Monday, January 13, 2014

Girls: S3 Episodes 1 & 2

I'm so happy my baby is back! I mean, my life is sad. So, it's okay for me to be referring to a show as a fucking infant. 

I spent the last week catching up on season 2 so I could ~refresh~ my memory. I had different thoughts watching season 2 this time around. I initially thought the ending of the season was really cheesy and gross but also on purpose. Like, Hannah's romcom prince coming to save her. Which, is ridiculous because: Adam. But rewatching it I almost thought Adam coming to ~save~ Hannah was legitimately like sweet and romantic and touching or whatever. So, I was excited to see them as a for real couple when Season 3 opened. I'm just excited to see how they handle ~an adult relationship~. My guess is poorly. Like, Shiri Appleby's character totally read them to their graves and it was so accurate and I just expect nothing but a complete mess from these two crazy kids. 

Another thing I changed my mind about upon rewatching season 2 was Shoshana. I sincerely hated Shoshanna with a fiery passion. Now, I have no real idea why. Like, she's annoying...but so is every character on the show........... How come I love/like everyone else except for Shoshanna? Uh, turns out I don't. Maybe...I love her? WHHHHY. And Season 3 sexcapades Shoshanna? YES, PLEAZE. And she had some of the best lines last night when Jessa wasn't around. She read Ryan Phillippe's autobiography? Of course she did. Ugh, no, I love her now. 

Know who I actually really do strongly dislike? Charlie. BUT GOOD NEWS FOR ME AND EVERYONE, the diva who plays him left the show. In spectacular diva fashion I imagine. Like, he totally twirled out of a door. He totally did. So, no Charlie is great and I'm excited to see where they take Marnie now that he's gone. Marnie has always been one of my faves. Or, she was. Now that Jessa appears to be getting more screentime I can see Marnie falling back. ACTUALLY, I can see Marnie and Jessa battling for my heart this season. Marnie hates Jessa so I can see her doing and saying a lot of funny shit in some sort of bid to pull Hannah away from her. Speaking of Marnie: I sooooo need more scenes with her and her mom. I think Rita Wilson as Marnie's mom is pretty good casting idk. She's funny and I can totally see how Marnie came to be how she is. Also, Marnie Marie? That was really funny to me whhhhhhyhyhyhyhhy

LET'S TALK ABOUT MY BABY JESSA. FINALLY they are giving her some serious screen time. I loved everything about her rehab scenes. I sort of wanted her to stay there longer, but that would only have made sense if Jessa was committed to actually...rehabbing. I really need to know way more about Jessa. She figured herself out when she was five, she says. I wonder if that's true. Or, like, did she just stop caring who she was a real long time ago? ALSO, is Jessa actually an addict? I mean, I'm guessing they'll have something where everyone realizes Jessa really does have a lot of problems? Butttttt also I'm thinking...maybe they won't. Like, Adam will say something...but maybe it'll go nowhere. AND DOES JESSA HAVE PROBLEMS? Maybe...she simply just wants her nana to pay her rent?? Jessa has this really blasé attitude towards drugs. Last season she was all "heroin is fun, but it fucks your life up - also, I never injected". Like, she's only vaguely acknowledging doing heroin MIGHT be a semi-problem. But maybe it is only a semi-problem? Do we (like, society) have to make such a big deal about drug use if the people doing drugs aren't? Man, I don't know. Like, Shoshanna was all "Jessa can't be a drug addict she's glamorous and stuff" (I'm paraphrasing). But I totally agree with Shoshanna. She's like, cool. And we never see her really fucked me?

Remember when Hannah told that ~sad story~ about Jessa back in college and Shoshanna totally just dismissed her with "you're probably remembering it wrong, it was probably you who was crying"? That's sort of how I think a lot of ~sob stories~ go/are. People exaggerating, because real life doesn't fit into this cliche Chicken Soup for the Soul box. I don't know. I think I'm just struggling trying to figure out who Jessa is. Is she Hannah's version of her begging people not to leave her, is she Shoshanna's idea of her as someone who'll always be okay because she's easy and glamorous, is she that girl who cried on the swings in front of her dad, or in front of Hannah in the tub? TELL ME WHO SHE IS I NEED ANSWERS. Oh, probably she's all of those things and I just realized I'm trying to put her in a neat box like how I was complaining about people trying to do before uggggggh

Anyway, I'm super excited for the rest of the season. These first two episodes were really strong and fresh and funny blah blah blahahah. Here are some dumb bullet point notes about other stuff ugh:

-Loved Hannah not realizing the cup she was drinking out of was made of chocolate. But also, COME ON. 
-What the fuck is Hannah's book? Is it a collection of essays or...a novel? I really wish we could get examples of her writing. 
-Can I talk about that scene in ep1 with Adam's ex and her friend again? SO GOOD. So gooder when they realized it was THE Hannah who was standing next to Adam. Amy Schumer's "Were you in a rush?" DEATH. And Ray laughing. Ugh, everything was golden magical unicorn piss. 
-You know what I want to happen? I want one of Hannah's friends to fuck Adam. Cuz I'm forever about soap opera-esque storylines. Like, it could happen, right? MARNIE? Maybe? Probably most likely is Jessa. That would be great...but the worst person to do it in my opinion. I think Hannah loves her the most, so...Maybe I take my wishes back. Actually, no. Jessa fuck Adam plztnkyou
-Bob Balaban as Hannah's therapist. Dead. I love when he asked about what Adam makes out of papier-mâché. Just, that whole exchange. And then he wouldn't tell her his chant omg
-Shoshanna's friend lying about having had a blueberry red bull "with, like, a blue tongue" 
-SO MAD they didn't play a legit game of Truth or Dare. SOOOOOOOOOOOO ENRAGED
-No, but seriously. How is Ryan Phillippe's last name pronounced. Fila-pee, RIGHT? 
-When Jessa asked for a napkin after the lesbian threw coffee in her face and they were all like "no" "don't give her one" So funny omg

I'm done bye

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