Sunday, August 30, 2015

Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (1986)

What a bizarre fucking movie that revealed absolutely nothing about Richard Pryor. Or, Jo Jo Dancer. It's like, oh, you grew up in a brothel and your mom was a prozzy and your dad was supportive of your schooling but not your comedy and you struggled on the streets of fucking Ohio and then you got a gig at a burlesque...venue owned by mobsters whom you threatened so you had to leave town but then you had success and got really famous and collected a bunch of wives and some random kid apparently but whatever cuz drugs and then you set yourself on fire but you're okay now to make terrible autobiographical movies about your life that was probably way more ridiculous in actuality than anything that happened in the film aside from the laughable "special effects" where you play your own alter-ego and I could 1,000% tell that wasn't you in the bandages in one scene but okay on nothing. I watched this movie to get a lead-up explanation to why Richard Pryor set himself on fire. The legend is basically: drugs. And then the movie expounds further to be like: yeah, pretty much. Drugs. And Wings Hauser a little bit. CAN WE TALK ABOUT how this movie is like...way too sympathetic towards "Jo Jo Dancer"? He plays this goofy-faced innocent bullshit the entire movie and it's like: okay, drop the act. Especially once he leaves Ohio. Whatever, maybe that's just how Richard Pryor was. Though, I suspect, not really. The portrayal was not accurate, I conclude! But even if Pryor was some goofy-faced gee-shucks sort of dope - the movie still should've made some attempt to hold him responsible for shit? Like the thing with his white girl. Did they really break up because she...sort of participated maybe in a threesome? When she said "I thought it's what you wanted..." I was like, "bitch, me too, tf?" And, um, when the fuck did they have that kid? Why was their entire child completely glossed over? When was she raised, and by whom? Like. 

I'm annoyed this movie doesn't show you anything that's really going on with Jo Jo - like what's in his head. I mean, you give us an alter-ego and he's...he's useless primarily. It's almost like the alter-ego was used as a device to detach us even further from Pryor than naming his "character" Jo Jo fucking Dancer already did. What's "Jo Jo's" deal? Did he become a crackhead because his mommy was the actual definition  of a whore? Did he light himself on fire because he crashed Michelle's car that she got from that guy Greg or whomever? There are so many links missing. I'm wondering why this movie was even bothered with? Like I'm sure everyone was clamoring for some confessional after Pryor burned himself up. But all they got was this movie. If I was a fan of Pryor back in '86 and this shit came out I'd be like "ayo, wtf is this, pal?". This movie is on some One Direction: This Is Us documentary type bullshit where you learn absolutely zero about the subjects, but oh, look! a concert/stand-up routine! Coolio!! 


Maybe I should go watch some Pryor stand-up instead. I don't think I've ever properly watched a whole set of his. Maybe I'll learn more there. Maybe he'll confirm that Wings Hauser was basically playing himself. Like in real life Pryor's real-life wife had a halfsies sort of threesome with him and hopefully Eartha Kitt. No threesome should be without a hypothetical Eartha Kitt sandwiched in the middle. I'm happier now that I'm thinking about an Eartha Kitt sandwich. There's like avocado and sriracha. What's the bread? Pumpernickel? Why...why would it be that? Lowkey though pumpernickel is pumperpoppin ya feel me????! 



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