When I first heard about Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I thought it sounded dumb. Like, I really loved 30 Rock and got excited when I heard Tina Fey was coming out with a new show. Then I got some details and was like "...um, okay...?" But then you hear that NBC passed and it's going to Netflix and you get excited again. I mean, me, I got excited again. What sounded like a lame concept for a show all of a sudden seemed like maybe it was controversial, or at least off-beat enough for whack ass NBC to be like no to their reigning queen. Loljk was Tina Fey ever their queen? Did people even watch 30 Rock? Weren't their ratings super-low aka "a critical darling"? I'm pretty sure after Parks & Rec ended, NBC decided they didn't care about having comedies critics loved if no one was watching. So I guess now they have some show with Debra Messing wearing a green turtleneck? At least 10 million zombies are tuning into that messing (haha) (:/) nightly. So, they did a good job passing on Kimmy.
Or maybe not? I feel like Kimmy Schmidt would've caught on and the ratings would've escalated throughout the season. Especially with Titus on the show. Maybe I'm wrong. Like, especially with all sorts of different ways to watch TV. Maybe NBC watched the pilot and were like *sarcastic tone* "Yes, very gif-able". You know what doesn't look like a super-gifable show? That show where Debra Messing wears those turtlenecks. And I bet at least 57 million people tune in to watch that every night. Maybe gifableness doesn't translate into people watching. Because you have the gifs, like...why watch the show?
This is actually how I a little bit felt before watching Kimmy. I was on tumblr when the show first premiered on Netflix. They giffed that whole show. I knew the entire script for every episode line by line. So I took my sweet time getting around to watching the actual show. Then I finally watched it (aka got another free trial of Netflix seriously just only ever get free trials you don't actually have to pay. I mean, if u are not poor and your, like, thing is to pay, be my guest. But I like free shit and my very vagabond living off the grid sort of lifestyle, so prepaid cards and free trials abound!!) (:/), and, like I said, I knew the whole plot. The only thing I didn't know about was that teenage daughter character, and, tbh, the show could've kept that :) Keep that next season :)
But anyway. Smh, why do I write "reviews"? I mean, no one is reading this blog looking for advice for like, what to watch. No one is reading this blog...period.
So anyway!!! I really liked the show :)! It is funny, and good. I think. I think it's good. It makes me laugh and Titus slays my soul, so I'm very good. Lowkey I wish this show was all Titus and...then Carol Kane sometimes. Like what if this show was just them? :') Do I lowkey not even like the show as a whole but just Titus and Lillian and they can keep Kimmy and all those other hoes?? :')))
No, I mean, the whole premise of the show is like...Kimmy was in a cult and now she's not. Now she lives in New York and has a black friend. But lowkey I wish this show was called Kimmy Schmidt's Black Friend and was secretly all about Titus. Like how Orange Is the New Black is ~about Piper Kerman~, but no one cares about that bitch and it's really about literally everyone else?? (I hate Piper so much). Mmm, but I don't hate Kimmy. Ellie Kemper annoys me a little? She so annoyed me on The Office and I grit my teeth as her role expanded. I mean, she had her moments - boiled Gatorade will always be funny - but she's just, like, grating. A little. I think it's the beady eyes. I should not hold her beady eyes against her, she can't help it, but she does have them in her face and they annoy me :) Also, she's a ginger. And I think a real one? I can only cape for dyed gingers, sorry. The real ones scare me and I think they're--No, I know they are demons. I know that rangas are spawns of Lucifer and no one can ever convince me differently. Because they would be wrong, and also obviously working for/related to Beelzebub themselves.
Hmm, I shouldn't be allowed to have the internet. But I'm glad I do so I can steal (they are free trials you aren't stealing anything probably technically) Netflix and watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Even though it's a little (little?) racist and a lot of times I'm squinting at Titus' performance and trying to stop myself from wondering if it's coonery or not. I don't think it is? I'm not going on any of the militant black power blogs and reading any articles they wrote--Nope, I'm lying. I'm going on the crazy (crazy?) Kill Whitey blogs right now and plugging in Kimmy Schmidt and seeing what they have to say about it. Is it okay to watch this? Maybe they give the thumbs up to at least watching "for research"? For researching what? Nigga, idk, I just need the OKAY from the proper blacks that this show isn't condescending to ~our people~ in some way. Sigh, if you have to ask...
Anyway, can't wait for season 2 turn up let's goooo!!!!!!
Hey just wanted to let you know you got at least one blog reader, I love your writing! Hilarious! Yr right on about Kimmy, the terrible Transparent kids, the weirdly too young/yet Joan Rivers-y J.Law in Joy, etc. Don't know why you'd review a show that's been cancelled for years, but I'd love to hear yr take on Community, if you ever get bored enough!
ReplyDeleteoh shit i just realized i didn't reply my comment directly to you smh u don't care
Deletelol thanx for the comment, I always feel like I'm screaming into the void 😔 Omg Community...I watched that up to season four and hated every moment...but I'm totally the type of person to like go back and watch all the episodes just to write sum bitchy, unnecessary ass "review" of it, and I get bored all the time, so maybe I will do that! Be careful what you wish for ;)