drew's peepee

Zane and this barrette!!

Holly was so pretty at the Vehgus night dance <3

Owen paying 50 Canadian dollars to hook up with Alli!!

Literally omfg.
This show really has Holly J giving Savtaj a striptease smfh. But honestly I'm just mad Degrassi writers were clearly hardcore Dex/HJ shippers. How dare you randomly out of nowhere make it so Holly J realizes she's just not that into Sav. They are so cute and unproblematic!! I h8 this show!

Degrassi finally getting the memo that guns are banned so this season has a character roll up to the school brandishing their grandma's fucking apple coring knife <3

Literally Degrassi is in the hood like y r police always here smfh

I love how two weeks went by between the catastrophic Casino Nite dance and the kids coming back from break and Simpson has not only installed fucking security guards and metal detectors but also they have uniforms for all the kids like this seems like something that would take way longer to implement than two weeks and Simpson would have to deal with a ton of redtape to get these things approved but lol okie dokie

Petition to make the skank seminar a permanent part of the Degrassi curriculum

Case in point:

Me, tho


With a school like this who needs pants. Honestly.


Chantay exists

Clare showing up to school dressed as a fucking juggalo. But Eli's the psycho umkay.

Is Eli adopted cuz..

When Stephan James said "cya, narc" and then that Canadian gangsta rap music started playing!!!!

girl, same

Degrassi writers digging in the trash for new storyline ideas

Y does Eli have that action figure lol

Did Dave really fucking tase Wesley #don'ttasehimbro

Me when Wesley exists

I'm the sparse crowd watching Sav and Jenna's......"performance"


Look @ how Holly J loox at Sav please! This show makes me SICK!

This so-called "25 year old" doctor Anya went on a d8 with. Motherfucker, you look 30!

This show really had Dave's ugly ass feeling embarrassed about that cute tall girl he was dating. This is not how you make me like his annoying behind.

Me, struggling through these fifty to eighty fucking episodes

I'm Pedro A


Me rolling up to the Degrassi creators demanding to know who tf told them to double the fucking episode order I'm bout to beat a bitch's ass


How dare this show not make Holly J/Fiona a legit coupling. They put literally EVERY FUCKING ONE ELSE TOGETHER imma lose it!!!

Me, battle-scarred, after this interminable season. 

out of context quotes from this long ass, never-ending, no good, very bad season:
-"Wow, Anya, that's a smidge dark" (Holly J to Anya's "I'll fake a miscarriage")
-"Who's this guy?" Peter to Sav about Taylor Lautner
-"I'm a fat girl, just a chunky girl, getting fatter every day" (Jenna dragging her own self)
-"I've seen you freaks on Oprah" (Bianca)
-"You two give me the runs" (Adam, also #same)
-"Oral sex is hot gossip" (Adum)
-"Shut up, bitch!" (Fitz)
-"Andy I'm so sorry ur gonna have to say goodbye to your good friend Jenna she's going home to decorate her nursery!!!" (The messy ass Next Teen Star host)
-"My only solution involves a time machine and a big box of condoms. I'm sorry, I can't help you" (Drew to future baby daddy KC)
-"The last cereal is always the best cereal" (Sav)
-Jenna: She called me fat! Drew: She wasn't wrong!! (get em)
-"Bianca's famously gross" (Dave with that lethal read)
-"Clare Middle-of-the-Road Edwards" (Eli dragging his soulm8)
-"You told me to PLAY BASKETBALL!!" (KC screaming at his babymama instead of assembling that crib #ghetto)

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