Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Black Mirror, S3

So Black Mirror is extremely lit. Well, season 3, anyway. This is my first season, tho I plan to churn through the other two pretty soon. I should've started from the beginning, which I usually do because I'm anal (non-sexy one), and OCD and I have to start from the beginning. But there were all these gifs from the San Junipero episode on tumblr and everyone was hyping it so I was like fuck it lemme just watch season 3 and then I'll do the other ones later. It's an anthology series, so it's fine. Though imma be pissed if I go back to watch season 1 and see there's some sort of theme that runs through and all sorts of easter eggs and things of that fucking special snowflake series nature. But maybe I should calm down because literally none of this matters. None of this.

So can we talk about how San Junipero was the maybe weakest episode of the lot? Lol like what were people hyping? The lesbian stuff? Like just because it's lesbian stuff doesn't make it good???? But I did say I was seeing this a lot on Tumblr. They don't know right from wrong over there. Shoulda just kept it cute appreciating this tepid gay shit and let that be that. But what was my ~episode order~? In terms of what I liked? 

1. Hated in the Nation
2. Shut Up and Dance
3. Nosedive
4. Playtest
5. San Junipero
6. Men Against Fire

In terms of like quality (storytelling, acting, etc):

1. Hated in the Nation
2. Nosedive
3. Playtest
4. Shut Up and Dance
5. Men Against Fire
6. San Junipero

So anyway, Hated in the Nation was extremely lit. Like, the litest of all the lits. How come I aint hear no one talking about this one? Bee Movie. Maybe cuz it wasn't memeable or pretty, idk. But like, the bee shit alone. Shrugs, idk. But I thought this episode was super well done and mad intriguing and I was getting my life from the chills it was giving me. Nosedive was similar in the vein of me was really creative and interesting. It was funny, but like super-disturbing. I definitely loved all the ideas and the execution as well. Also my #actingbae Bryce Dallas Howard was in it. Just very good. I personally preferred Shut Up and Dance over Nosedive just because I felt more emotionally distraught after. Which I love lol. Nosedive had that happy ass ending (was it even happy or do I just have wayyyy too many problems?), but Shut Up and Dance had me wanting to punch a baby, like you mean to tell me ol' boy I was feeling bad for the whole time was a pedo? Okay, bet. Lol I was heated. But it was a wild ride and I def got my life. 
Playtest...the actor dude...that's like Kurt Russell or something's son, right? Idk, but at first he was mad annoying. Lol I was like shut up, brah. But he was amusing at the same time. Also I this was executed. I loved the idea of the game, and taking gaming to another level. Also this "game" seems like something that would really get made. Actually, all the things presented in Black Mirror seem like realities, which I think is the point, and helps with the sort of fear-mongering tech thriller they present. Um, but I'm annoyed Playtest wasn't called "Mom"??? Is it because this is a UK show and they say "Mum" over there? Wtf is a mum - ENOUGH.

Men Against Fire and San Junie were the weak spots for me. I was still entertained by both, but felt little connection. And that's that lol. Can't wait to watch the other seasons, I hope they are just as lit if not more. Imma have an attitude if they are not as lit. One of my biggest problems in life is shit not being as lit as I hope it to be. You know? Like that shit is so annoying. Just be lit, like what is so hard??

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