I don't know why I get excited about the cliffhangers at the end of kdrama episodes. Like, last ep I'm all OMG HE'S TURNING INTO A FUCKING VAMP IN THE MIDDLE OF DOING A SURGERY. Forgetting this nigga could simply excuse himself. Which Ji-sang does. I mean, he's definitely given the side-eye by all of his colleagues for bouncing in the middle of surgery, but whatever. At least they didn't see him turn into a fucking vampire???
So Jae-wook is lowkey highkey disappointed Ji-sang didn't turn into a vampire in front of everyone, right? He, like me, forgot Ji-sang could just be like "lol brb" and go get his shit together. I'm frowny facing, too, Jae-wook. Like, I get you. We complete each other, long story short.
Ji-sang is freaking out and angry shaking and stuff. He goes back to his office to get his pills, but then he has some weird flashback memory stroke to when Hyun-woo gave them those super-pills that are supposed to make him super-superior? Idfk. At first I thought he was suspecting Hyun-woo of being the one to fuck with his medication, but it just turned out to be Ji-sang remembering he had the super-pills in his coat pocket. He takes one and shit.
When Ji-sang returns to the surgery room, Jae-wook is saaaallllltttttyyyy.
He's all fake like,
And by are you okay he means, "Nigga, I fucked with your medicine why the fuck u good rn???"
Ji-sang is like,
So now everyone thinks he left in the middle of surgery to go take a dook.
Remember when Ji-sang yelled at that nurse "Kelly!!"?? Never forget. No, seriously, what is a Kelly? Also, who is Ji-sang getting buck with?? When he first asked for the Kelly he said it super-softly, right? Because he was still freaking out and waiting for his medicine to kick in or something and being weird as hell and everyone's looking like <.< >.>. Like, chill, my family. Everyone knows you just did a shit. At least, that's what you told them. You can't get buck with anyone 1. screaming at them for something called a "kelly" and 2. when you just got back from doing a bunch of diarrhea. No one's respecting you at this point in the game.
Jae-wook's watching the surgery like^^. I guess super-fascinated/confused that him fucking with Ji-sang's medication didn't produce expected results? I really want to root for Jae-wook because he is my angel. However, he has maybe really bad intentions for Ji-sang? Lol, I feel like that's really obvious, but...in a way, it's not?? He's definitely experimenting with him, which is fucked up, and maybe I shouldn't be rooting for a clearly abusive relationship to take place. Also! omg! I'm starting to suspect...Jae-wook and Ji-sang are definitely related in some way. Maybe Jae-wook's not Ji-sang's daddy...but maybe his uncle? Something. I know it! I better be right I swear to god u bitch
YO WTF IS THIS SHIT JI-SANG PULLED OUT OF THAT BODY??? IS THAT A HAM ROAST LIKE. Nah, it was a tumor. Yo, how do you grow some shit like that in your body? That's disgusting and it's what happens to people who use like Axe deodorant. What do you think they put in that intelligent women repellent hmm???
This nigga is hating after Ji-sang's successful ham hock removal surgery. I can see in your nostrils, b. I wonder what Shia Labeouf is doing right now?
So Jae-wook is douchey and doesn't wanna give Ji-sang all his props because though the surgery was successful, there was a five minute delay cuz Ji-sang had to dookie.
Ri-ta annoys me by saying some shit I have to agree with.
Since when does the rest of the world go by essentially "quality over quantity"? Since fucking never. The faster you can crank out whatever the fuck, the faster you can sell your shit and get that $$$$. Where does Jae-wook live? Come on, daughter, don't do this.
Why is Ri-ta always giving Jae-wook looks that I 100000% always agree with? I swear to god if I hate Jae-wook by the end of this series I'm blaming Ri-ta's Italian Ice. She better stop side-eyeing my son and making me lol and nod and shit. I'm not here for this!!!
YAANSHSN a Ji-sang/Jae-wook confrontation in the hallway post-surgery. Ji-sang is cutting his eyes at this nigga so hard I can't breaaaathe. He doesn't even remotely try to conceal his hatred like I just feel so bad for Jae-wook, he just wants his son only in his head to love him. Hmm, well...maybe stop fucking with him and stuff??? Like maybe don't do all the shit you do to him? For example, having both his parents killed and items of that nature???
LOOK AT HOW HE'S LOOOOOOOKING AT HIIIIM. Also how delicate and young does Ji-sang look? He looks like he's dressed up in a surgeon's costume to go trick or treating. Please stop @ this show's casting director.
Jae-wook is so thirsty. "I am always on your side." Like, damn, keep your cards concealed, homey. And I love how sassy and irritated Ji-sang is, like *eyerolleyereoll* "I'm fine on my own, ugh". He treats Jae-wook like some thirsty bum "politely" catcalling him on the street. Saying a lot of nice things about his thick thighs and what not, but overall being a very annoying and unwanted grotesque presence. And I live 100% FOR IT.
I cr riiieeedd. Jae-wook is saying all that stuff about how much he loves Ji-sang or whatever creeper shit he's always going on about and Ji-sang is like "uh huh uh huh", like tryna get away from this nigga and the convo ends and he like rudely bows. He just bows his head like one millimeter down a little. I'm throwing the fuck up he is soooo rude. And then as he's walking away HE ROLLS HIS EYES AND IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL and I'm so sad I didn't screen capture that shit like why am I completely worthless as a human being. Idk, man. Also I misspelled worthless at first and autocorrect corrected it to motherless? Okay autocorrect like what are u trying to say????
Ji-sang goes up to the hospital roof to phone up Hyun-woo, his live-in beau, and hurl abuse at him for fucking up his dosage or whatever the fuck he's accusing him of. Then he has some CW drama worthy breakdown, falling to the floor and crying or whatever mess. sKsipsksiiskskskiip
Sigh. It's time for some Cary Grant/Kate Hepburn or Irene Dunne maybe witty mean banter sparring foreplay stuff???? It's time for these two dummies to continue pretending they really hate each other when we all know they both wanna smash?? Like *Ji-sang eyeroll*. Ri-ta gets in Ji-sang's way as he's coming back from his little temper tantrum up on the roof.
Exaaaccctly. He could have at least embellished a little more. Like he simply just stated he had a tummy ache. He should have goosed it up by gripping at his stomach and like bending his knees together and acting like all his entire insides were about to volcano out upside down from his anus hole. Like saying you have a stomach ache with the same demeanor you would tell someone the time is not getting you any Korean acting awards. Make me believe you have to poop really bad. Get method if you have to ;)
So Ri-ta accuses Ji-sang of being mentally unwell, saying he looks "like a person diagnosed with panic disorder". Lol ok. Ji-sang is all,
Right? But also don't change the subject. Do you have mental problems or?? Cuz that's not cute in a surgery room. Like it's interesting from a drama perspective, but in real life I want my surgeon to not be a lunatic or Woody Allen or a vampire, do you comprehend or nah??
JI-SANG SUCKS HIS TEETH IN LIKE A CUTE WAY???? I want to die, kdrama acting ticks are my faaaaave why is my life so emmptttttyyyyyy.
Ri-ta says she's filing for some review to be done on Ji-sang's mental state. Like, get off his dick but okay.
In response, Ji-sang starts listing shit that annoys him??? Three things, specifically??
Yeah, I guess that can grate. Though, there are like a kadillion of them. So, like, just go to the one two feet over or??
Is he flipping fried eggs like pancakes? First of all, no. Two, use like that pan spray stuff or butter the pan first?? I only suggested that pan spray shit because it's a thing that exists. I don't use it though because it probably gets cancer on your eggs. But I bet it'd be a cute look for you. Not for me, sweetie, but on you, :*) beautiful.
Okay but how is someone supposed to ask permission to block you without first getting in your way to ask for permission come on Ji-sang think use ur fucking noodle my nigga
Ji-sang also adds a fourth thing that annoys him.
Ri-ta is devastated. Why is she so easily dragged by this nigga?? She 100% never has a comeback and is always crumbled by him. Wow, didn't you go to medical school? Aren't you at least smart? Can't you verbally acid toss some smart ppl clapback at his ass?? Wow, get it together, girl. Collect all your edges and go back to the drawing board of your life because this shit is unacceptable. Look for where you went horribly wrong. Do not come back until you have it fi--oh, you know what. You were raised by a nun, right? Because remember how later in the episode that becomes a plot point I don't care about?? Riiight.
Ri-ta and her uncle who I've figured out is the chairman of the hospital (???), are having some weird talk at her house. She's still mad at him about doing his job and he's like "awww r u still mad @ meeee???". Idk, they're creepy. Ri-ta forgives him and then starts offering unsolicited dating advice to her unk??? He gets all bashful and weird, squirming in his seat and shit. Idk, fast-forward @ all of this, tbh.
That fucking robot comes in and starts saying shit. Ji-sang is like, "um, do you knock?" and this fucking piece of shit ipad trashcan is like "knock, knock,,knocNO IT'S TOO LATE, NIGGA. YOU DON'T KNOCK ONCE YOU'VE ALREADY BARGED INTO A ROOM. IF YOU WERE SO FUCKING SMART, YOU'D KNOW THIS
This spy traitor Oscar the Grouch by Apple starts checking Ji-sang's vitals.
It points a laser at Ji-sang's chest??? umm,mmmm"""????
So Hyun-woo is being a fucking genius and figuring out what happened with Ji-sang at work. But honestly, I can't trust anything he says. Like I'm 64% sure he's working for/with Jae-wook, like lowkey this nigga is probably his fucking son or some shit, so if someone "switched it", the number 2 suspect after Jae-wook is Hyun-woo. And the show is annoying t h e s h i t out of me by keeping how he even met Ji-sang super-ambiguous. How dare you not tell me all the fucking information right away in episode 1?? It's bullshit!
No, shit, shelrockc,meliiiiiiiiike
Okay so Hyun-woo asks if there's anyone Ji-sang suspects at work who could've fucked with his shit. There are two moments like this in the episode, with Hyun-woo asking if anyone's being a weirdo at work. I think this first time, Ji-sang sort of acts like he can't guess who it is. But this is before Derek Jeter Gate. This is before that mess.
And then he talks about the high frequency wave and acts like he doesn't know where it was coming from. JAE-WOOK HELLO!!! They had that whole stare-off and everything wtf. Okay, keep playing dumb, Ji-sang. I can't wait until Jae-wook creepily enters your office and talks about his love for Derek Jeter and makes everyone so uncomfortable I ca n t fucking wa it.
Sooooo Jae-wook has some weird laboratory where he's keeping some vampire hostage and I guess doing experiments on it and shit??????
idk it's yawning. Sigh at kdramas always unfolding like a thousand plotlines in one single series. Like I get there are twenty episodes but siiiigh anyway
Ri-ta and that other woman doctor are out at a bar??? And I care because???? All Ri-ta can talk about is how much she hates Ji-sang blah blah. The other woman doctor gets annoyed that Ri-ta dragged her out of bed to go to the bar and all she can do is complain about Ji-sang. Then the other woman doctor tries to make the show seem self-aware by being like "lol u liiiike him". Please stop @ my life.
Ri-ta's like,
gpoy, tbh.
Ri-ta is sassy and has an attitude like, "What do you want to do to us?" etcetc. The lames are like,
Out of context this looks really creepy lol but the lames were sort of innocuous. Definitely not some typical bothering-ass dudes at the bar. The scene is meant to make Ri-ta look like a bitch for being sassy and getting an attitude and shit. But my dude's hair is too-high, I'd eject reject his ass, too.
Ji-sang goes to see security so he can check CCTV tapes to see if there's any footage of who broke into his office and messed with his meds.
But then they had this shot of him like looking, idk, ominously at Ji-sang as he left security hq and I was like oh, doy, this nigga is on the payroll. Like hello jello Jae-wook fucking owns the hospital or some shit. Of course they're not giving Ji-sang access to no fucking security, is Ji-sang a dummy or what?? And now everyone knows he's suspicious and going around looking for shit. Way to always be three feet behind your enemy like
Ji-sang sees some nigga tryna break into his office
he gets all aggro on him. Turns out, though, he's just some security lakkie checking door codes or some shit. Which I guess we're supposed to accept as okay? But...he's also on the payroll sooooo.
All the haters are gathered around in some sort of hater circle to talk shit about Ji-sang. Essentially, they're all regular hos and Ji-sang is Angelina Jolie. Like, they're all Chelsea Handlers. They all dated 50 Cent. Ji-sang wouldn't be caught dead dating someone whose name is pocket change. Like, can a nigga at least be called A dollar, I meeeaan. Doctor #13 is talking about how Ji-sang has psycho eyes. Lowkey though, he does. But he's still better than every ho in that building so psycho eyes or not, he'll always be able to steal Bitty Pitt away from Rachel from Friends, keep it cute.
yeah, like, you're right. No one's denying that.
Hair Scraps is the only one not participating in the hate-a-thon. He's just like stuffing his face with food? Gpoy
Ri-ta is talking shit about how even if you have to shit you shouldn't just up and leave the operating room and shit. Like, even if you have waterfall diarrhea. I'm almost certain that's in the medical school handbook, like, what is Ji-sang playing at??
Ji-sang does that thing that happens all the time in TV shows where ppl are talking shit about someone and then they come up behind them. He's all like that meme of singers holding their microphone out to the crowd.
Ji-sang is being sassy about Ri-ta's suggestion that a doctor shouldn't leave surgery even if diarrhea is waterfalling down their scrubs. He's like haha imagine getting in trouble for that, but in like his snarky smirky psychopath eye having sort of way. Also he's a vampire. Please don't forget this.
OH SHIT. Ri-ta says how leaving surgery to go take a dump is nonchalant behavior but then Ji-sang clapbacks with how having relaxed tea time after surgey is also nonchalant and I screamed and he is the queen of clapbacks but can you even be called queen when there's like zero competition? He's like...the queen by default??
Ri-ta is like a grown ass woman forever getting shut down by a sassy, lithe as fuck vampire model for Kanye West's clothing line - like, I'm so embarrassed for her. How am I supposed to ship them like...they're not compatible if she's never going to come thru with a good comeback like this a fucking mess
Doctor #13 spit out his tea when Ji-sang said that shit about nonchalant tea time. He was all like "He didn't mean me, did he?????" Hair Scraps was like that^^. I'm sort of here for Hair Scraps because he's weird and was stuffing his face with food, but mostly because he doesn't seem to be all over Ji-sang's dick like every1 else??? But also he was sort of lowkey stalking him in ep2 so idk. We'll see. Kdramas will have a character completely change personalities over the course of three episodes and I'll be like "sigh" but also yes it's the best that is why I love this shit. I wonder how this show will end. Like Jae-wook is the villain currently, but watch it turn out he's Ji-sang's uncle and they become best family pals and Ji-sang is hanging off a cliff for some reason like Macaulay Culk in The Good Son and he cries "oppa" or something and we think Jae-wook will save his glass of piss (Elijah Wood) that is also hanging off the cliff but instead he saves Ji-sang :') :333 <333
There's this sick ass dude and his wifey in Ji-sang's office and Ji-sang is being all harsh and cold giving the man his diagnosis. He's like "Stage 15, you're dying, no treatment will work oh wellllllllll."
The sick dude is trying to win some Korean acting awards by being like^^^. He wants Ji-sang to accept him into the hospital because of how that girl's mom's life got extended for eight whole months and he heard about how Taeman or Teamin or whatever hospital can extend people's lives for like eight whole months wow omg wowww
Ji-sang accepts the sick husband dude but his wife has an attitude about Ji-sang's behavior? Um okaaaay like what do you want Ji-sang to say? Like is he supposed to lie to protect your feelings? Come on. I mean...I guess he could be nicer, but Ji-sang isn't here to make friends. This isn't America's Next Top Best Friend - like.
And there go ol' snoopy ass Ri-ta over there ready to get all up in somebody's business siiiigh
There's a ward at the hospital especially designated for poor people/the homeless. One of the nurses is complaining because she hates the homeless and think they're gross and "quite ridiculous".
The Hawaiian looking one is like
The answer is yes. Also the hospital sort of is, too? Like is it weird or okay that they have this super-separated wing for the disenfranchised??? lol, like, why is there a whole...separate wing. Like the way they keep talking about is like "omg we're so noble" but also "make sure these dusty houseless mofos don't touch our paying customers". Liiiiiiike
So...these...baby doctors are assigned the homeless ppl ward. They come walking in and the two dudes are acting like overly bro-y kpop members, massaging each other and shit I'm screaming.
One of the dudes asks...let me find out this bitch's fucking name because I'll feel like she'll turn out to be an "important" character so let me not give her some offensive nickname siiigh. Okay her name is Ga-yeon. So one of the dudes whose name I will continue to refuse to know is like to her, "Why are you so smiley?" and this fucking bitch seriously says
so sigh @ how annoying she's going to be.
Then the shorter dude is all
...what? Why would she?? Why is she bleeding from both nostrils????
The homeless niggas roll through and they look a mess and also like Inuits so yeah this might take place in Canada for some reason.
Okay but why is my dude's teeth super nice, though? Homeless but you got a dental plan like okaay
Okay this is Jae-wook's squad and for the first time I'm getting a really good look @ them and screaming at dude on the right and omg he's going to be the one to "befriend" Ji-sang maybe?? I...I just can't.
Jae-wook introduces his drug team. I'm going to ignore the leader bitch until she actually becomes significant. But now I guess I have to learn dude up there's name sigh let me find it. Okay, Ji-tae. He is the sassmaster supreme, I believe. Like, Ji-sang is queen of clapbacks, but Ji-tae has the sassiness game covered overall. He's salty about Jae-wook's new drug squad. He's like blah blah we're now basically pharmacists. Like really annoyed the drug people and the hospital are working together. Then he talks about how he believes more focus should be on pathology than drug treatment, which, with my limited brain knowledge about literally anything, I agree with.
Ji-sang tries to make light of the situation in a still sassy/sarcastic way by being like,
and I got so excited, first of all, that he was directly addressing Jae-wook but moving on. He starts giving examples of drug names like
ha ha
s c r ea ming.
Ri-ta's like,
sssssss burn @Jae-wook. Sort of. Jae-wook is still winning, always, so.
Ji-tae stalks Ji-sang after the meeting to be weird and talk about how much he loves Ji-sang's Asperger's disorder. How much he loves how like blunt he is and probably he's really into trains??
Get off his dick damn.
They have this weird moment. Like if I were watching something less chaste they would go into the bathroom and start raw dogging each other, but this is a kdrama so I guess it's just a moment of them recognizing a potential friendship.
Then Ji-tae talks about how he was going to be friends with Ji-sang if he turned out to be not as much of a superior supreme vampire being as he turned out to be. And he's being like self-deprecating and sarcastic or something about his lack of talent and skill compared to like all the other not as supreme as Ji-sang but still supreme docs at the hospital. Then Ji-sang tries to make this loser feel better by saying that Ji-tae, too, has a skilll and that it's
He basically calls him the sassmaster supreme and I'm like "tru". And Ji-tae is all touched and like cumming in his pants. Why is everyone so obsessed with Ji-sang? Like, no, I sort of get it. But he's no Jae-wook so. And Ji-tae was getting an attitude with Jae-wook which...just...smfh.
Sigh. There's some nun bitch at the hospital. The chairman uncle daddy assigns Ji-sang to work on her, instead of Ri-ta who wants to blah blah.
Blah blah Ri-ta is salty Ji-sang is working on the nun. She chastises him for being so cold with his patients and tells him he better treat Sister Sylvia right. Ji-sang is getting an attitude because he's him, and because Ri-ta is someone you get an attitude with. Then Ri-ta reveals she has a personal relationship with the nun and I'm like *eyerolllllllllllllllllllll*
This was funny because the nun was just lying there and siiiiiiiiigh @ any of this nun shit. Like, we already know who Ri-ta is and that she doesn't have parents ugh sigh skip skipppppp. Oh, ugh and I forgot this scene was supposed to show Ji-sang like ~relating~ to Ri-ta's little emotions because he too is motherless and blahahahhahanriomormpom. Can they just become friends already, their bickering is like...like I'm so over it. Become cute with each other already this show isn't good enough to drag it out for multiple episodes please I'm tired already in episode 3 it's enough
Flashback to Ri-ta being an orphan and YES OKAY CONFIRMATION IT'S THAT BITCH FROM EPISODE 1. Okay no more flashbacks thank yoooouuuuu.
YES FINALLY SOMETHING I CARE ABOUT WAY MORE THAN I NE EEKND DD TO. Jae-wook goes to Ji-sang's office and it's fucking game tiiiiiimemememe ewhat amd I tlakjging about
YDYYSHSYEYEEYEYEYSS. SO, FIRST OFF: WHY THE EFF IS JAE-WOOK WEARING A TUXEDO???? WHERE ARE YOU GOING, FAM???? OKAY AND SECONDLY WHY DOES HE FEEL SO OBVIOUSLY UNCOMFORTABLE IN--NO, WAIT, FIRST. WHEN HE COMES IN HE'S SO FUCKING HAPPY TO BE IN JI-SANG'S OFFICE OMFG ANDF HE'S LIKE GLOWING JFC I WANT TO THROW. UP. So okay Jae-wook wants to make conversation with Ji-sang but he doesn't know how because they're both fucking absolute freaks. Jae-wook wants to express his feelings for Ji-sang. He does so by pointing to the signed Derek Jeter baseball Ji-sang has on his desk. He's like "Is this a Derek Jeter signed baseball?" Ji-sang is like *attitude* "Yes."
Jae-wook is like
I'M SCREAMAMAINGINGINGINIGNGINGINGINGINING. Jae-wook is such a fucking freak. He compared Ji-sang to a signed Derek Jeter baseball which he thinks is like the greatest thing of all time and I want to fucking cry like is Jae-wook serious?? Is he?? Like, he can't be??? This is insane fucking behavior plleleeaaaasseee
He's so disgusted and creeped outtttt!!! :') I am legitimately screaming tears.
Omg he was so embarrassed about comparing Ji-sang to a signed Derek Jeter baseball like I want to cry. He put himself out there and was 100% rejected and mocked and I just can't take this. It's so sad and tragic. Just love him, Ji-sang. Why are you like this??? Like, ohkkaaaaay he's 100%% responsible for the deaths of your parents, sure. But you don't know that! So hurry up and fall in love with Jae-wook before you find out! ugh so annoying
Jae-wook is bragging about how he got Ri-ta's request for a psychological exam on Ji-sang denied. Then he says how he wants Ji-sang's relationship with her to improve (bitch, me 2 ugh). Ji-sang is all salty like "I'll take care of that on my own thanx kthanxxx thank uuuuuuuu!!"
Then Jae-wook is being weird again, talking about how he's allowed Ji-sang access to the database or whatever the fuck. Like, redflag, Ji-sang, you're not going to find whatever you're looking for. Then Jae-wook is all "Rules were made for dummies, unlike you, my sweet angel babycakes."
^^^^^^^^^^. Why is Ji-sang above the law, Jae-wook, hmm??? Because he's the human equivalent of a signed Derek Jeter baseball??? It's not like it's a signed Jason Giambi tissue he used to stuff in his sweaty butt crack. Get a grip.
BUT JI-SANG SHAKES IT I'M SCREAMING. But lowkey it's even worse than the last time when he didn't shake it, because Ji-sang is clearly disgusted by Jae-wook??? And doesn't want to??? He like barely touches his hand I want to die in my sleep
Ok, so I realized I've made a huge mistake in trying to recap every episode of this show. You live, you learn, you know??? I mean...Jae-wook said in the show that stupid ppl learn from living but smart people learn from history and tbh he can suck my dick. I'm on episode...6...right now and I'm just going to watch the rest of the show and then recap the rest in a single post that will still be too long and really egregious and full of, hopefully, pics of Jae-wook just sitting around in his creepy vampire bachelor's pad sipping on pee tea and reading complicated looking novels probably about how to pretend really hard that you have no feelings even though flashbacks show you sort of do. Also your intense, creepy interest in Ji-sang. That also shows you have feelings. In multiple areas of your body wink wink ugh please releas eme f romr rmthjmy msiery
Okay but a couple of questions I have that will probably be answered once I finally fucking finish watching the show but that I want to ask anyway because
1. So why did Ji-sang lie to Hyun-woo about not having seen any suspicious characters at work?? His mind flashbacked to Jae-wook being creepy and asking about the baseball - why didn't he tell Hyun-woo about that??? Does he not trust Hyun-woo just as I do not?? Or does he not want to really acknowledge what he thinks about Jae-wook
a. JAE-WOOK IS SO OBVIOUSLY THE ONE WHO'S AFTER HIM/THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS PARENT'S DEATH. Why is Ji-sang acting like all the signs aren't there??? Wtf this show is being ridiculous trying to drag this revelation out
b. Also, if Ji-sang doesn't trust Hyun-woo, why he got this nigga all up in his house doing all this shit for him. Alsoalso IS HYUN-WOO WORKING FOR JAE-WOOK OR NAH?? This is bothering me so much I will be super pissed if he is. Alsoalsoalso...is Hyun-woo's only purpose in life to service Ji-sang?? Like does he ever leave that house? Also, who buys those ~trendy~ outfits for him??? Hyun-woo is such a mystery to me that I think maybe I don't want to be solved tbqfh
c. Okay and so I've seen episodes 4 and 5 and I am still so confused about what Jae-wook's mission is. Like, I know he injected himself with the vampire pathogen and he used to be a doctor and he wanted to rule the world or become a god or something and cure every1 whatever. And okay, I get that he just kills any1 who disagrees with him. But...what is his purpose with Ji-sang???? Why does he think...Ji-sang would not be like his parents? Like where would he even get that idea? And he gets upset when Ji-sang shows compassion/human emotions, but isn't altruism and stuff sort of important to his initial goal of wanting to just cure all the people??? He is seriously such a contradiction or some shit. Idk, maybe watch more episodes to find out uggggh @ me
d. Also! Oh! Ji-tae is the son of that mentor dude Jae-wook killed. This should get interesting...maybe. This show is honestly doing too much, but maybe it'll all come smoothly together. Lol, this is a dramedy about a vampire fucking doctor. And one of the side characters is an actual fucking robot with legitimate dialogue. lol @ me thinking this will all come ~smoothly together~. If that robot isn't killed off, this show is a failure, end of.
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