Monday, December 28, 2015

The Vanishing Family: Crisis in Black America (1986)

I have no non-suspicious reasoning for why I watched this. This is a CBS Special Reports broadcast from fucking 1986 about why black dudes are such deadbeat dads. It's incendiary and exploitive and looks like something Eddie Murphy would've lampooned on Saturday Night Live. Though that would've been completely unnecessary, as the documentary special is a joke in itself, and better than any attempt of a parody that could be made of it. Isn't it great when that happens? 

Why am I writing about this, though? Well, because the vanishing family: a crisis in black america - that's why. Fuck outta here. QUESTIONING ME!!!

I watched this on youtube like...more than a month ago, I think. The shameful thing should be that I sought this out specifically to watch on youtube. Could I have at least tried to class it up a bit on Vimeo? But nah, the youtube thing can't even be the worst part because, like I said, I watched this over a month ago and am only just now getting around to writing about it. Why? Because I didn't feel like it, and also I forgot all the "characters'" names, and I guess I thought...the longer I waited...the better chance the names would come to me?? It's so weird to still keep being alive every day, that's all I'm saying. 

What was this dude's name? Idk, but he was a fuqboi extraordinaire. He was cute tho, with his gap and "good hair", but he was so obviously aint shit. Also, his looks weren't even good enough for the type of shit people were letting him get away with. Like, he's not Al B Sure, and he's goofy as fuck. No non-Al B Sure lookin' nigga is eatin' off my government check and refusing to take responsibility for his six million kids. Are you crazy? Where did they find this boy? I mean, maybe it was shooting fish in a barrel when CBS turned up in Newark with flyers stating: LOOKING FOR ANY NIGGAS WHO DON'T TAKE CARE OF THEIR KIDS, but they really struck gold with this dude who may/may not/probably was named Jesse. Jesse is such a perfecto deadbeat daddy/fuckboi/starving artist let me hold a dollar right quick name. It's so exact and I hope that really was his name. Also youtube comments tell me he is dead. Who's surprised?! I mean, rest in peace. But honestly niggas like this are cockroaches so he must've not been as aint shit as he was portrayed. I mean, he was a pretty good drawer
Perhaps he was misunderstood, like Basquiat. Basquiat probably would've been considered a fuckboy. Did he have kids? Let's just assume cuz he was black and his hair was weird. 

lol I forgot her name, but she was in that group of young moms who were talking about how they didn't have the dads helping them out with their kids. They also all seemed to be having kids so they could have families of their own, or, really, someone to love them unconditionally, which you assume they are not getting at home. Which is sad and this documentary makes me feel uncomfortable, which is definitely the point of documentaries, but...I don't know, these girls are so young. It's a mess. The girl in the pic above was saying how she didn't have a dad at home, so she didn't feel it necessary for her kid(s) to have a dad either. I don't know anything about raising a child, but it seems like a lot of fucking work. Miss me with the thinking that two parents are not required. Shit a whole village is required, nvm the fact that this^ chick, I believe, was still in her teens. Oh okay so you're going to raise a whole entire human being by yourself when you're not even raised? Ok girl!! But see that's what I'm talking about. Why is this documentary interviewing these little kids? It's so like...geared towards a specific narrative ugh I'm annoyed.

This was another fucboi. I also forgot his name. But he was very jammin' on the one. He had sex with
this girl^. She was verrrrry cute, but like fiffuckingteen. So young. I can't remember how old that Jay-Z looking one was. Nineteen, maybe? She was talking about how cute he was because he was bow-legged or something. Right, but wrap it up, lol. Fuck all the bowleggeds you want. Take them off everyone else's hand, but definitely secure your shit with many layers of saran wrap, that's all I'm saying. These two didn't take my advice, tho, and ol girl ended up having a kid. She too was talking about how she wanted someone to love her, and someone to love back. Her mom was in a few scenes of the doc and I wondered what her deal was? First, why allow your daughter to participate in something like this? And then asking that answers any follow-up questions I might've had. :) 

Smiley was going to school, though. She also seemed to have learned from her experiences? She was talking of bettering herself and giving a better life for her daughter, but she also didn't seem totally hopeful. Or as believing in herself and her daughter as I wanted her to be. It was like "we'll see!". *cringe* Okay. :)

:33 Let's talk more about Jesse. Lol Jesse would be saying mad ridiculous shit and the interviewer dude would be looking at him like
He'd be like: "Jesse, why don't you take care of your kids?" and Jesse would be like "lol don't feel like it!!"
"...Jesse, if you can't take care of your kids, why do you keep having them?" Jesse: "lol I like sex!! I'm an animal, I can't stop fucking haha!!!"

And Jesse really did say some crazy shit about how he was like a ~~virile, testosterone-filled man animal~~*~ who just could not seem to unhard his dick. Which I think was his explanation for why he kept having kids, and why he had them with more than one woman. I was getting very rape tease from him. And like maybe he'd even be able to get off in court by shrugging and smiling and being like "lol I just gotta fuck, your honor!". And depending on if the judge has fucqboi proclivities, Jesse's ass will be doing like 10 hours of community service bodyguarding that donation box they have in front of the register at McDonald's, tops. He would do no time. Sigh, he's really charming lol 

This intriguing fella. I thought he was a non-factor in the documentary, initially. He was the boyfriend of one woman who had about five kids and none of their fathers appeared to be around. She seemed like a nice woman, though. She took her kids downsouth to visit her family and talked of moving them down there so they could be around a better community. The boyfriend appeared to be helping out in some way with the kids? Though, maybe not? The impression the doc was trying to get over was that this was probably the main father figure in the kids' lives, but it didn't really matter as he was about as aint shit as no father at all. Like the interviewer sat down to talk with him and this dude immediately jumped into discussing how he's been in and out of juvie/prison and shit for beating people to death with baseball bats or some shit? (???¿¿) He was like smiling while talking about his life, but he came off hella unhinged lol. Which was clearly the point of interviewing him. Also I think maybe the doc wanted to show what a kid growing up on the streets with no real role models turns into. This guy^, I guess. It could be worse? *cringes*

lol oh this was one of the commercials shown during the ~broadcast~. Some ppl in the youtube comments section were reminiscing over how white commercials used to be lol I thought that was funny. These commercials were really Caucasianed-up and it was an awkward contrast to the material in the special. But ahh, nice touch, CBS. Stay classy.

This lil sucked-off milk dud was an example of someone trying to ~better~ the community. Lightskinned adonis came from a two-parent, church-going home, so he got to be portrayed in a nice (lightskint) light. I got suspicious teas from him, though. He was training some of the young boys in boxing. One of the boys was the son to...the woman with five kids that she took downsouth. Ol nougat head was talking about how sometimes he spanks that boy when he gets out of line, but that he tells the mother, and she's okay with it. She seems to be okay with a lot of things, which is why that boy has to look to this weirdo as a fucking father figure. I just got very I-molest-these-kids-straight-up-do-something vibes from him. Maybe it's because he's lightskin, maybe it's because he's bald, maybe it's because he said he spanks some of the kids, maybe it's just that boxing in general seems very gay to me. Not that gay equates to being a molester, it's just...he was training kids. And bragging about spanking them. Also I think he said his dad was a minister. Let's just put deux et deux together, oui? 

Jesse on his stroll either to go buy more number two pencils for his art, or to go not buy condoms, for his other art. WINK

THIS WAS SO FUNNY. I'm a bad person, so obviously laughing at a blind dude is just something Lucifer can add to my fucking bill, you know? But this dude was straight out of a Key & Peele sketch and I just could not. deal. 

Stevie Wonderment was like a professor from somewhere. White Interviewer Dude was asking him what the deal was with all these negrums not taking care of their kids. I think in very I was a nerd in school so black girls never fucked with me fashion, he blamed the women. Black women were letting these dudes get off too easily. Black mothers aint shit, they raise aint shit niggas, these aint shit niggas get with aint shit females who were raised by, you guessed it, aint shit black mothers, so in conclusion, black women are single mothers because they are the devil and anyway it's what they deserve and it's what they secretly want anyway :) to be on the bottom :)

lol did he even say any of this? lol I'm screaming, but he was definitely very bougie, and very new black, and it just...was too much to deal with. Like, nigga, you can't even see, how are you talking about what black people are doing and why? People could be lying to your blind ass. Maybe the fuck boys the interviewer is talking about are really green. Hmm? HOW WOULD YOU KNOW, THOUGH? That's all I'm saying. I wish my blog was in braille, sigh. 

So that's pretty much it, lol. Other things happened. There was a whole arc on one of Jesse's baby moms but I never took any screenshots of her because she wasn't really giving me looks. Though I do think I remember her having a jheri curl, so I think I might've fucked up not screencapping her omg she definitely had a fucking--WHAT HAVE I DONE?! Youtube comments tell me she died very soon after this doc came out, which is bullshit. She never even got to live long enough to see if any of Jesse's artwork would sell. This is sincerely distressing. 

Calgon, take me away. I shouldn't have internet, or lungs. I do have eyes, though! SEEEEE MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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