Saturday, December 14, 2019

Marriage Story (2019)

For years, because I'm messy, I've wanted tea on the dissolution of Noah Baumbach's marriage to Jennifer Jason Leigh. I remember him speaking about her when they first got together and thought he sounded slightly insane. He said something about how when he was a kid he saw her in Fast Times at Ridgemont High and had this feeling like he wanted to save her with his penis or something. Totally paraphrasing. Like decades later, he gets his wish. Except that's weird af because Noah was fantasizing about a character in a movie, no? Not actually Jennifer the human person? Anyway, men are deranged.

Eventually, they divorce. This meant nothing to me initially for various reasons. People divorce all the time. In general, I don't care about either Noah nor Jennifer's personal life. The only time they ever piqued my interest was that one time I read the weird quote from Noah speaking about her and then I never cared again. Later, Jennifer asks for child support or something and I a little bit am piqued but I don't follow up to sip any tea because again, who really cares about this dude and an actor I barely rate. I mean, I like Jennifer in things when I see her, but she is not on my radar like that.

Then! I find out Noah is with Greta Gerwig and I feel immediately scandalized. I actually had no idea until a few weeks ago that Greta had been like Jennifer's personal assistant or some shit! Scandal!!!

And Noah and Greta have like this uber-intimate personal working relationship!!!

But no one talks about it!!!!!!! (From a scandal POV!!!)

It never stood out to me that no one was really gossiping about them because these are very indie under the radar whatever people. They could be more indie/underground. People know them, it's not like they aren't people with backing and industry support and fans and critics who hype them, etc. But they're def not Brad and Angie.

So I didn't really pay it any mind. But now I feel like it's so odd that I'm not getting tea on the relationship between these three people. Maybe their PR requests interviewers aren't to ask about it? I hardly read magazines or newspapers so maybe I just missed it. Plus, I don't follow any of these three creatives like that. Even creatives I do follow and care about I hardly know personal things about them. So maybe there's no conspiracy.

Except there totally is because now we have Marriage Story and I'm reading all these so-called ~reviews~ and not one has tried to speculate and be messy. Not one review is like WHICH CHARACTER IS GRETA SUPPOSED TO BE?!!

Like, come on! And she has a new movie coming out!!!

I'm not the only messy person. I know I'm not. I've read multiple articles about the press playing games on Rudy Giuliani's phone, but zero about which character in this auto-fiction film is supposed to represent Greta Gerwig.

Chile, please!!

So anyway, this damn movie. It was meh to okay. I concluded the whole thing feeling like "This is no Blue Valentine..."

Blue Valentine was all I could think about. Such a good, devastating movie about a relationship falling apart. There are other good ones, and there are even other movies that share the same aesthetic/type of characters featured in Marriage Story, but Blue Valentine was the one I was reminded of the most simply because that movie did its job so well with the subject matter, and this movie...did not.

During the fight scene, what does Jennifer Jason Leigh say to Noah? She's like people said Noah was too selfish to make real art or something like that? I remember when she said that I was like Yes, that is so true! lmao, like...during the movie. While watching this movie I am supposed to be feeling all deep and gutted about, I am agreeing with a character's laceration of the creative behind the work essentially calling him shallow and emotionally devoid.

It's meta? I think. I don't know what meta means, but I know it's not supposed to be done like this smh.

Anyway, Blue Valentine is a far superior film about the breakup of a relationship. Why? Because of the chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. There are other great things about that movie that just make it come together so well including the director and the soundtrack, etc. But it's the chemistry of the leads that really sells it. I need to believe in the relationship in order for me to care that it's dissolving.

I did not believe Noah stand-in and Jennifer stand-in were a real couple. There was zero chemistry.

I did not feel any emotional feelings concerning the events in the film. I was not immersed during the big fight scene. The only thing that got me was the end when Adam was reading the note and choking up, but I think that's just because Adam is a good actor and I love him. That note could've been about anything. He could've been reading off the back of a fucking cereal box.

-I liked the scene when the court-appointed child watcher played by my bae Martha from Baskets comes Noah interact with his kid. When he cut his arm with the knife I loved that and thought Adam did a really good job.
-Celebrated Asian actress Scarjo didn't annoy me with her lack of talent as much as she usually does. That haircut's gotta go, though. It's near Katy Perry levels of bad and confusing. Also her crying is shit. Wait, I actually think she annoyed me as much as usual lmao nvm scrap what I said :)
-Needed WAY MORE Ray Liotta. What if this movie focused on the lawyers instead of Noah and Jennifer. They were way more interesting smh.
-No to the musical numbers
-Greta was clearly the stage manager woman. Or was she a costume designer? Dunno but Noah is not slick!

Film rated T for This is no Blue Valentine

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