Monday, June 1, 2020

Degrassi: Next Gen, S2

A Caucasian Canadian King!!! Craig has finally washed up on the Degrassi shoreline and I could not be more excited. Rewatching this, it's honestly too lit how they introduce this character. They really come out swinging super hard with Craig and the child abuse storyline, they really did not have to do all that, especially Jake Epstein, like #amazing #oscarworthy. 

I never realized, though, that you could tell early-on Craig is struggling with a mental imbalance. I wonder if the writers planned this way back. If so, the willpower to hold off and nurture that all the way to whatever season they reveal his bipolar diagnosis is insane. Any show would have that be introduced and revealed in like a three ep arc lol. Honestly, Degrassi does that all the time so I'm kind of wondering if they just looked back over what they wrote and how Jake played it and then had some hack-writerly lightbulb idea to make Craig bipolar. Literally, I'm thinking they threw in the bipolar storyline to explain all the massive fuckboy tomfoolery he eventually pulls with Manny and Ashley. Honestly, I'm sick.

Kendra, a Relevant Queen.
Things season 2 reveals to us about Kendra:
-is Chinese?
-related quizzically to Spinner
-has an enormous head
-dates Toby but lowkey thinks he's an incel freak
-is 12


Ash is the biggest poser, like, of all time lol. She has no identity. In a way it is like a realistic storyline, but in the show they don't make it seem like she's trying to find herself. They make it seem like her ~journey to gothdom~ is an authentic one, when it clearly is not at all. She goes goth because her friends dump her so sad face and she starts hanging out with Ellie who has piercings and crazy hairstyles. That's it and that's all. 

Also, I don't know how this works, but how does Ash look like a fucking soccer mom now? She's literally the worst at goth. She looks like P!NK. It's a catastrophe of the highest order.

This dude is the literal definition of Rape Face like come on did y'all not even try?
Also he is like 30. 
Cringe all around.

Tori--I mean Angela is so cute and the Steele sisters just need to stop they are adorable.'s weird. Ang and Manny look exactly alike smh. They wrote into the Manny/Craig storyline that Craig is not tryna d8 Manny like that because she reminds him of Ange. Hmmmm. But we all know he knocks her up like next season or some shit so what is the truth? Cancel Degrassi.

When Liberty roasted JT in front of the entire class for her school assignment and even Snake was kikiing. 
A Queen.

PMS is whack plz stop thnx


So, back in the day. I did not ship Liberty and JT. But rewatching these season 2 eps, I am lowkey kinda getting into it. Idk idk! They are very cute 2gether, but my issue is that the show has JT disrespecting Liberty and in general his character comes across like he is absolutely disgusted by her existence. So. Very cringe. But enemies to lovers is a thing. Except Lib doesn't view JT in a negative way at all so it's just awkward and I don't know how I feel about this.

Is this brand Tehree models for shady or? Idk, but #me.

Go back to Radio Free Roscoe where you belong!!!


Spin is dirty water trash

Troy and Gabriela I mean-

#me #same #relatablecontent

The Cotton Candy Incident

Joey working a side-hustle gig at the Carnival. He better had, because idk how he is supporting my girl Ange and Craig's crazy ass on a used car salesman salary, but okay.

What are thoooooooose @ both of them. Just no. 

Jimmy's list roasting Spin. I NEED to see 1-5. Lol does #6 say "The hair"? I want to die, but #same. Lol "Makes stupid jokes - not funny". Jimmy's lowkey disgust and hate for Spinner is my #1 ship on this show. They will literally have this man speak and Jimmy will look at him in pure disgust like I don't even think that's written in the script that might just be Aubrey and honestly I stan.

Who's shook Spinner is a musty moose? Literally no one; it's a given.

What I learn about Terry in season 2:
-models for one episode
-plays guitar??
-is a white girl who wears braids
-does tarot but is a fraud

What season 2 gives us for Hazel:
-is anti-9/11
-can't sing (confirmed: is Nicki Minaj!!)

Jimothy, my sweet prince.

So season 2 Jimmy has two break ups: Spin and Ash. No idea why he wanted to get back with Ash when he wasn't feeling her new goth look. Jimmy isn't super-shallow so obvi it's not all about appearances, but it was just wayy too awkward right away with them being together. Like his look of fear and disgust when she was singing her emo song at him??? It just doesn't make sense why they linked back up. Plus, they lowkey look like brother and sister. Wait is that Jimmy's thing? I can see that for him, tbh.

When Jimmy found out Spinner stole his ipod and was about to sell it to Sully :(

Um, wtf. Idc at all about Jim and Ash like they have no chemistry, but Jimmy and Spinner do. Like, Spinner is Jimmy's boy. And yeah, Jimmy is a privileged lil brat or whatever but they make it clear in the show that Spinner happily mooches off him. So why is he pressed? Yes, they drag him for wearing the same tired hoodie every day but that's not an excuse to steal from your best friend. That's a career-ender/deal breaker. 

On the last episode it didn't seem like Jimmy and Spin were totes completely dunzo, but if I recall, I think their relationship remains strained and this is what leads to the tragic situation with Rick. I might be forgetting, tho, but I'm pretty sure MP3 PLAYER GATE is the catalyst. I'm sick.

I'm the poster of Craig David in a Canadian poser girl's locker 

Sean is so cute but he is short and annoying and always wearing a Canadian tuxedo like I'm lowkey about to throw up. Also he's homophobic and just in general white trash. But he has his good moments, like being randomly adorable with Emma or when Craig's dad tried to say hi and he just spit on the ground :'( idk idk

Ellie is adorable omg but her trying to force herself as Marco's hag is literally cringe plz stop

I'm the dude in the sideways visor

Annoying always in somebody's bizness next!!

Marco "I h8 fags what they do makes me sick" Del Rossi. Sure, sweetie. Literally in his first episode when he has no lines you can immediately tell he is ghey like plz Degrassi enuff!

JimJ #icon

#mood #me

Tony and JP.
This season Tony has a brief eating disorder and tries to fuck a 12 year old. Yikes, hurry up and dissolve his character Degrassi it's already moldy.

JP on the other hand becomes slightly less annoying to me. I like that they tone down his class clown schtick and shows other sides to him like the sewing; him working with that thot teacher; developing his relationship with Liberty; and him trying to beat Dean's ass on behalf of Paige. Will Degrassi actually get me to care this time around when they kill his ass a few seasons down? We shall see!
#wow #intense

Craig and Ash being so extra for their Shakespeare assignment is literally too lit. I never realized Craig was cosplaying his dad. This show is a fucking mess!

Hazel's face when Craig and Ash win Hawaiian King and Queen or whatever inoimovlnkfsm #me

This whack ass dance lol

I feel this!

I'm the condom

Paige is less annoying this season and no not because she was #humbled with a rape story line, but actually maybe that.

Craig's Dad, Father of the Century. This mans was about to beat Craig's ass with a fucking golf club talking about I don't beat you. #Boomers, smh. #ripbitch



Can you get AIDS from sharing food?

#me #same

What is this

This is my favorite character. I love how he's not suspended for wearing a durag in school. 

The dude wearing cornrows in the back is #me and a #mood

What am i doing with my life smh

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