Friday, March 22, 2024

Why does this movie exist?

I love erotic thrillers but it's like horror for me in that 99% of the movies are the most dogshit piles of donkey doodoo you will ever lay your eyeballs upon. Hulu's "erotic psychological thriller film" Deep Water (2022) falls within that 99%, easy. But I knew it would going in so why did I watch it? What did I think I would gain? Was it just the thrill of the chase? The movie is literally--no exag--about how soul-crushing and spiritually-dampening it is to have a hot Latina wife. That's the movie - there's nothing more to it than that. Which would be fine if the movie delivered on the erotic aspect (genuinely one of the most unsexy, non-erotic films I have ever seen), or even bothered trying to hit on anything you could conceivably call thrilling (almost everything potentially-interesting happens entirely off-screen). And I *knew* that it would be this way, yet I pressed on despite this knowledge. They should make lobotomies free for anyone this far down at the bottom of the well.

Why is this movie called Deep Water? At the end SPOILER the main character kills a guy and sinks (or tries to LMAO) his body in water and then another kill is a "drowning"... but why is the movie called that tho? Is "deep water" like a popular saying for something? There's two water-related deaths but...none of them necessarily involved deep water? I wonder if "deep water" is another way of saying "deep doodoo" like, The main white guy protagonist is in deep doodoo [water?] because he married an annoying Cuban with the mindset of an obnoxious twelve year old girl with an untreated personality disorder who bullies one of her fat classmates online into killing herself? Like is it another way to say that? It's crazy how a piano REFUSES to fall from the sky to instantly crush me to death. I crave the eternal silence, and yet it eludes me.

It was right around here that i started thinking about cutting the movie off lmao. It's like three minutes into the movie by this point lmaoo. There was so much awkwardness just in every frame, every second was unbearable and I'm not even being dramatic and exaggerating like maybe I am wont to do just to be funny - like, it was horrendous. So hard to watch and not in like a The Night Porter sort of way, like I actively felt like I was wasting my life and a little bit committing some sort of crime by even acknowledging the "movie". Which might sound intriguing to you if I put it like that but trust me, no, it is not. There is NOTHING happening and it is so awkward and awful I'm still so stunned that I actually ended up watching this all the way through I honestly feel like I should be arrested for even doing so or like God should strike me down now finally cuz clearly I have no plans to do anything meaningful with my life if I will set aside two hours to sit and watch this total nothing nonsense. Anyway, lmao, Ben and What'sherface have absolutely zero chemistry it's incredible. I'm trying to remember why I kept watching. I think I thought maybe it was a so-terrible-it's-sortakinda-funny scenario, but it's definitely not at all. Not funny, not fun. Every choice worse than the last, and again, you're thinking, well that sounds like it could be kind of entertaining - NO. There is none of that. Why did I do this? I feel sick

What was the deal with this lady judging Vic and Melinda's choice to allow their daughter to choose her own school? She's my favorite character, by the way. Pretty sure she's the only character who responds to those two dingbats with any measure of normal human appropriateness. She's like, what a bunch of freaks. But she's not really interested beyond just a passing "weirdos". Why would you construct an entire movie around two "people" like this? The movie should've been about this^ queen.

Get it, guys? *Roger the alien voice* Wah-ter. Drink Perrier, guys!

I wonder what those two sets of extras are talking about? The movie should be about them.

What was this? Does it mean anything? This is the whitest movie based in Louisiana I've ever seen. I feel like the movie wants us to view all the characters as a bunch of fun, sexy adults living it up in the French Quarter but there's nothing fun, nothing sexy. No character is even remotely interesting, and all the parties they're constantly throwing look like the fake parties they have in those CW supernatural shows where like witches or vampire hunters are running around in jean jackets solving supernatural crimes or whatever but it's the CW and the audience wants to see our snarky, bad ass protagonists at like random parties all the time to witness them interact with "normies" and maybe get some sex. And it's like can y'all bring back UPN/WB and all my black shows? Tired of the bs

There are so many random shots in this movie like this but it's like the most uninteresting thing ever so why is the camera here right now? Like, they had to set up this shot. Why did you waste time putting this on screen? /genuine

Like are two ppl at this party just sitting here with bags on their head? why? Are they drunk? Where did those bags come from did they make them? I want every1 dead

This is how Vic looks when he sees his wife sucking face with some other guy at a party. OBSESSED with Ben Affleck sleepwalking his way through this entire movie (and literally every movie I see him in?). He's so REAL. Convinced he only does acting work to keep the mob off his back. Zero chance he doesn't have an insane, Bruno-Mars-amount of gambling debt weighing him down and informing his every decision lol

Ben's Black Queen Bestie strolls up and like the first thing she says is something about how she has her tits out for the night and Ben immediately looks at her breasts and I'm convinced that was written in the script to give Affleck a "legal" reason to zoomazooma his eyes straight towards someone's rack. You can tell the whole movie he is struggling hard to not have his eyes pop out of his skull like some pervert cartoon character and have them travel an uncomfortably long distance to suture themselves to some great, headless, heaving bosom. Great scene :)

Ben's character is called Vic but that's a stupid name and anyway the character is just actually Ben Affleck, so I'm just gonna call him Ben. Anyway, Ben's Black Queen Bestie loses the mind your business challenge and asks him if his wife is flucking and sucking on some ugly blonde side ho of hers. This movie is about nothing. And not in a funny haha Seinfeld sort of way, there's just no actual anything happening. Ben has this toddler-brained wife who is like constantly having side dudes, which is a non story. It could be a story, but the movie doesn't make it one? It's so uninteresting how slutty his wife is and how she's always having side dudes and "cheating" on her husband. All of her side dudes seem, at minimum, 100% gay, and I thought that would be the *twist* of the movie lmao and I was like ok that's kind of interesting, or at least it's something actually happening but no the movie is just: literally Ben's hot, annoying latina wife is sleeping with a bunch of guys all the time and he doesn't like it so he kills them?? And you're thinking: Well, that sounds like a movie to me! You'd be wrong. You'd be the most wrong you have ever been :)

Ben has more chemistry with this lady than the actress playing his wife. I mean, more than 0% isn't saying much, but why couldn't this lady be cast as his hot, insane wife? Guaranteed the movie would be like 2-3% more interesting, at least. So many choices made :)

This is Melinda's side ho. He brought to mind a slightly more intellectually-disabled Brad Pitt, but with significantly less domestic disturbance allegations. So, kind of an improvement :)

In this scene Ben is telling Melinda's Side Ho #667 that he killed the side ho that preceded him. I originally thought that Ben was like threateningly rubbing lotion on his hands in this scene lol but on second glance he is actually threateningly rubbing soap on his hands and then proceeds to wash his hands in a threatening manner. It was funnier when I thought it was lotion.

Lil Rel Howery is in this movie and we're expected to believe he's besties with Ben's character. K. Why doesn't this movie sprout some balls and cast him as one of Melinda's 50-11 gay side dudes? Cowards!

This is Ben trying to look all crazy and deranged, giving megachurch pastor who's slaughtered his entire family vibes, but he mostly just looks hungover and like he has to booboo. He's so slay, actually. He should get an Oscar just for not killing himself by now.

You didn't see Vic washing his hands really pointedly, white boy? Yes, he's trying to threaten you. Also he just straight-up told you he murdered sum1?? If an old, tired-looking, blockhead ass white man tells me he killed somebody y'all aint got to worry bout me cuz I'm GONE. But of course the shimbro thinks shit is a game. What happened to him, btw? lmaao. Spoiler but later on in the movie Ben calls an uber for him and then we never see him again? He's never mentioned again after he sails away in his uber? (Maybe he took the uber all the way 2 Arizona?) Are we not meant to question after his whereabouts? Why did we spend a significant amount of time seeing him if he did not matter at all? I want every1 in Hollywood to pass away and I'm not joking and this isn't a game to me.

This movie is so boring. I originally thought that Ben couldn't be the killer because it was like way too obvious, way too boring if it was him. Fun fact: it's literally him, he's the killer? Um. That's literally insane, but not in an interesting way, because they do not ever show him (until the final sidebae kill at the end) committing any of the kills. The only interesting thing this movie has going for it is that Ben is killing ppl and they don't even show it? The movie only ever piqued my interest when they actually ~RuVealed~ that it's been him for real 4real all along and we see him kill the final side dude, and I'm like wow okay this is fucked up and I was actually intrigued because Vic finally had something going on that I actually cared about 4 once. And I remembered thinking, b4 they officially make it clear that Vic has been the killer, that if he is the guy, and they are not showing him do the crimes, then they are committing a sin far greater than anything that's being not-so-delicately implied Vic's character has committed. A movie about a deranged serial murderer and they don't show any of it, they just show a bunch of boring scenes of Ben Affleck looking like he wants to shoot his fucking brains out but he's too shallow and cowardly to do it so he signs on to do this piece of shit stupid movie instead. I want everyone arrested and exploded. The only thing interesting about this movie is how much hate it inspired in me, but that's my creative output, so it DOES NOT COUNT!

Are y'all picking up what the "film" is putting down? Ben's slut wife is a spicy, feral latina who loves being naked and being a whore and she cannot be tamed! This is literally her entire personality? I think everyone involved in the making of this "film" should be shot. Where's that murderer Alec Baldwin when you actually need him smh

Back up!

So here's Vic smirking devilishly in the middle of his snail farm. You see, Vic is some sort of drone kang. ACTUALLY he only invented the chip that goes into drones that kill innocent civilians the world over, so get your facts STRAIGHT!! Anyway, Vic is retired because inventing chips that kill people made him rich (Alec Baldwin WISHES) so he has all the time in the world snails? *stares into the camera* Anyway, I'm an idiot, like genuinely dumb. Not Brad Pitt dumb, but it's up there. However, as soon as they showed the snails I'm like, ok the snails are the murder weapon. Turns out? They're...actually not? If they are they were used to kill off-screen which is INCREDIBLY IDIOTIC! But you know Vic is doing something weird with the snails. Except, wait, did he? lmao, the ~weirdest~ thing we see is that Vic puts the wallet of one of his victims in one of the little snail habitats and I assumed the snails were meant to eat it/destroy the evidence but idk anything about snails and I wish a tsunami would bear down only on whoever was responsible for financing/producing this stupid movie.

Who was this character? None of the characters have any chemistry, I don't know who any of them are supposed to be in relation to each other lmao, and none of their interactions make any sense nor do they hold any weight. Every scene is wasted and pointless. It's honestly lowkey impressive how irrelevant, vapid, and meaningless this movie is.

Do you see what I mean? Why the fuck is the camera focused on this plate of fried chicken right now? What is going ON???

Both these dudes look like they're straight out of a sitcom, like New Girl if it took place in a geriatric care home or something, meanwhile Vic is over there in the corner like someone who watched that tape from The Ring and it's Day 7 and he's just like whatever, fuck it. No chemistry, no correlation, no. point.

This movie has Vic's black "comic relief" bestie dragging his wife and Vic just kind of doesn't defend her? Like he str8 up is just saying she's evil?? When you marry a deranged Latina you know what you're getting into. Vic knew what he was signing up for. He's like 60, why are his annoying friends infatilizing him or trying to act like he's some victim? Lol if he doesn't want Melinda he can simply divorce her and move his white ass on? Why am I taking this stupid movie serious when literally no1 involved with making it did? Let's just move on chile

Literally me every second watching this #whenisitgonnaend

Me when the movie thinks it's giving Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? just cuz they have two white people arguing. #tryagain

Vic invited Melinda's side ho over to the house to apologize for being weird to him. He makes Lobster bisque. The side ho says he's allergic to shellfish, so Vic makes him grilled cheese instead. They're all eating and Melinda asks sideho for a bite of his grill cheez, she says she doesn't like lobster bisque (does Vic intentionally make it knowing no1 wants it? His blockhead ass is so passive aggresive I'd wish him dead if he were even remotely a little bit interesting but he isn't so irdgaf) - Melinda starts gobbling down the grill cheez and she does the most over it. Meanwhile it looks gross like grill cheez from those Kraft singles commercials. The two dingbats try to have some little argument about how Vic is ashamed of his latinx~ wife because she has a childish palate. Literally no1 cares. Can Vic just get up and commit a murder-suicide like any other chronically-unsatisfied entitled white man? I'm tired of these forced, empty interactions. Just pass away PLEASE

Despite reminding me of that remedial demon Bradley Pitt, I actually liked the blonde side ho. I thought he was funny and just had generally chill vibes lol I hope Vic didn't secretly kill him off screen, but if he did, and I find out something interesting happened off-screen that y'all didn't show, trust me, all who are involved with the making of this "movie", you will BE DEALT WITH.

Melinda tells her Asian daughter to go to bed meanwhile it's broad daylight outside. It's the middle of the fucking day? I guess they do things differently in white households. This movie should be about how the daughter of Vic and Melinda plots to kill them because they suck and we know CPS is not rolling up to a rich, Caucasian household to do shit so she takes matters into her own hands. You see how I plotted a far more interesting film in literally two seconds? Maybe this movie was made by a bot. If it wasn't that's humiliating.

Vic tells Melinda's blonde sideho that he killed her previous side ho with a hammer, but later on the man's death is reported on the news and they say he was shot - so what is the truth? Are we meant to believe Vic did not actually kill him? But we know he's a killer. Did this movie just make a mistake or are we supposed to view it as Vic just fucking around? Why wouldn't he just tell blondie he shot the man if that's what happened? I wonder if that side ho was killed by sum1 else and Vic was so inspired by one of Melinda's side hoes disappearing that he decided to start just killing them himself? What would be so fun is if the movie tackled literally any of my questions on the screen and actually made me care about what was going on? But alas :)

What was the point of this writer character? I assumed he was a stand-in for one of the actual writers of the movie? He's so boring immediately lmao this movie is so funny if you have nothing going on in your life and nothing to live for. It's incredible to sit and watch it and just every scene is just lumbering along with no plot or point or purpose of any kind.

Melinda and Victoranious are at a party (yet again *rolls eyes*) and they meet this ~writer~ who somehow survives off selling short stories like it's the 1950s as well as screenplays like it's the 90s. He starts talking about one of his scripts and it's just some boring film noir. He, with no irony, refers to his own work as "fresh". *Judi Dench voice* You're NOT YOUNG!. I get the character is meant to be intentionally like douchey, because all writers are, but ok, after we agree that's all intentional, ok gr8, so what is he doing here? What does he have to do with the plot? They position him as a busybody that's tryna get the tea on Vic being a possible murderer, but why? We literally have to decide 4 ourselves as the audience that he's being nosy to conjure up inspiration for his own work. But that's something that would happen in a cartoon. What elderly ass man is putting himself into literal danger just to get some tea on a potential serial killer just so he can have material for his book, when he's presumably a literal fiction writer and can just, you know, MAKE IT UP HIMSELF! This man is so messy but not in a fun, interesting Murder She Wrote sort of way so he's just annoying me and in the way. Why is there literally nothing significant or compelling in this movie like literally nothing. I can't believe this got made it's just nothing happening. Shit pops off more in your average Hallmark film than this movie. I'm getting second hand embarrassment let's just move on!!

The writer drags Vic for being not-so-indirectly responsible for various war crimes being committed thanks to his handy dandy chip and it gets awkward and serious and so of course comic relief black bestie swoops in to save the day by reminding every1 that Blockhead is the smartest white man in the entire world and also he's a gazillionaire so check. MATE! Genuinely embarrassing.

The old man looks at Vic and is like "You killed [what'sherface's former side ho]". I thought they would RuVeal that the old man knew Martin, but they don't go anywhere with it?? How does the old man know Martin? Why did he even bring it up? Also it's revealed later the old man never believed Vic actually killed Martin, so why does he bring it up? Do you see what I mean like this movie just does shit for no reason and it would be one thing if it was interesting but it never is??? I don't understand how this got made. I rarely think that, but who besides an asshole like me who's literally forcing myself to watch it so I can make a mean blog about it is watching this shit?

Ben Affleck is so funny. He's literally just here so he doesn't get fined/killed by the illuminati. He should get an Oscar just for not being Casey.

Vic starts dancing with the old man's wife who's like fifty years younger than him, btw. Every1 is commenting saying "I didn't know Vic could dance" and acting all surprised, meanwhile all he's doing is just twirling around with her? It's not like he starts twerking or doing the dougie??? Zero chance this script wasn't written by a bot, it's so nonsensical.


This literally happened in Euphoria? I'm pretty sure Sam Levinson wrote part of the script 4 this "movie". I have no receipts but I'm positive he's responsible for this scene. I think he should be killed with hammers :/

Who reads a magazine like this?

When Melinda asks Vic why he's waiting up 4 her like a parent I remembered thinking omg, becuz it had occured to me what if the *twist* (u stupid bitch, there is no twist!) is that Vic is like her dad or something on some VC Andrews type shit, but no it's not that.. *sits still with no thoughts instead of killing myself, and that's on Ben Affleck*

Also, this was the point of the movie where I decided to blog about it. I usually don't plan blogs. Sometimes I do, but usually it's just that I randomly watched something, thought it was either insane, or terrible while watching, and I decide I want to be unhinged about it on blogspot because the PEOPLE HAVE 2 KNOW (no1 is reading this). Several times while watching up until this point, I had it of the mind to cut the movie off and just 4get it ever happened, but I got up to this point which is about...50 minutes or so into the movie, and you're in pretty deep at this point and you feel like you've wasted too much time lmao so it became ok I'll blog it and feel like I didn't just erase years off my life for literally nothing. Not that writing a stupid blog makes up for it at all.. *Ben Affleck blank stare*

Latina and Vic have a fight about Miss Spicy Mamas being a huge unAmerican whore. It's so boring, who cares about y'all's tired little domestic problems. Not me! Anyway, like in the middle of the ~argument~ Melinda randomly sucks on Vic's fingers. Gross, and not sexy at all the way they filmed it? Do y'all dumbasses know how to make a damn erotic thriller? Literally every ~sexy~ thing that happens is so uncomfortable and awkward and asexual as fuck. Was this movie written by a cloistered nun? Honestly I feel like even an unsexed nun could write better erotica than this. They really think that just because Melinda is vaguely foreign that we as the audience will just think anything she does is sexy. They don't even bother trying to make Vic sexy or any of her side dudes. It's so insane. You guys, look, Melinda's licking some old man's snail slime coated fingers! She's SO hot and spicy Latina for that!!!

Melinda says some cringe shit to Vic like if he wasn't married to her he'd be so bored and would have 2 kill himself lmao. She's so middle school girl coded. This isn't sexy, or cute or bad ass in any way. She comes across like she's mentally challenged and now I'm side-eyeing Vic for taking advantage of someone disabled when I initially just thought he was taking advantage of someone who just needed a green card. Y'all just added a whole new layer of Call the police!!

What are these parties Melinda and Vic be going to? Why do all the characters act like middle schoolers when everyone is meant to be 30+? Honestly, that's prob the only thing that's accurate about the movie lol

Who's Miss Mamas in the bathing suit lol

Latina has a new side ho after the blonde one disappears. New Side Ho comes to the house and starts playing like Little Richard or some shit on the piano. It's the whitest shit ever, and then Melinda, natch, gets turned on and walks over to Vic to start rubbing her bussy on his weenus. Ok. This movie feels like it was written by a severely-neglected eight year old boy. Though I think if it were actually written by a literal child it would be better than what it is which is really sad and frightening

Jacob Elotree is in this movie as Side Ho #7036. His character is a pianist. He need to be out on that court hoopin', that's what he need to be doing.

Who is this random dog? What is her story? This movie should be told from the perspective of random dogs. Like, let's wake it up!

Cuck POV

Why did Vic intentionally burn his fingers on the cookie tray? Are we meant to think he's attempting to burn off his prints? I can guarantee, based on every other scene in the film, that it's literally just a random moment and it's not meant to mean anything. In any other film it would mean something, but Deep Water is different in that it's the biggest piece of garbage on planet Arrakis and literally nothing means anything :)

me waiting 4 my taquitos 2 heat up in the microwave

Oh, he passed away? *blank Ben Affleck stare*

Ben's Black Queen Bestie talking again about how he danced with that white woman earlier? Shut up! Who GIVES A SHIT!!!

Me when the movie is still happening and everyone involved in the making of it is not being actively burned at the stake

EW! old ass nigga look like a peenus!!

"I know CPR" head ass - nigga, you killed him!

Jacob Elotree being dragged across the screen in a body bag in two different movies I've seen this year is kind of slay. I don't like White Australians and think they're demonic and should all be buried alive in cement but he's kind of slay, kind of queenie*.

*for now

Wait this cop is kinda fine. It's giving #copaganda. Put an ugly cop up there, stop playing! Get Michael Rapaport - he aint doing shit!

God, me. *drinks a can of Celsius Apple Pear Sparkling Beverage to feel something*

Me when the movie won't go tf off. The fact that it's 2 hours long is CRAZY. This should be 70 minutes, TOPS, and it should end like Fear with the killer just being tossed out a window and then immediately the credits roll. Ridiculous!

Vic invites the old man and his wife over to the house 4 dinner eventho the old man is accusing him of being a murderer and also Vic's own wife made a scene at the last party they were at where Jacob Elotree drowned and she was screaming about how Vic killed him, but this crazy ho is answering the door like all is well. And let's not even talk about the old man coming to the house when he thinks Vic dun killed somebody. I wish any of this was as interesting to see as it might sound but it's just not at all. You're literally begging the movie to just wrap it the fuck up but it refuses - god it is abysmal, but if you're suicidal watching, it MAY cure you. If the ppl involved in the making of this movie have the audacity to insist on life then what are you doing thinking you deserve to be dead when that doesn't even occur to them? You will insist on persisting based on pure hate and pettiness alone after watching this, so some good has come of it <3

Bro looks directly into the camera

It's funny how Vic genuinely is weird but also so incredibly dull and blah. He just like me, ngl. We love #representation

Old man legit asks Vic if he'll take a lie detector test. Nigga, u aren't the police, who tf r u 2 be asking sum1 to take a lie detector test? He is so senile and old white man coded lol, honestly it's kind of accurate lmao

Who tf is this little girl? They weirdly focus on her in one scene and we have no idea who tf she even is. I guess it's the director's kid or some producer's niece but like at least make it subtle, it was so jarring I was like who tf is this?? This movie should be disappeared

Vic's Asian daughter thinks it's cute that her dad is a murderer. The movie suggests she takes after her dad quite a bit so I guess the sequel (LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO) will be like some American Psycho 2 type shit (I've never seen that but I just assumed it's like Patrick Bateman's daughter and she does all the stuff he does just she's Mila Kunis now) (Honestly, I need the sequel becuz it's looking like either Vic or the asian daughter are fixin' to disappear Melinda and that, I actually need to see cuz god she's annoying, being Cuban should be considered a federal crime, so run that sequel on ASAP!!)

A new side ho for Melinda. He rolls up to the house, peeps her old man is crazy, and doesn't immediately leave and never talk to either of them again like any1 with sense would do. So when he turns up murdered it's like *shrugs*

I don't think Melinda understands fun facts. It's also so childish how she's always talking about who she's fucking, who fucked her, who might fuck her - like girl we get it you're a big ho and you like to make your man jealous *rolls eyes*. She's just so virginial middle schooler and that's the exact opposite vibe you should be going 4 when constructing an erotic thriller. It's unbearable to sit thru

Vic's not a normal white man, you guys, he's a mass murdering middle-aged cuck which literally no other white man has ever been in the history of time :)

Negro so old timey about the face. It's giving Civil War

The only time Vic is interesting is when he chucks a rock into the head of Ryan Murphy Black Haired Blue Eyed Twink #547

This dog is so IBS-coded

Vic literally murders Dandy from American Horror Story because he broke up with Melinda long ago, which I thought was genuinely romantic lol and, again, the only time he's interesting is when we're actually shown him being insane and committing a crime ON-SCREEN. Crazy the whole movie doesn't just have that POV the entire time. Y'all knew good and damn well that erotic thriller shit y'all was tryna do wasn't working, so u shoulda switched it up to a serial killer POV storyline instead to save ur stupid asses. Hindsight's 20/20 i guess

Vic literally gives his daughter alcohol to celebrate how he killed another side ho of his wife's????? This is some shit George from Seinfeld would do

Vic gifts Melinda this Brooklyn Beckham ass photography book he made to commemorate their sordid love? Um, stick to making weapons for war criminals me thinks

Idky Vic looked so cute and slapstick coded to me when he went back to the river to try to get Dandy's body to sink to the bottom lol. Convinced if this movie was switched to a goofy serial killer POV it would've saved it. It would still be bad lol but at least it'd be mildly amusing

Kneegro talmbout "wut r u doing wit that stick?". Old nosey negrum. You wouldn't CATCH ME running up on some middle aged white man in a vest poking a stick in the river and asking him wtf he is doing. He wouldn't even see my ass, cuz I'd be GONE. Y'all love to die.

Obvious stunt double lmao. Y'all know good and well Ben Affleck's big burly ass aint zoomazooma on no bike no damn where lmao

Precisely what this movie was about. Not a damn thang!

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