Thursday, June 4, 2020

Degrassi: Next Gen, S3

Okay, Degrassi: The Next Generation Season 3 is hashtag cultural reset or whatever Generation School Shooter is calling it these days. There's sew much going on, but the first thing I have to address is our girl Marco and these trash ass fucking fits.
Honestly, I'm Ellie. What is Marco looking like? Listen, this is only the beginning.
This mans is supposed to be like some fashionable diva but his fits are honestly some of the worst on this show, and there are A LOT of bad fits. is that a puka shell necklacE? And what is that shirt?? 
BRUH! Marco looks like fucking Lea Michele. This dude doesn't even like or care about hockey he needs to stop!!!

I'm honestly cracking up like he looks so dumb in every scene who tf has a soul patch who isn't like a cartoon villain rapist like I'm!!

Who tf does Sean think he is? No, honestly. His Slim Shady makeover is so damn cringe but honestly so was the entirety of the early-aughts. I can't believe I used to crush on Seanathon back in the day. Mind you, I was like 13, but still. Rewatching this as an adult has me cringing so hard omg. I cannot deal with Sean's gangsta bs. It's corny and it doesn't even seem authentic, like he just comes across pathetic mostly, but not some inherent bad seed. I guess it's realistic~ Idk, but what I do know is that Sean's ass needs TO GO TO JAIL!!!! And he needs to give Snake his laptop back mf asap!!! smfh talking about if you buy the parts I'll do the labor for free. MF why don't YOU buy the parts with the money you made from selling my damn laptop!! #Seaniscanceledparty


How I feel about Emma and Chris smh

Emma's Dad

Jimmy looks sooooo cute this season but also still like a monchhichi #help!

Me cringing at every single character interaction on this show

#me #same

Me screenshotting every time Drizzy is on-screen lmao

I'm Emma's disgust at interesting-looking Spike and Snake having some big headed baby

Manny is so pretty <3

I'm Angie @ everything Ashley. I can't believe I used to care about her character so much as a boring, loser teenage girl, oh-wait lol. She literally has absolutely zero characterization like all Degrassi does is change her hair. They could at least give this trick cornrows or something provocative like literally since season 2 this fifteen year old girl has been looking like somebody's Karen and I'm honestly at a loss for words like no wonder Craig cheated and no wonder multiple characters had the audacity to say just that to her face and have Ashley have absolutely zero retort <33


I remember this moment changing the landscape before the episode even aired. The N stayed advertising this on a loop. I was like I HAVE to see this fourteen year old girl walking down the hallway in a thong!!! The actual moment did not disappoint. Obviously watching this as an adult I am like cringe because these fashuns are a mess plus it's weird to be watching a show where they're sexualizing this little girl :') Nonetheless, it was a game-changer and still holds up til this day. Your faves could never!


Let's just talk about Manny. She pulls up to Season 3 with a gameplan: To Thot. She wants these ugly ass Canadian gutter trashy looking boys to notice her. She gets her wish, but immediately the show is telling us there's a darkside to being a sexy thot. Sully is inattentive and prob only wants Manny cuz she's "hot" but doesn't actually care about her as a person. JP has been friends with Manuela since like grade skool but now that we can see her exposed back he's tryna ask her on dates and shit. Then she gets Craig's attention, who just last season said he was not tryna smash because Manny reminded him of Ange, hmm. I guess Manny in a thong deletes her resemblance to his little sister.


Craigory gets our girl preggo, then after this we're no longer getting thong the thong thong thong Manuela. We're getting like tracksuit covered up Manny and I never noticed that they don't really stick to Thotwear Manny that long. I guess she got And I Ooped by the pregnancy and zipped that shit back the fuck up. And honestly, #bigmood.


Hazel has a cute spirit and is so pretty. Degrassi is wrong for not giving her shit to do - so annoying! 

Why does Aubrey laugh like that lol and how did he change his hair what is different from the first two seasons did he buy activator spray or???


Jimmy is such a sweetie pie and such a good friend and I'm sick and I'm tired. When he swooped in to get Marco after his attack :'( Or when he was looking out for Terri concerning Rick. Or even him just forgiving Spin for stealing his mp3 player. Like honestly he is so sweet and caring and accepting and forgiving but is lowkey always playing like a secondary character and doesn't get any main storylines mhmm okay

Alex and Jay look like single mothers they need to go

Me when this show doesn't respect the black characters and give them legitimate storylines :')

Me pouring one out for Terri's modeling career smh

Watching this as a baby teen I never realized that Craig wasn't really feeling Ash at all. He legit did not love her like that and it was super cringe to watch him basically stay with her because he didn't want to upset her, and then also because she gave him a cool guitar lol. A lot of this went over my dumb baby teen head, but I was always crushing on guys in my grade who were like literally just piles of sweaty gym socks with faces so why would I honestly expect nuance and insight from thirteen to fourteen year old idiot me.

They literally had an ep this season where Toby is like stalking Terri and it gave me chills because I'm like they easily could've made Toby the incelish school shooter, yet they hired on a whole other character to pull that stunt and I'm just wondering why when they already had their boy. Making Toby go berserk would have at least given his character something to do. You can see already in s3 that they are going to be clowning his ass swiftly into irrelevancy but honestly I'm here for it and have no complaints :)


Me, a poser


Me @ these season 3 storylines..

Jimmy's Rick Disgust is my ultimate Degrassi ship. Unfortch :(

Rick looks like a character off fucking Boy Meets World. This is honestly perfect casting.

Me side-eyeing C8lyns general cringiness

Who in the Degrassi writers' room thought Paige + Spin were endgame? They are not cute together like y'all tried it!

Is Emma wearing a fucking knit scully? Of course black d turns this trick into a fucking hoteptress I'm honestly so tired of Degrassi and life in general smh.

Honestly, me

Craig is.........a hot mess. It's so weird to watch him knowing he's gonna be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I am still dying to know if the writers/creators planned this all along or if they were looking back over what they'd done so far with Craig and went like Yikes! This bitch needs to be sectioned!! I would love to know so much. I think it's funny if Craig was never originally written with the built-in backstory of mental illness and they just have this fifteen year old fuckboy wrecking havoc on these little girls' lives like it's nothing. I must know. Craig is insane. 1. Him actually tryna have a baby with fourteen year old Manny and ~be a family~. He is unstable and not tethered at all in reality. 2. Craig acting entitled and bratty concerning Ash not forgiving him for fucking cheating on her and getting another girl pregnant. Is Craig mentally il--oh, wait. Nvm.

Can't w8 for season 4 Craig what next is he going to commit war atrocities but then blink his dead Canadian eyes and expect people to be charmed and get immediately over it? We shall see!!

Me peepin' all these season 3 glow-ups, tho..

Jimmy is sewwww cuuuuuuuttttteee jtnkjnrlngk

I don't want a boyfriend if he doesn't rock Triple Five 5 Soul. Hazel is so lucky like HONESTLY!


Me in the back standing far away from Rick. He counting shit off on his fingers no, ma'am.

What is this fucking cinderblock garden Rick and Terri go to? Degrassi is trolling. And I can't believe in this scene they had that boy literally kick a cinderblock and he didn't immediately die. Rick is insane Degrassi did too much with this character but at the same time it's extremely lit.

Degrassi disrespected the fuck out of Terry. Like why would she go back to Rick? I guess it's realistic~ but there aint no other boys at the skool? Y'all just wanted to get rid of this bitch. If only you dumb hoes woulda let Terri and Spinner d8 and stop playing games smh. Not that Spinner is much better but at least he doesn't have hands like Rick. How many times did Spinner threaten to punch someone and literally never deliver? That boy is not about that life okay!

Why are literally like all the main characters in a band and everyone knows how to play an instrument????

I'm retrogradeishly cringing at how when Drake started dropping mixtapes and gave us songs like "Brand New" and "Come Winter" that I thought he was gonna become some new R&B softboy prince doing duets with like Trey Songz and J. Holiday or some shit but instead ended up being a rapper like some slim-thick Rick Ross. Stuff like this is the reason why I'm convinced we're living in a simulation.

Me @ Degrassi


Plz explain why tf Billy Ray Cyrus did a cameo on this show? Aren't cameos meant to draw in a new audience? What fifty year old honky-tonk-listening KKKaren is tryna watch this shit? Or was it that Billy was like a huge fan of the show and wanted to make an appearance? Honestly me being intrigued and concerned makes me feel like I lost and yet again, Degrassi wins :(


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