Friday, June 24, 2016

ENOUGH: Transparent, Season 2

Jesus. Or shalom, whatever.

Off top: this season was not as effectual as the first. Sophomore slump teas, in my opinion. Everyone remained just as awful as ever, and there was no advancement in terms of characterization. Did that sentence make sense? It reads pretentious and try-hard. I'm one of those really dumb people who uses big words all the time to sound like I'm saying shit, like I know shit, when I don't know fucking anything, and have no idea what the EU is, or whether or not Britain leaving it is good or bad. 

Anyway, up there I was all blah blah no character advancement. I don't mean I needed for any of the characters to become better. I don't care about characters being good or trying to improve themselves. I live for these shows where everyone is just a relentless piece of shit. Sometimes, though, especially with more serious-toned shows like this, you at least want to see them shift a bit? You were awful one way last season, now be awful in this other way, this season. You know? Maybe you don't understand. It's like how Dennis on It's Always Sunny kind of went from dick to possible serial killer. Or Mac went from douche to gay, Christian freak. Why am I always comparing ~Awful People Shows~ to Always Sunny? Idk, it's the barometer I use, leave me alone! 

Sigh wtf. Idk. Anyway, this season was less good. Honestly, I feel like season 1 was only "good" because it was kind of a new, different thing, but now that that ~new show~ shininess has worn off it's like...yikes. 

I still hate Josh the most. Like I can't believe he exists, he is just the worst. Honestly, wait. Because this season Maura is just like way worse for maybe there was character "advancement"? No, because the only reason I didn't really acknowledge how horrible she is was because of her transition. Now she's full-on in the dresses and alladat, so I feel more comfortable being like "girl, bye". 

I felt weird. Was this show...addressing kind of the male entitlement/privilege m to f trans people can have? Because like...male entitlement doesn't go away because you decide to put on some pantyhose and that's real talk and they definitely addressed that, but...idk. Would this show even go there? Like they did, but not completely all the way. Which, fine. Maura's only problem is not male entitlement/privilege. Tbh, she's kind of just a bitch. And I felt that in season 1, but was giving it a pass because her life was changing a lot but now I'm Davina-style like girl fall back. She be mad outta pocket and like rude and inconsiderate and it's just...I see where Josh gets it from! 

Boy!! I cannot STAND Josh's bitch ass!! Lol, does everyone else hate him as much as me? Honestly I feel like mostly whites watch this show, so prob not. I mean, Josh being white is not even remotely close to his only flaw, but I feel like white people would at least relate to him in some way, whereas me, a black bitch, was over it before it even began. I do not see it for him. I am Helen Keller, bitch. I wish Josh was Helen Keller. I wish that bitch was blind deaf and mute forever. I just cannot with his ass. 

OMG YOU KNOW WHAT ENRAGED ME?? Him telling Raquel "You are lovable". I wanted to slice his ass. Of course she's lovable! Raquel is a catch and a dream woman! You are a fucking sewer rat scallywag troll ass bitch who never deserved her lovely ass!! And you had the audacity to not count your blessings. That whole relationship made me so angry. So angry. When Raquel proposed that was like it for me. I was like...okay, this has to end now, right? I'm sad she lost her baby but lowkey not really because had she not she'd still be with his loser ass and I was honestly not dealing with more of that. That shit was so cringeworthy and awful and just oh my god. I wonder if other people who watch this show got like so uncomfy in their feelings about these two? Yeah, right? I feel it was written that way, but idk. At times I felt irrationally enraged. Like the hate I have for Josh I feel may be...over the top lol. But I refuse to deny my feelings! Sigh I feel like...I am reciting the pedophiles' mantra or something please.

Sarah. Lowkey...Sarah amuses me. So glad she chucked the deuces at Tammy's ultra-stud ass. I love Tammy lol but no to their relationship. Sarah is so...awful tho lol. Like, why did you ask to marry this bitch? Why are you such a mess? Bitch ur like fifty or something. Imma need you to pull it together from several directions. Whooo when that bitch read her at the LesbiFest talkin about some "No one cares about you" I screamed. Drag her. I'm here for her spanking thing, tho. Definitely not going to think too much about the why of that, though. Leave me alone!! 

Okay so last season I was lowkey caping for Ali, but this season it's a no for me. Grad school, Ali, really? Lol goodbye. And her hair. It was so...ugly. If Ali had better hair I would've excused more of her behavior, but alas! 

I'm so annoyed at how she did Syd. Why did she even get with her? Ali don't love that bitch, she made that clear last year? Was she just doing it to be doing it? So awful. Why imprint on someone's heart when you don't even take them seriously? And then her being PREDICTABLE AS FUCK and going after Cherry Jones' butch ass. Sigh. I wonder what she chose. Tbh, I feel like she's going to be Cherry's bitch, and turn down the teaching assistant's position. But even if she chooses the TA job, let's not act like she won't be messy and still be all up under that bitch. So excited *sarcastic voice*

And excuse me!! Fuck all that other shit: WHERE IS JOSH AND ALI'S GROSS INCEST LOVE STORY? I officially do not watch this show for like...goodness, so, bitch, give me all the bad! This is def the type of show that could pull off some ugly disgusting mess like that so CLAP CLAP LET'S GO!! They barely acknowledged Ali being creepy and weird last season and having a LITERAL oh my god I love Josh realization moment. The show was giving me little looks from her, and then I think I got one look from Josh, but other than that: blotto! Whatever. I'm annoyed I have to reveal myself as a more than casual incest-shipper--LOOK, NO! Only sometimes! I just like...weird shit on TV, okay? It's not a crime!! Also this show is awful awful awful, so they might as well go big and go home and make it even more so. Otherwise, what's the point? WHY EVEN HAVE AN AWFUL TV SHOW IF YOU'RE NOT DOING LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO MAKE YOUR AUDIENCE AS UNCOMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE??? Don't be, like, whack, okay? 

Anyway, thanks for more Judith Light and no thanks for that Berlin mess except for the very end of it with Michael Stuhlbarg. That part was pretty okay. Sigh season three someone better die. 

um, no: Orange Is the New Black, Season 4

Okay, no. Just no. If you were going to kill anyone it should have been Piper and I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say this???? And OKAY so you wanted to do a HOT IN THE HEADLINES sort of storyline, yeah? Honestly, that's lazy and gross? I mean I'm a ~writer~ and I do that shit all the time, but bitch I have a shitty blog and write fucking ebooks - you idiots have a whole legitimate TV show? I mean, it's on Netflix...but Netflix is respected now. So what are you doing? 

SO YOU WANTED YOUR SHOW TO MIRROR THE NEWS AND MAKE A COMMENT. Bitch. Please. Just like write your little lesbian prison show and keep it moving. Don't try to fucking like...~make a statement~, especially if the ~statement~ is like racial, and no one in your writers' room is even remotely a little bit tan. And like speaking of that Casper-colored ass writers' room: like...this show is just a mess in terms of commenting on race relations and shit. It was wild to me how they had Big Cindy talking about blacks can be racist. Bitch, where? Blacks are like on the bottom of the totem pole, so no. They can be bigoted, but when like every language has a word for "nigger", I'm gonna need you to be quiet on that racism shit. If anything, they're prob just salty that everyone hates them. Shhhhhh...shhh be quiet!!!!  

And then also didn't they have a white character commenting on fucking Dominicans being actual blacks? Like yes agreed, but it was just gross to me being said through whom it was said through (i think it was one of those nazis????), and then like...are there any Dominicans in the writers' room?? LOL I DOUBT IT!! 

But anyway let me not act brand new. This show has been a mess from day 1, and also it's created by Jenji "the creator of Nancy Botwin" Kohan, so. Like, I know about that bitch. It kind of tipped over the edge for me with them killing Poussey. First of all: that's my bae. Had they killed like Big Cindy or something I lowkey wouldn't have cared as much. I have been bitching since the inception of this mess for them to give Poussey more screen time and more significance with her storylines and I thought this season maybe they would turn up with that. But idk why I thought that, especially when they teased a budding romance with Brook's annoying ass. Like, I should've foreseen they would still be on that bullshit season four. AND THEY WERE!! So yay for consistency.

I was so over Poussey and Brook immediately right away. It was ultra gross. And this was even before Brook was telling Ginger Paula Deen Poussey grew up a crackbaby in the ghetto. Brook is mad annoying?? Like I was feeling bad for her last year, but I immediately went right back to being insanely irritated this season, and honestly, I was glad. I was feeling weird for feeling bad for her last season. Like they really don't want you to like Brook, right? Those are the teas I'm getting. I mean, that whole thing with the sex offender dude? Girl...

Anyway, I hate this show :) Will I still be watching season 5?? UM YES BECAUSE THE FINALE WAS LIT AF!! DAYANARA'S STUPID ASS IS TURNING UP AND I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!! ugh i am pathetic. Let me just ignore them killing off my baby stud--WAIT BUT WHAT IS TAYSTEE GOING TO DO I AM SO UPSET. No, I'm ignoring it:) More screen time for Vicky Jeudy:) I swear 2 gawd if they don't give Janae more fucking lines I am going to burn this place to the ground. What place? Bitch idk worry about your life and ur career. Is Joanne the Scammer over yet? Pleez release me:)

Okay let me talk about other things sigh why is this shit all over the place. I wish I could write proper so I could make my own ugly TV show. No, that would be really bad. Like a mix between SeinfeldCousin SkeeterPassionsMoesha, Who's the Boss? and Tim & Eric's Bedtime Stories. Tbh, that sounds kind of lit. Who wants that show raise your hand? 


So Crazy Eyes! Over her. Love her, but she's lowkey dead to me at this point. 

1. for killing that little white boy

She didn't kill either of them you say?? SHUT UP, YOU ARE WRONG. Fuck that little white boy tbh, but she is completely mostly responsible for Poussey's death. Like why won't her stupid ass calm thee fuck down?? Ugh like I don't want to be ugly towards crazies because I'm a crazy and I don't want anyone to be ugly towards me, but...idk. If I set off the sequence of events that ultimately led to my friend getting killed, I would just accept my punishment, whatever that may be. Going to psych, getting lobotomized, whatever. Idk, man. I'm over her. Like, I'm just annoyed at this point. I understand she can't take responsibility but a little bit I feel like she can?? Like if I were Taystee and em I would be done with her ass but okay I guess we gotta keep that ~iconic~ character around. ANYWAY

Yo but what is up with Caputo?? For some reason I've been caping for his bald ass, but now I'm over him, too. You're going to bat for that guard? WHY WAS HIS KNEE ALL UP IN POUSSEY'S BACK LIKE THAT?? WHY WAS HE EVEN TACKLING HER TWO POUND ASS TO THE GROUND TO BEGIN WITH??? I get that Poussey was kind of attacking him a small amount (please), but like they kept reiterating: she has the body of Oliver Twist. What is with all this brute force? And how dare you like...keep your knee in her back while fighting off Crazy Eyes man i don't understand how this went down. And then this bitch show wants me to feel sorry for him? BYE!! He's just some typical loser white boy who doesn't have to consider anyone because he's at the top of the food chain. Miss me with them showing him feeling remorse for throwing shit at the prisoners when they were cleaning up by the side of the road. Fucking asshole like pleez. 

I am so over having to see this guard next season, or Caputo's dusty ass. Like he is being mad lame. I kept waiting for him to wake up and get it together but that's obviously not a possibility at this point, so imma need him to kick rocks.

I'm happy my bae Nicky is back. Am I glad she's back on drugs? No. Can this show give me a break? Me. Let me live. Just chill. For one second of your life: stop.

NononononNO to Pennsatucky and her rapist. He is a rapist. Do I feel like Boo needs to chill her ultra-hardcore lesbian feminazi ass down? Yes, but I am also way more completely agreeing with her than I am like "calm down". I feel like if Boo was less hard...maybe Pennsatucky wouldn't be going back into the arms of that dude? Idk, she's a grown woman, she has her own mind and ideas about things, but sigh. She's also really kind of dumb? I don't think being "nice" and "forgiving" has anything to do with rape, do you? Why are those things even part of the equation? AND THEN THEY HAD HIM BEING ALL WEIRD AND RAPEY AGAIN! Jesus, I hope he's actually leaving because I honestly cannot.

And what of those other guards!! I felt physically sick this season wayyy too much lol. Especially concerning those weirdo, gross ass guards. They're vets from the war, yes? Yuck. Especially @ that one who made Maritza eat a mouse. And I'm mad Caputo got punked when he tried to put that dude on suspension. Just no at everything dealing with these guards. 

But yes to Healy backstory. Please tell me why my loser ass kind of lowkey loves him? He's like mad racist and misogynistic? The backstory...doesn't even help explain lol. But I feel bad for his bitch ass. Also the actor that plays him...lemme go find his name...Michael Harney! Like I love him. He was on Weeds playing kind of an annoying dude but I loved him there, too? Idk I guess I'm into this actor. What is awakening inside of me? Pleez help.

Not here for Maria playing fucking drug kingpin. Like I a little love her and want her to get out of prison so she can go be with her baby girl? But yeah okay so she decided to do this because PIPER'S BITCH ASS got like 3-5 added to her sentence. Is that official? I hope not because omg. But I'm not here for her doing Scarface. She seems cool so it's not gonna be fun to watch her turn into like some crazy mess who won't be useful to her daughter when she gets out and anyway this show is completely fictional what am i doing:')

Anyway remember when this show never existed and I was happy? Lol me neither. Can't wait for seas 5!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Peep Show, Series 3

I've made a grave mistake. Deciding to recap this entire series is just such a huge fucking non-thing I should have decided to do!!! I took...142 goddamn screencaps for series 3 alone. What am I doing. Honestly? Why can't I be not like this? :') Idk man, some people are born to be legitimate human beings, and other people have, i guess!!! :))))

I tried to capture Johnson's soul by taking a screenshot of him with his leg up on that table. Johnson is like the most perfect character in anything I've ever seen. Just the way he got his leg up on that table. So smooth, so obnoxious. I can't.

I tried to screenshot his kind of disgusted side-eye. Why is Johnson literally always looking at Mark with a little bit of disgust? lol is this written in? Is this just Paterson Joseph's face? Either way I want to die

Lol remember when Mark used to really like Sophie? It's so weird to watch the show over knowing how their relationship ultimately turned out; or how Mark's stomach ultimately turned over regarding her. They started so...not as horrible lol. Is this how most relationships go? Asking for a friend. Of course I have met other humans before and formed at least short term relationships with them lol!! :/

Lol this is completely me

But Mark is literally the worst and super-intolerable? lol. How does he exist? Nah, but I can understand being against massages. There's just something weird about someone...massaging your body, no? Like it's weird. Why are you massaging me, sir? I'm less weirded out if it's a woman, but still, why are you kneading my skin like dough? I disagree with your implications.

Idk Mark hugged up with that tweaky ecstasy boy was cute

Mark cleaning his ugly ass carpet up while pretending to be on E is so funny to me. Prob cuz this would be exactly me. 

What would that credit card scammer be considered? A pikey? I'm really interested to know what she and Jez did sexually? Didn't he do everything humanly possibly with Nancy? Maybe the credit card scammer veered into not humanly possible? What is that?? Also her talking about gouging that chick's eyes out and that big ass scar on her back omg I'm screaming. Extra screaming at her stealing from tweaker boy and she's like "He prob works at a bank making 200k" or something and Jez is all "I think he works at a juice bar??" and she says like "Still". And tbh, yeah.

So me. Strait-xdge 4 lyfe.

Jez having his 12 Angry moment killed me. But isn't it crazy how cases and shit are decided by a jury of your peers? Like if you're weird or something you're auto going to jail, facts or no. This is my greatest fear that I will be accused of a crime I didn't commit but because I am kind of sketchy-seeming the jury will be like "meh she prob did it, and if not this, def something else, so." And would they be right? Um, yes!! 


If Sophie chucked my shit into the post bin I would chuck her! Mark's a simp!!

Lol, or, idk!! You could not get married?? What is wrong with Mark?? Who decides to propose to someone to fix a failing relationship? Mark doesn't even like Sophie anymore lol he is simply insane. Or is this how a lot of marriage proposals come about? If so, yikes. But...explains a lot. 

Me when I meet anyone. I wonder if people realize how crazy they are? It seems to me, no. But literally every new person I meet, my ~spidey senses~ start tingling. There's always something off. However, I could be projecting. That's more likely the case.

What is wrong with Mark? But also: me.

awwww <333 Marry Jez, Mark! Ya dummy!! You're already basically in a common law marriage and you pay all his bills anyway, I don't get it. And Jez is cuter than Sophie! Let's just call it what it is!! Mark's bussy would be happier with Jez than Sophie come on like he is so ridick.



Lol this was so funny to me because Mark had already rationed off the chocolate and Jez is talking about taking half of Mark's half and...idk, it's just so Jez.

Jez immediately being like "I didn't kill him!" is my favorite and so me. Ugh I'm such a secret Jez. Like on the surface a Mark, but deep down, well, directly below the surface, a Jez. There is no deep down I am as shallow as Prince William's hairline smh what am I doing

Lol it was so funny to me how Jez was gloating about being right and how Mark was wrong and got attacked by that crow and fell in a ditch and slept in a barn and pissed his legs to keep warm. It was like lowkey a serious situation and Mark could have died? lol idk it was funny how Jez was mad happy and proud. Sigh, so me.

OR YOU COULD SAY NO I DON'T WANT TO MARRY U I DIDN'T EVEN PROPOSE?!?! Also, who goes through someone's bag and sees an engagement ring and then just says "Yes, I accept"?? Like bitch he aint even ask u I'm screaming. And then that whole speech she gave before "accepting" the non-proposal. It was all offensive like "I'm settling! I want kids! You're Mr. Right Here!!". Everyone is terrible. Anyway, I just realized my screencaps are out of order. I jezzed it. I'm just gonna pretend this is on-purpose and abstract and keep it moving.

So, Mark, what the fuck? Fave. And me. What is Mark doing? Why can't he like...want happiness and love and goodness for himself? lol. Like, just want it. Not even try for it or put plans into action to achieve these things, but just desire them?? And he is so sad and horrible but I get my life. Talking about he doesn't believe in divorce when he doesn't even want to get married? What a mess. And then him asking Jez never to bring it up again is so funny and disturbing. 

Lol fave. Jez is mad wild for how he disrespects Mark when he don't even pay any rent. How you just gon' let Super Hans smash in his bed? Um, use your bed?? 


lol meeeee

lol why are the subtitles spelling poo "pooh"? Iconic. Can we talk about the subs for this on Netflix? They're trash? Is this a transcript or just like cribbed notes from the show's sides? The subtitles are merely a suggestion of what is actually being said half the time. Mad distracting while I'm watching this tryna recap for this blog lord fucking help me

lol this was Mark talking about how he needed to "pooh", but didn't feel comfortable doing it in the newly renovated by Super Hans bathroom, so he was gonna go down to the pub and see if he could "pooh" there. He's like wrangling with the idea, trying to decide if he should pay them to poop but then says no he'll just get a drink every time, become an alcoholic so he can pooh. So me. 

lol me concerning "working class" types.

I am continually disgusted by the British diet. And I'm American, so. Y'all should be ashamed. Get it together!!! *medium skin tone clapping emoji*

I  c  o  n  i  c

Why would you do that, Mark??? Fuggin weirdy.

lol I love this mechanic dude. What's his name, Andy? Screaming that he comes back later in the series for Jeremy to therapize him. But I just love how aggressive and hype he is talking about going to therapy. Boy, keep it up!

Yes!! Perfectly captured a Johnson side-eye!! Beautiful! Side-eye wasn't even deserved here lol I'm screaming. Johnson will just be having a normal, banal ass conversation with Mark looking him up and down with disgust. He is my angel, my savior.


Truly iconic.

Honestly probably my favorite thing from the show. Jeremy poisoning Mark, and then contemplating raping him, but being a decent human, and not. I think about this sequence of events in my darkest moments and feel glad I don't know anyone like Jez. Except for myself. I know myself. But that's it!!

lol so funny. What drug were they doing - acid? Shrooms? Idk but whatever it was made Super Hans' date fall super far in life and I am honestly screaming at the top of my lungs. Like I just perfectly imagine her room at the center and her masks lol. I imagine they're like really shitty papier mâché kabuki sort of masks?? 

This was the thing that really solidified my love for the series the first time I watched it. I was completely horrified at everything Jeremy was doing, but at the same time crying tears down my face with laughter. I was just so happy to be watching this. The "You're disgusting" really completes my soul. 

Lol this was Mark talking about his future kids looking up at the face of a man who shit in a bag. That's so me. Like I would so think about my future kids looking at a Woman who [blank] anytime I am about to do something I wouldn't want, like, any future kid to know about. But tbh that's my entire life. At this point I am not above shitting in a bag. I have probably...already done it, so :') 

lol Super Hans talking to Big Suze about what was going to happen concerning the drugs was really funny idk. Jez was kind of tryna make her think it'd be a lighthearted affair but Super Hans was being all gritty and super-honest about it lol it killed me and then Jez's face screenshot literally everything else! Sigh

Lol Bae to the rescue. Iconic. I love how Johnson yells for Mark. It's so beautiful. It's honestly giving me epic, sweeping romance teas.


Omg Johnson's face as he was taking it all in: Mark pooping and the doorlessness of the bathroom - fuck, it's so beautiful I want to cry.

My stomach hurts

I'm screaming at the sounds of Mark's poohing and how it's subtitled as (gurgling).  

I      C        O    N    I C

This is bollocks, Mark! icon! ic!!!  

Jeeeeee-sus, lol. Super Hans killing me softly with his little commentary lol. I love how he totally sees that Mark and Jez are lovers, tho. He may be a crackhead and have the skin of Keith Richards even though he's prob like thirty, but he's perceptive. And possibly German.

I would kill myself if Johnson said he would see me later, much later. Total devastation.

Iconic imagery and dialogue.

Most iconic ending to any episode ever.

Luv Jeremy's comb teeth <333

Iconic moment when Jez was talking about that time Mark wrote Merry a love note or something and Mark getting embarrassed and trying to gloss over it.

Lol Super Hans getting mad hype about Merry getting sectioned is so funny. He's mad excited and scared lol. Merry's been sectioned???! Also, her name's spelled Merry? I can't trust these Jezzy ass subtitles, tbh. But Merry sounds more...British. So I'll allow it.


She coulda just told you she gang-banged a bunch of dudes? There are def way more discomforting words, I think!!! Also, Sophie is totes a gang-bang type broad, yeah? Mark was out of his element with Sophie from day one. He shoulda fell back the first L he received but he kept creepily pushing ahead like the creepy dude he is and I guess he "succeeded". By snatching up a woman who is his match in absolutely no way and whom he ultimately realizes he doesn't even like. A lesson for all creepy dudes: Stay alone in your holes where you belong.

The subs are a mess but Jez's drag of Mark referencing The Hitchhiker's Guide was obviously iconic, but anyway @ me next time :)

More of Jeremy's comb teeth <3333

Ugh I hate this Monk's face. No offense to like the actual human dude who played him. I just mean your character. And also your real life human face :')

Me if I were ever about to sexually fornicate with someone. 

lol the other chick Jez's girl Vicky or whatever got to be in their threesome is honestly killing me. I really wish they would have shown how that would go down because I am honestly sick just thinking of it. Wait then why do I want to see? BECAUSE I NEED TO BE IN THERAPY!!! 

lol encouraging. Big Suze is so cute I can't deal with her posh ass.

nidniemeomeo,epe,. Jez talking about wishing he could be on "lovely sedatives" like porn stars so he wouldn't have to feel anything as that bitch unwrapped her foot bandage is honestly so iconic.

Jez actually made me mad in this scene? Like, help your friend?? Lol like why did you even go? You know Mark's a simp! Act hard or something to scare his mean bullies away, I don't understand! I can't believe you just sat there while Mark did that high voice wtf??  

Everything with Mark slapping that robber boy in the theater is iconic. And, honestly, public service announcement: RUSTLE YOUR POPCORN POLITELY!! Thanks!! 

Even Brit "healthy food" looks gross. 



Mark talkin bout I suppose so. Patheto.

Sad. But me too. Big Suze is mad pretty. She'd let me smash tho. That's the difference between me and Mark! Honestly...I am only saying she'd let someone like Jeremy smash so...she'd let me smash. I am a total loser but at least I have all my hair. Most of it. Two bald spots, tops! Can Jeremy say that????? Maybe :/

Pleez. Mark's sister gives me the creeps lol. Female Mark is a fucking no for me!! 

Lol Mark talking about being with Big Suze. First of all: In your dreams. But also: me.

Jez trying to pull Mark's pants off to show he has an erection for Big Suze is what? ICONIC.


Pleez, but exactly.

Okay so I managed to "edit" the pics down to 123, but honestly, HONESTLY, can someone tell me who created Xavier: Renegade Angel? That's like one of the funniest shows I've ever seen but it's like...super disconcerting. Anyway, people keep dying this year but not me?? Kinda weird. Do you think I might be a Chosen One? I think I'm being saved for The Apocalypse. They're gonna need a lot of people to feed to the rat army. Can't wait.