Saturday, January 4, 2014

I Miss You: NVR4GT

Never forget...

Jung-woo having more chemistry with Soo-yeon's mom, than Soo-yeon. Never forget him constantly referring to her as his girlfriend while never once referring to Soo-yeon as such. Or, does he? I don't think he does. The fact that I can't remember says everything. Or nothing. 

Also never forget Jung-woo having more chemistry with Jung-myung. Never forget them going on multiple dates and calling each other husband. 

Never forget Jung-woo having more chemistry with his fucking fuzzy mock turtleneck

than Soo-yeon. Also, never forget the fuzzy mock turtleneck.

Never forget...

the creepy janitor lady. This show actually did a good job with that...~surprise~, because seriously when Jung-woo went to her house and slowly pulled out the basket with the child's uniform in it I was like: 

Lord, Jesus. That was some pretty good stuff. 

Never forget...

How Ah-reum's (cool name, btdubs) hair was like this at first

but then was like this

literally two seconds later. WHAT HAPPENED AND WHY WASN'T THIS ADDRESSED?? 

The longer, darker hair seems's her real hair, right? At first I was like...maybe...they filmed the latter episdoes a year later or something???, no. I think...the shorter, lighter hair is a wig. Right? BUT WHY? FOR WHAT? The wig is fine. The longer hair, also fine. But, um, the show doesn't jump time after the initial "fourteen years later" thing. Or even span over an extended period. Maybe...everything after episode 5 happens in a few weeks? Probably longer, but definitely not long enough for this bitch to have grown like two feet of fucking hair. COME ON, YOU FUCKING DISASTER. I get that Ah-reum is super insignificant. I get that the creatives behind the show were prob like "No one cares about Ugh-reum, so no one will notice we took her wig off." Except, I did. And it was distracting. Like, if this show was really good and didn't make me so blind with rage every episode, maybe I could have ignored it. But since this show was not good and did make me blind with rage every episode, I could not. Go home, show. You're drunk. 

p.s. Now, I'm thinking maybe they filmed the latter episodes first and maybe she cut her hair before they filmed the earlier episodes? But...why would she do that? Annnnnnnd why wouldn't someone who handles hair have made her a wig to wear while filming to maintain consistency? Like, I'm thinking possibly she had to change her hair for another role or something? Fine, but...make her a long wig for this show to wear so that I don't have to interrupt my subtitle reading to ask aloud "What the fuck happened to this bitch's hair? Did she get a yaki??" GOD, THIS REALLY BOTHERED ME LIKE WAS THIS SHOW EVEN TRYING??

Speaking of not even trying...

Never forget...

Han Tae-joon. 

Yo, like, what is up with this dude? The show wants to portray him as a man who only sees dollar signs (or won signs, sorry). He's all about the Benjamins (wons??) and doesn't give a shit about anything else. For someone solely obsessed with money, he sure is terrible at it. Like, keeping it and stuff. Isn't this whole show based around the fact that Harry's mom has money Han Tae-joon wants? Which he never ever gets even though it's his whole purpose in life. THE MONEY IS RIGHT IN THE NURSE BITCH'S HAND WHEN HE GOES TO VISIT HER IN ONE SCENE AND HE JUST LEAVES HER APARTMENT WITHOUT INSPECTING THE SUSPICIOUS LUGGAGE SHE'S CARRYING. Or, her home? Maybe? Like, good job, ya tried real real hard. That's all that matters. 

He's a fucking incompetent, and suspiciously lazy for someone who only has one entire interest to occupy the place where his brain should be. In the ~fourteen years later~ scenes it appears he's having money troubles with his bank. THIS DUDE IS TERRIBLE AT MONEY WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE THE PRESIDENT OF A FUCKING BANK! How are you going to devote your entire being to a subject and be the worst at it? TRĂˆ CONFUSED. 

And what is going on with him as the patriarch? I'm sorry, was Ah-reum supposed to be Hwang Mi-ran's daughter with him? ARE YOU TELLING ME that...Mi-ran and Han Tae-joon had sexual intercourse? Nah, fuck off. He probably accidentally ejaculated while washing his dick in the shower. Mi-ran goes to take a shower directly after him and for some reason uses the same dick-washing cloth to wash her lady garden. BLAMMO, AH-REUM NINE MONTHS LATER! There's no way these two did the horizontal jimmy jam. GROSS. Their interactions are so cold my fucking eyeballs were getting frostbite just struggling to read the subtitles of their horribly uncomfortable conversations. Did Han Tae-joon order this bitch off the internet? Why did he even bother? WHY EVEN BOTHER? He says he brought Mi-ran in to raise Jung-woo. BUT IN THE EARLIER SCENES SHE IS BEING A TOTAL BITCH TO HIM. And not in a tough-love, Tiger Mom (wrong culture, I know) kind of way. Just in a shitty, Cinderella's step-mom type of way. Baby Jung-woo even says at one point "I'm not your enemy". Or was that Adult Jung-woo? Might have been both. Either way: SO TRUE, GIRL. So true. Your enemy is the douchebro telling you to fuck off in every scene. 

I can't even get into Han Tae-joon's relationship with his kids. Mostly his "relationship" with Jung-woo. It's too upsetting. Just, everything he does/says to Jung-woo. What a legitimately horrible person. But, also, this character is really 2-D. Like, why is he just a straight-up villain? Can I at least get some backstory on this monster? This can't be all there is. Well, I guess it is, since that's all the writers of the show...wrote. Good job in a sarcastic way. 

Never forget...

Hair Catastrophe #2

What was this about? 

I already addressed this in my I <3 Harry post, needs to be brought up again. 

W H Y??

No, seriously. I am not familiar with Korean ~style~. Maybe, this hairstyle is just super popular and it's not weird at all for two main characters to have the exact same hair?? I DON'T CARE, IT WAS WEIRD FOR ME. Why did Jung-woo change his hair? Was it an attempt to get Zoey's ditzy ass to confuse him for Harry? Was he like "I know how I'll get this trick to trust me: I'll turn into her pseudo-captor! She will transfer her weird Stockholm Syndrome-y feelings for him onto me! Brilliant, Jung-woo. You're the greatest, the best around!" He says all this to himself in the mirror whilst artfully flat-ironing his bangs in a side-swept way across his dumb forehead. Jung-woo probably didn't even use heat protectant spray BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING COPY CAT AMATEUR! 

Never forget...

The Dunkin Donuts product placement. South Korea's (this is South Korea, right??) Dunkin Donuts looks way more awesome than the shit we have here in New Jersey, America. Cooler cups. Cooler pastries. Just a cooler, overall, cool guy vibe. It was very exciting for me to look at but not have. Also, one of my favorite things was when...I think Harry and his ~French laywer~ are talking in a car. The French laywer has brought them coffees. Harry smells his coffee and says something like "I love the aroma" and there's this long pause. IT WAS THE BEST/WORST THING. Ugh, so good. You can tell this show is a disaster zone based on everything I just wrote in this paragraph and also everything else in other paragraphs I wrote about this show. One of my fave things in a show should not be a character saying a line specifically written to promote a sponsor. What a mess. That being said, hey Dunkin Donuts, bring those cool looking cups over here to New Jersey. Okay, thank you, even though I don't like your coffee and will never go inside any of your stores again even if you do change the cups!! :) Actually, I might. Your iced coffee is passable. Don't give up hope just yet! (uggh)

Never forget...

Those dumb ass clothesline hair clips. Or, how, like, Soo-yeon wore one at her trash wedding...

This was me every time someone wore a fucking clothesline pin in their hair like it was the cutest thing ever:

Yeah, no, I can't. I can't talk about this show anymore. Secretly, I mildly loved it even though it was terrible in every conceivable way. I like bad things. No, okay, this wasn't terrible. Actually, I often have a hard time being able to tell if a foreign show or movie is bad, due to me spending the majority of my time reading subtitles. I have had years of watching foreign-stuff experience, though. Like, I'm getting good at being able to tell when a French film is shit. But I'm way too new to these Korean TV dramas. I need at least thirty of them under my belt before I can start being able to genuinely discern what is bad acting/storytelling and what is good. Right now I can only decipher what I personally do and don't like. I am not able to objectively criticize. I would definitely recommend this one, though - at least for a one off. But I'll probably watch this show again sometime down the line because: Harry. Actually, hopefully I'll find the actor (Yoo Seung-ho) in other, better shows so I never have to watch this again. That would be most good.

Okay, bye. 

*American Girl Voice*: Byebyeeeee 

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