Lmao, I'm totes joking all I care about is my baby Fiona!!!
She's here! My queen! Like I'm so excited I love Fiona she's my baby but why am I a thirty year old adult watching this soft-Canadian teen melodrama shouldn't I be somewhere like refinancing my mortgage or??
Oh also Dex is here too whatever
Mr. + Mrs. High School lmao.
I'm beyond thrilled Mia is off the show but how dare Degrassi keep Peter.
How dare instead of shipping him off to Paris with Mia, they instead keep him and throw a little meth on top
As if there wasn't enough bad acting smh!
Jenna is so hateable immediately.
1. "sunny"
2. "friendly"
3. SINGS *throws up*
4. has a guitar *throws up more*
5. is a proud, self-proclaimed "boyfriend-stealer"--Wait, now we're getting somewhere. Tell me more..
Fi and Deck's cousin giving Peter a tampon. It's about damn time!
Me on methcrash.org
Me @ Degrassi only just now giving us a Peter Does Meth storyline when I thought he was supposed to be a crackhead this entire time but okay..
Me screeching @ Mia for not taking Peter's ass with her to Europe tf!!
Me cracking up at this embarrassing Peter does meth for two episodes storyline and his actor's ABYSMAL fucking acting. Literally how did Peter survive on the show this long smfh
Me struggling thru the season two-part opener omg
me! same!! where is eli1!!!
Fiona, this look! The Rihanna of Degrassi!!
Me texting Fiona
ugh, me!
Lmao, even more me!!!
I JUST KNEW this coach was finna molest KC. Turns out, kinda/sorta, but like, in a cool way.
Cuz basketball.
Canada is so dumb, for real.
Me tryna remember what'shisface's name...D-something
The only time I liked Anya was when she was like "Chantay, who is this?" about Dave
Me when Shrek threw that balloon of piss at Black Derek
Remember when Riley got a boner over that lifeguard giving CPR to that dummy? Is Riley homosexual or.....something else? Cuz..
Me playing basketball
Degrassi really had Anya up in the woods LARPing with that art teacher. Umkay.
Omg remember when Riley was tryna mack on Fiona in his bedroom and put on fucking, like, Nate Dogg to set the mood?!?!?!
Seriously, is Riley's "problem" that he is gay or is something else going on CUZ!
This lifeguard is too cute for Riley.
I can't stand that Degrassi is yet again giving us a gay-in-the-closet storyline. And this one is worse because Riley is:
1. not cute
2. annoying af
3. always beating somebody's ass
At least Marco was kinda adorable and only was in the closet for like seven seconds. This shit is unfun to watch. At least get a cute kid to play this annoying role like Riley looks like a bully from Arthur..
I love how it's blank.
Me @ everything Riley.
Girl, go.
Me posting up to Riley cuz he beat my boy Sav and punched that adorable lifeguard in his beautiful face. Like is Riley just jealous of pretty boys cuz that's how it's looking to me!
Two irrelevants for the price of one!
Holly's Hoes
Why did I screencap this lol
Let's tawk about Holly Jeanette and Declan.
Do eye think they're cute?
Kinda. Sorta.
They go together way better than most Degrassi couples so it's at least not cringey to see them interact like some of these other twosomes, but idk. Mostly, I ship my eyeballs with more Fiona screentime.
That's the true ship here.
Remember when Marco was a student teacher? *skips ahead*
KC, the resident Degrassi fuckboi.
None of these yung hoes can compete with Craig so it's just like, sigh.
KC didn't look cute with Clare, tho, so I'm glad it's over.
Him and Jenna are like...white trashy lmao, so they match way better.
Anyway, when is Eli season.
It's so soon.
I can feel the Earth trembling beneath my toes.
I know it's coming...
I'm so ready omg
Omg! When the coach busted in while trash ass KC and Jenna were in the hotel room making out!!!
I'm so sorry but this Creepy Coach storyline was legit hilarious.
It's also funny (but super messed up) how you could tell the coach decided it was a "go" once he learned both of KC's trash ass parents were in jail. He's just like this kid's an orphaned loser, no one's checking for him, and honestly, same.
Lmao Sav, Anya and Declan's faces when Fiona auditioned for the play!!!
Me rolling up to Degrassi to demand they tell me when the fuck they plan to get it poppin' with my boy Eli!!
Danny and Dave's cousin sharing a salad #couplegoals
The reveal of Chantay's longstanding crush on Danny almost made her endearing for one single second. Almost, though. Not actually.
But I honestly will rip Degrassi's entire skull off for wasting my boy Danny. He hardly ever got a good storyline and the show never put him with a bae he actually had chemistry with. So that's just great!!!
lmao when Connor came down the stairs and Emma and Kelly and them was in his room!!!!!
Get out of Connor's room!!
Jonni literally is so ugly omg
This Karen haircut!!! How r u uglier!!!
Sav is a true hottie this season with this haircut!
Lmao, me in the back being nosy
Y'all did WHAT in the limo?!
Me @ Degrassi in general. #makeitstop
Clare what is this!!! #fortenightfanfic #madamedegrassi
Another character who looks like some shit off Arthur #banWesley
Okay. Clare was creepy as shit this season with her Declan crush. I cannut w8 til Eli gets here, but I already don't even ship them lol I just ship me getting to watch Eli scenes, let's keep it real!
How is KC getting a 48 on a test when he's supposed to be one of the gifted kids? #makeitmakesense
Me escorting Riley off the show
Zane is literally adorable, and way too cute for Riley BUT WTF IS THIS HAIR!!!!
Come on Fiona with the fashions!!!
Me @ everything
girl, same
This show wasted an opportunity to smash Peter with Jenna. Two blonde annoying idiots. I guess Jenna came on the scene too late. I just hope, and I just pray, that Peter's ass is totally gone next season. Please. I beg--I'm begging you.
The Degrassi writers' room
Johnny graduated? so randum. I still cannot beliebe his old ugly ass dated a freshman. Degrassi is literally so trash omg
Degrassi writers tryna figure out how to wrap up all the remaining OGs time on the show
Spin + Emma + played basketball once = soulm8s!!!
Me churning thru this grueling long stretch of a season finale
Me on my wedding night
Fiona is literally so pretty I stan!!
Twincest was all the rage around 2008-2009!
I'm more surprised that Fiona and Deck's last name is spelled Coyne.
I though it was Coin lol.
Also, are they supposed to be from NY? If so, y do they have Canadian accents?
Also, y do I not even care that Fiona is crazy and a slut for her bro?
She's literally my fave like she could murder Connor and I would still stan idc
Honestly, I would just start shipping her with Connor's ghost
How am I not a writer for Degrassi yet!!!
Me when I realized the finale for this season was gonna be another four-part "cinematic experience"
Real talk: The Em/Spinner storyline in the finale was cringier to me than the twincest one.
But I liked this one part where Emma bit Spin. It was the one second I thought they were cute.
Not enough to justify a marriage, tho, or really, even them sitting on the couch 2gether watching a movie....so..
Me @ the general foolishness
Choice quotes from the season:
-"Jenna, your buttcrack's showing" (Clare, a hater)
-"Too bad you can't cure bitch!" (Riley, delusional to think he is hiding his obvious gayasfuckness)
-"It's refreshing to hear lyrics that aren't trying to be intelligent" (Declan, lightly dragging MethGod Peter)
-"I'm like, messed up, guys" (Peter, being like, introspective and stuff) (also, #same)