Thursday, May 19, 2016

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)

I watched this a million years ago on Hulu and still regret it. Why do I keep watching these Paranormal Activity films? Lol I don't even like them. The only one I cared for was maybe the second one? But why did I watch the second one when I didn't like the first? The thing is I am a masochist when it comes to horror films. Well, a masochist in general, but especially when it comes to horror films. This is like one of my favorite genres, but for absolutely no reason, tbh, because I hate almost every horror film that comes across my path. I love the concept of scariness, I guess, but the execution is so often a fail. Also, horror, or what is considered scary, is 100% subjective. Do you know there are people who are afraid of clowns?? And there are like mad movies about ~scary clowns~ and even ~killer clowns~???? If clowns are killing anyone, it is themselves. 

You know what was a horror film to me? 12 Years a Slave. lol. As a black person, there's always this underlying threat of slavery being brought back. Especially since Obama is leaving office. You just get this feeling whites are gearing up, you know? And Donald or Hilary in office - either way, they gon' try to bring slavery back. So watching a film about my potential super-fun future, is horrifying. But a white person watching maybe will yawn and wonder what they are going to eat for dinner? Subway or Quiznos? How about neither because they are both gross.

The scariest films for me have actually been documentaries. I guess it's the realness factor? Like this happened to them, it can happen to me. But I even get scared watching documentaries about the fucking food industry. Yo, corn is terrifying. 

So I's just that what I find scary is not what is typically being presented in horror films. I am not into demon possession. That is not scary to me because *insert Timaya it's just not realistic gif*. Also, it seems like demon possession happens to the whites and Latinos (Catholic-types) moreso than the blacks, so I'm good lol. 

But here's the thing! I don't even think it's the subjectiveness of what is or is not scary to people, it is the execution simple as that. Killer Clowns are fucking stupid, but you can make a movie about that scary to almost anyone, if you know what you are doing and have good ideas. Also if you are not extremely lazy. So often I watch these movies and it's so clear they just threw any shit together. You can't be thinking or working super-hard to make these types of movies. And you can be sooo lazy with found-footage. I just need this entire genre to die because it's so stale and tired and as far as I can see, no one is putting it to good use. 

I have no idea what the fuck I was watching with Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. But it was stale and whack from minute one to minute done. Like twenty minutes in I considered turning it off but 1. I hate not finishing movies, and 2. It was only like 89 minutes long, so I was just like sigh fine. 

KIND OF REGRET IT. The movie did not go on to improve. You know what was really terrible? My complete lack of concern for any of the characters. This is the main thing horror films keep fucking up: no character development at all. Idk about anyone else, but I need to care about characters in order to have any interest concerning what happens to them? Yes or no? You can't just be tossing scary faces at the screen thinking imma be spooked and it's all good. First of all: jump-scares are whack, lame, and an insult to even the dumbest idiot's intelligence. Stop. Also, jump-scares does not a horror film make. Nor do ~mysteriously moving~ objects. Or tired, lame actors acting out being possessed by a demon. How about acting out knowing how to act? That would be soooo cool!! 

Sigh, I'm over it. Loljk I will be watching every new Paranormal Activity movie, every new found-footage piece of trash; I will be watching any new Insidious sequels, I will be watching that sequel to The Conjuringand if M. Night Shyamalan does a The Happening 2 my ass will be in theaters on opening day, so. All my pain and anguish is my own fault. When will Donald Trump become president so the world can finally explode?? :') Wait but are we forgetting that Ronald Reagan was president? Ronald Reagan who was like a B-List Hollywood actor? He might've even been C-List? Like he was below Van Heflin and possibly even Kent Smith omg. And America made his dusty ass president. President! And George W. Bush! He was president TWO TIMES!!!! And people are trippin' over Donald Trump? I can't fully hate someone who has dragged Rosie O'Donnell multiple times and to near-death, so you can miss me with the smear campaign. Trump '17, it's lit. Or is it '18. My brain is small and dying. I think it's the fluoride in the water.

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