Oh, boy, I'm excited.
So, I'm immediately in love with this series and even more immediately in love with Matthew McConaughey. This is going to get good, right? Like, as in, shit is about to go down. HOPEFULLY. I've already decided that Woody's character is the ~*~killer~*~. He's doing his NORMAL FAMILY MAN thing wayyyy too hard for me. IT HAS TO BE HIM! Ugh, I love shows like this. And this shit is reminding me of Hannibal a lot (i miss you come back). I wonder if this is actually anything at all like Hannibal or if I was just distracted by the deer antlers or whatever. ONLY TIME WILL TELL.
Things I'm super pumped about:
-EVERYTHING RUST. I'm a sucker for these fucking southern dude loner types. Sling Blade, Linder from The Bridge, GIVE IT ALL TOOOOO MEEEEEE. Really, I'm a sucker for any lonely ass man in anything. You know he keeps to himself cuz he's gone through some shit. BUT WHAT SHIT?! It takes for ever for us to find out because these characters are always ~~~mysterious~~~~~~ IT'S MY FAVORITE THIIIIIIIIING. I can't wait to find out Rust's horrifying backstory. WHERE DAT DAUGHTER AT? She's dead. Fine. BUT HOW? She was definitely killed, right? BY WHOM? RUST??? Nah that's too much. Or, not enough?! GOD I AM SO HAPPY I WANT ALL THE EPISODES IMMEDIATELY I HATE ALL THIS WAITING EVERY WEEK SHIT. Wow, life is so hard amirite.
-McConaughey's cheek bones. Are those leftover from Dallas Buyers Club? They go so well with this tortured man mess. Definitely keep starving yourself for my enjoyment, thank you.
-Woody Harrelson's mostly not-good wiglet. CAN IT BE A DIFFERENT WIG EVERY EPISODE DON'T TELL ME NO
-I am so into shit being set in New Orleans. It seems like such a bizarre ass place. Like, it's its own character. Now I am sad I never watched Tremé (is there an accent?). I think all that jazz shit threw me off guard. ONE DAY, TREME. Especially since I heard there may be some ~Cajun characters~. Ugh, and that horse show where they killed those horses. There was definitely a prominent Cajun character on that show. I'm into Cajuns. I refuse to watch True Blood, tho. I have my limits. WAIT, IS THIS SHOW EVEN SET IN NEW ORLEANS? Eh, it's in Louisiana. Good efuckingnough.
What else? So far I'm mainly just obsessed with Rust. But I really love the whole vibe of the show. But even if I didn't: RUST. Oh, and I hope there's more of that neo-Nazi. I love a good neo-Nazi. How do you write neo-nazi? Which parts do I capitalize and hyphen or not hyphen??
ALSO, REAL QUICK CAN WE TALK ABOUT MICHELLE MONAGHAN? There's no way I'm buying her as a mom. At least not the type of mom I'd imagine in this specific family. Woody Harrelson is like her fucking dad. Michelle may be mid thirties or whatever and that's cool for her but she just doesn't ~look~ like a woman who'd be married to a cop with two kid daughters. I don't know, man. Maybe I just need more episodes. But they totally should have picked someone more...minivan looking. Or, like, curvier and depressed. I just have this idea in my head and she is so far off. How the fuck do I have an idea in my head of a character I knew nothing about before I watched the show? SIGH @ me.
Anyway. I'm pumped. I love when a cool new show comes around, even though my TV schedule is already fucking full enough. I love how I think it's cool to be ~busy~ with too much TV watching. No, seriously, I think it's something to brag about. Should I...die?
I just read on the imdb page that this shit is a 17 year long hunt. Yo, I'm going to have to wait until I'm dead for some real fucking answers, right? OH BOY (in a good way. for now.)
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