Yo, this show was wild! lol omg
I watched this...because I think it was compared in Serial. Which...I liked. Or, maybe liked is the wrong word lol, but I was into it. The Jinx was definitely not like Serial at all for me because I 100,000%%% believed Robert killed all those people. LIKE, COME ON. Did Adnan kill Hae? Look, probably. But I'm still hella suspicious of Jay, and maybe...you know, maybe it was that other serial killer guy!! But there's no Jay or other serial killer guy in The Jinx. Just Robert's creepy ass being creepy looking like a fucking murderer being obviously extremely absolutely guilty.
So watching this show wasn't about me trying to...like determine if Robert killed his wife, Susan and that old dude. He obviously did - even admitting to killing and dismembering his neighbor best friend 4ever. No, what was fascinating about this show was just watching Robert, who despite being sort of off and clearly a psychopath (???), he's lowkey charming and fun to watch? Did I just call him charming hmm I should get my life together. But I could see how Jarecki formed an attachment to him and was having ~~weird complicated~~ feelings and shit. BUT WHOO BOY!! Like I was getting mad that he was hesitant about confronting Robert in the final episode, but at the same time I was scared for him and was like "um, maybe don't. This is gonna be hella awkward". AND OMG WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING AND YOU COULD SEE JARECKI'S FUCKING HAND SHAKING WITH THE PAPERS. Nah, I would've punked out extra quick, like "lol, haha never mind. Jus kiddin', Bobby!" and like slapped him on the shoulder and ran out of the room. WHICH IS SORT OF LOWKEY WHAT HAPPENED AFTER ANDREW SHOWED BOB LIKE THE HANDWRITING COMPARISONS OMFG. Like--CAN WE TALK ABOUT ROBERT FUCKING BURPING. ARE YOU KIDDDDDINGGMGMGMGM EMEMEMEMEE.EEMEME. That was the most uncomfortable fucking shit I have ever seen in my life. But also simultaneously hilarious. Like I thought he was going to throw up right there on Jarecki's lap and it was making me nauseous but also I was laughing because he was just fucking crumbling and it was beautiful. IT WAS SO GREAT!! And then Bob is like "yeah Beverly is spelled wrong..........................................." OMG LIKE HELLO THIS IS OBVIOUSLY YOUR HANDWRITING. I sort of wanted Andrew to be like "UM OKAY BUT YOU DEFINITELY WROTE BOTH OF THESE THINGS! JUST ADMIT IT, YOU BITCH!!" BUT 1. I can see how like terrifying that would be to do lol and 2. maybe he wasn't allowed to confront Bob aggressively like that? But 3. probably he was just afraid what would happen if he did lol because come on wow but 4. I still sort of wanted him to go awf on Bob like screaming in his face DID YOU KILL YOUR WIFE, BOB? TELL ME TELLL MEE!!! Wow that would've been great. But at least they gave me that amazing audio of Bob fucking being an idiot basically confessing everything in the bathroom. Like, fucking dry-heaving but it sounded sort of wet...and being all "...and the burping" lol and then like "I killed them all, of course". YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP. No, seriously, watching this, in my head I was like: "fake", because it's just too fucking perfect. Or Robert is too fucking dumb?? Both?!??!
But seriously, even before that final episode, this show was just giving me life. And also it was really disturbing. Like I was laughing a lot because so many things were just legitimately funny to me - like just a lot of shit Robert would be saying and how obviously he'd be lying about shit, and just his overall misanthropic ass attitude. But then I'd be super-bothered by things. Like........wtf happened the night his mother died? Why...was she on the roof? And why did his dad wake him up to watch her? All I got from that is that he knew she was going to jump and like brought the kid out to make her feel bad about doing it? But clearly Robert's face maybe...inspired her to go on ahead?? Nah, I'm just joking - but this is 100% how it went down though, right sooo??
Um another thing that was disturbing was when that dude I think named Sareb or something discovered the letter in Susan's possessions and like has that lightbulb confirmation moment that Bob was definitely the one who rote the "cadaver" note and he's like choking up with tears and shit and I'm like "omg"...but then later I feel like...he sort of gave Robert the heads-up that Jarecki & co had some info on him and were going to ask about it and that's why Bob was postponing? Or am I wrong about that??? I was disturbed, most of all, though, by Sareb's questionable facial hair choices.
Also when they showed Kathy's niece and she looked just like her - hmmm that was disconcerting. That made me uncomfortable. It was like Kathy talking...hmm.
Another thing that really bothered me is that apparently Andrew thinks Ryan Gosling looks anything like Robert? Um, hello, cast Mathieu Amalric - you really fucked up with that one. Stick to documentaries, thanx.
I haven't read the news, because who reads the news??? But apparently Robert has been picked up in New Orleans? Which means nothing to me like he'll probably figure some way to weasel himself out of whatever charges. He's like untouchable in some poor little rich boy sort of way, I think. Like he wants a struggle so bad or something, I don't know. But the moral of this story is that HBO needs to stop fucking around and give me my second fucking season of True D even though Vince Vaughn is in it and ugh maybe not never mind.
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