Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Collection of Questionable Hairlines: The Movie (2002)

or, how I watched Paid in Full on youtube with Spanish subtitles I couldn't turn off because I've lost control of my life :)

Like pretty much everything I watch, I didn't want to screenshot every frame of this movie. I wanted to screenshot no frames. For one, I watched this mess on youtube. So shitty quality, and then there are the random Spanish subtitles. I wanted no one to know this was how I got down my first time watching my favorite movie that I've never seen before. I am ashamed this is how I spent my first time watching my favorite movie of all time that I can now say I've actually seen instead of lying that I've seen it like I was doing before :') 

Hmm, but anyway. Pretty soon into the movie I knew that I would have to be taking a myriad of screen captures. There was just no way I could not. As soon as I saw Cam'ron's questionable-shaped dome, I knew I was ruined. Life is terrible :') Exactamente :')

So the quizzical hairlines in this scene were really funny to me for no reason. They're not even that weird, and Wood Harris and Cameron Ezike Giles are both really cute, but lol, man, idk, maannnnnn, idk!! These are just some suspicious ass hairlines, I don't know what else to say!! 

Is his hairline suspicious, or just the shape of his head? Cameron Ezike Giles do you think you could hit me up and tell me which is it - your hairline or your head shape? Is it because you're ~*~Panamanian~*~ that I can't tell? Yes, it must be that.

Here in these two screenshots I was trying to capture multiple things. One, obviously, was me trying to get more evidence of Rico's enigmatic hairline/headshape situation. Two, that sweater. Three, I think Rico had just won a bet over Mitch, right? And he's being all braggadocious and shit and the shit he was saying translated into the subtitles was making me laugh. I think he was yelling at one point, "Pay me, nigga!!" and I was trying to screenshot the spanish subtitles of that, but couldn't :( 

However I did manage to capture him saying "¡No hay castillos, ni arroz, ni champaña!", so :(

Mitchum has a normal hairline. *single clap* 

My baby A has a not normal hairline :') So refreshing to go from normal-looking Mitch to way more oblong-looking A. I feel weird even lowkey roasting A lol because he's so cute and I want to just draw one of those sharpie/shoe polish, Stahr Milan-esque hairlines on him. And then immediately proceed to sensually lick it off? :/

It was imperative that I capture the translation of "my nigga". Lol why is nigga just "negro"? Smh. And omg look at babygirl A in his tiny little hoodie I'M SCREAMING I WANT TO DIE DELIVER ME


took like a million (four) screen-captures of Dame Dash in that green coat. I was highly amused. Is Dame Dash lowkey super-funny? I mean, I'm sure he thinks he's hilarious, but he strikes me as the type of nigga that's just rude and has offensive views and thinks that's being funny but really everyone hates their guts and wants them to die? And sigh now I just accidentally made myself a Dame Dash fan come on when has this ever happened? Smh, never.

LOOK AT HIS LITTLE JACKET. Does A wear these tiny baby clothes because he works at the cleaners and is a poor? Right, yeah, because when he becomes a rich big time drug kingpin, he's wearing normal-fitting clothes, and at one point, a big ass oversized grey vest. Even his hats get bigger. That bucket hat, anyone?! Man, I can't wait to get to those screenshots ugh hurry up!! 

Oh, this was when Mitch was threatening one of his lackeys. Like they got their shit robbed and he was yelling at the dude that he needed to find the nigga who robbed him or he wasn't getting any more drugs to sell? Idk, but it was funny and I was trying to capture that but I failed so maybe I should have deleted the screenshot and not included it in this embarrassing post but I've already made so many mistakes, why stop now? :') 


Aw, I felt bad for Martina McBride. If A chose the thug life over working at the cleaners with me I'd be super-devastated. Why couldn't he just not say anything about that coke he found? Curiosity killed the cat, you know? Speaking of cats and killing things. Nah, I won't make a completely egregious and mostly nonsensical sexual innuendo about what I'd like to do to A in that tiny ass jacket. Anyway, it would be fraudulent of me to pretend I want to do anything other than zip it all the way up to his neck. A is a lady.  

Lol why did I take these screencaps. I think just seeing Rico in prison was inherently funny. Also, is he asking for a little bit of water, b? Aw :') Actually it looks more like he is rudely demanding it? Aw :') 

A and Keisha are so cute I want to destroy them. Hmmm but I felt a little weird about Keisha being like "I'm boring and I like you because you're boring". Hmmmm what's boring about dating fucking Scarface? I mean, I know A is no Tony Montana-type. He's not a shout-out Italian doing Cuban face or anything embarrassing like that, but he's still slinging drugs? Like, I want this scene to be cute, but...girl, you're dating a drug dealer. Am I being too pearl-clutchy? No! HE DEALS DRUGS!! 

1. What is Rico wearing?
2. What is this meeting spot?
3. What the fuck is in D.C.? Like why does Rico think D.C. is the place to be selling drugs? And like why is he just focused on D.C.? Get the whole DMV, imo. You're thinking too small. But judging by your questionable skull shape and hairline, this is maybe as big as your thinking can get. Poor bebe :(
4. Is Rico in love with Mitch? Like it explains everything but at the same time nothing. Anyway, Rico is probably just a psychopath. Or Panamanian.
5. Why did I take all these screencaps?
6. You know why, stop playin. 
7. Wait but why is Mitch looking lustfully at Rico like that? Like, let me get in dem cheeks. I initially took that s/c of him to capture his way too normal ass hairline. It's all nice and good. He even got that little swoop smh. But thank god I accidentally ended up capturing Mitch looking like the bootysnatching demon that he is :) Life is good sometimes. Loljk


Nah. That hairline is just...not something that's supposed to be. It's just not!! Look how ol' girl is looking at it! Like, "...ehh?" 

So big time drug kingpin A can finally wear normal-sized clothes. Am I into it? Yes. LOOK AT THAT VEST. And he's so happy :') 

Does money improve A's hairline? NO. This new money nigga sittin' up here with an old money hairline smh. 

I have no idea why I screencaptured this. A lot of times when I watch stuff there's like a funny moment so I'll take a screenshot of it and then later I'll be looking over my pics it's like, oh...it was mostly just funny dialogue? And there won't even be any captions. At least here I actually have captions. But...they're en español, so. Like, I don't speak spanish, so. But I think ¿qué pasa, hombre? is what's up homey or what's good homey and so...that is funny to me siiiiigh

But por que es Rico wearing one of those graffiti shirts you can get made for you on the boardwalk? Hmmm? Also I wonder if you can buy his shirt online somewhere. Like Karmaloop or Etsy or somewhere? Asking for a friend.

I need every outfit here. Omg I forgot to swoon over A's gigantic dark wash denim JEAN JACKEG ARE YOUT FUCKIG  F ANFIGOGNMAN KIDDING MEMEMEEEEE

Yo. But. I don't understand why Ace let Rico be in the squad. Lol he's mad, like, obviously a Judas type. And even if you can't tell that, he's still mad shout-out and loud and flashy and Panamanian and shit. What about Rico says to A "good idea"? NOT A DAMN THING. A gets what he deserves messing with this idiot. ESPECIALLY after Rico shot that dude in broad fucking daylight and A still let him be in the squad. Come on! Common sense es tu amigo. 

Why does Ace just like listen to Rico's bullshit? He's all "Know I'll always have your back!". Does A even say to him that it's maybe not a cute idea to shoot a nigga in broad daylight like this is Grand Theft Auto or some shit? No, he's just like "Okay, baby" and hops in the car??? ????????

Look at that dude in the hat omg how does a person like that exist. I wonder if that actor is still alive. Nah, no way. There's no way

The most shocking thing about this movie was that Rico's sex tape partner was a woman. However, not surprised he was taking her from behind. Howeverhowever, back to being surprised that she was not taking him IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN haha :(

1. Why is everyone sitting around watching this sex tape? Like wouldn't it be weird to watch your friend...fuck someone? Like, what? Lol why am I asking normal-person questions like I'm watching an even remotely appropriate film. Let me just be glad they weren't all sitting around wanking each other off to the sounds of Rico's fake orgasming. Sigh, now I wish that would have happened. I'm so cliché, honestly.

2. Why does Ace halt to tell Rico what time it is? Is he scared of him? Tbh, I don't blame him, this nigga clearly has nothing to lose, but...A is the boss. And Rico does defer to him and act all kiss-assy, so idk why A fears like, letting him know about himself. Maybe it's to showcase how not cut out for this life A is, maybe? Man, idk, but Rico is really annoying and I'm so just depressed at how far his character went in the movie lol. Is Rico supposed to be a fan favorite? I hate him so much, tho :')

A gathering of the questionable hairline and head shape club. All in attendance, say I.


You would think the way I chose to screencap this movie, that Mitch is an insignificant character and Mekhi barely has lines. And that's exactly what I want. Aw but he looks so cute in his little polo. OMG AND IS ACE WEARING A TINY JACKET AGAIN? It's okay for him to do it now that he has money. It's like those trust fund hipster kids who dress like vagabonds. Probably. Omg and I can't believe I didn't squee over Rico's robe. I was just so blinded by my hate for his character that I almost didn't see it. But I need that robe. However, wait, why is he wearing that--You know what, nvfm. smh

Omg when Rico called that dude "Kermit the Frog" I almost started liking him again. That dude, whose name I forgot, was another questionable hairline having nigga. And lowkey he totes looked like Kermit the Frog. I wonder if the actor was upset that they roasted him like that in the script? I hope so :')

I love when East Coast Niggas clap when they're talking. You just know a nigga clapping his point at you is not to be trifled with. 

lol w8 was Ace even clapping at Kermit here? Sigh, idk, he was using his hands while talking and that's what matters men who talk with their hands appreciation blog thanks okay thanks!! thankss!! thank you!!!! bye!!

Why did I cap this? What does "¿de acuerdo?" mean? You okay? I'm okay, nigga. I think this was...like at first Mitchum was talking to his little bro about whatever the fuck and then Ace turned up and...it was like a weird romantic scene? Mmm, pretty sure! Or maybe not romantic because pretty sure Mitch's love for Ace is unrequited. Though, perhaps not. Could explain why Ace hooked up with his sister. Wasn't brave enough to actually be with Mitch, so he snatches up his sister, basically Mitch in a wig. Why can't movies be gayer? Like I'm entirely creating fictional inner-lives for these characters, but it's like, just write the gay shit so I don't have to make it up! So easy! ¡Muy fácil!


i don't know

I don't. know!! 

Why did I take all these caps lol? I think I was obsessed with Rico's sweater? Sure.

Who was throwing money and why does Rico look like he's about to smash them? Smash as in fight, not butt fuck. Or, hmmm, idk, maybe. Maybe both. Prob both. Definitely both.

Rico out on the curb being all salty because the supply dried up was really funny. Why did he take that one dude's clothes off? Oh I think that was the nigga who was talking shit in his car and Rico like dragged that dude out by the window and stripped him down? Anyway, I need that tracksuit. Is that velour? Chills are going down my spine I wonder if that's Rocawear and available on the discount rack at Macy's in 2004? 

This nigga is reckless and rude and I bet that's not even a proper bike it's probably a scooter or has training wheels. 

I'm just gonna post all the screencaps I took of that scene when Mitch and Rico visited A at his house after he got shot during that robbery. And smh @ Kermit not even disguising his voice. Idk if it was supposed to be funny, but Ace going "I know that's you, [Kermit]!" when his life was seriously in danger was...it was just beautiful and important. Anyway here are the twelve million caps I took of Rico being fake-concerned and thirsty as hell, and Mitchum being less fake concerned and thirsty, but still both those things and I refuse to like him. 
lol I think I was trying to capture all the weird facial expressions they were making. Hmm, nailed it. 

Cute couple.

Aw, this scene was "sad". Sad in quotes because I didn't care. Call me when someone kidnaps Regina Hall. But Mekhi was good here awww I wonder where he be at? Like where does he live? On which street? Any information is bitchily unappreciated, sweetheart :)

Smh. Was it really necessary to murder your beauxfriend in cold blood? Didn't Mitch say after he got his brother back they'd be back on the streets slinging? Why was Rico always so hype? Like simmer thee fuck down. I'm just...so bothered by how consistently turned up he was all the time. I'm so irritated lol. Enough! Nice fur, tho. 

Why did I take this? I think I was into Cam's ensemble? Why is he dressed for a thuggish bone funeral, tho? Smh tellin' on himself. Lol wait but like, does he think he's the grieving widow? He completely thinks that! Sigh can he stop doing things that lowkey make me a little bit like him? 

This scene was intense, oui? Let me stop pretending I care about whatever transpired here and let's talk about A's vest! I remembered it way bigger. I'm actually disappointed, but I'm still happy. It makes me happy to see him in this outfit. And that fucking bucket hat. Is that meant to camouflage his bandage? Lol. Or maybe his hairline? Do you think he heard me joking on how his hair grows on his weird-shaped skeleton? Aw, I'm sorry! Don't be ashamed! It looks mostly normal! At least you're not Gumby! Right? At least you're not Gumby? You do...like you do look a little bit like Gumby, tho. Mixed with Skeeter from Doug? But in a good way :) A sexy way :) Those are cartoons :) Well, one is clay animation but still :)

I love Rico's fresh from 579 look he had on the day of his arrest. He's looking so clean and like his clothes smell like the mall and are ripping instantly under the clutches of that federal agent because of the cheap, threadbare material used to construct fast fashion :')

He looks his best in prison garb. His skin is glowing against that orange. Gorgeous.

Awkward :/

Please explain why older, ~*~normal and boring~*~ A's hairline looks the best? Wouldn't his hairline decrease in appropriateness with age and less dollar$?? Wasn't this movie produced by Roc-a-fella? Welp, that explains everything. Male fantasy and delusion! And who is that in the glasses? I feel like it's supposed to be someone? Noriega? Smh, probably. 

I liked the jab at how rappers of current day are fake thugs, but...like, do Jay-Z and co think this does not apply to them? Or. Maybe they do and this is a self-read? I can't see these niggas being self-aware in that way. They probably think they're exempt because Jay-Z stabbed a woman at a party once or some shit. Real thugs, foh!! 

Why did the movie end like this? But more importantly, why did the movie end, but my life continued? The universe is a ponderous black hole of mysterious quandaries, I suppose. 

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